Mark Morgan's "Vault Archives" available again

They're working on an internet worm to patch every existing Fallout install with their copyright information.
I noticed in my local mega-store that the "Fallout Collection" of Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics has a big "COPYRIGHT BETHESDA SOFTWORKS AND ZENIMAX MEDIA" on it or something. Pretty lame...
Wonder if Bethesda would send me sticker, so I can adjust my Fallout boxes accordingly. Not that I would ever do it, but I still wonder...
Little Robot said:
I noticed in my local mega-store that the "Fallout Collection" of Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics has a big "COPYRIGHT BETHESDA SOFTWORKS AND ZENIMAX MEDIA" on it or something. Pretty lame...

All of the recent ones pretty much have them. I don't think the source code was edited to include it within the actual games though.
Elven6 said:
Little Robot said:
I noticed in my local mega-store that the "Fallout Collection" of Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics has a big "COPYRIGHT BETHESDA SOFTWORKS AND ZENIMAX MEDIA" on it or something. Pretty lame...

All of the recent ones pretty much have them. I don't think the source code was edited to include it within the actual games though.

Don't give them ideas like that.
I wonder if MM edited them again before rereleasing? Some of the tracks (desert wind for example) were pretty over-compressed and even clipped on some points.
and people still havnt loost respect for Bethesda / Zenimax ?

Pretty disgusting what they do to the work of others.
If we are talking about the copyright information on the bottom of the boxes, I don't think it's all that outlandish or terrible. They are the copyright holders, Interplay or Black Isle does not hold the copyright. While it would be nice that Interplay and Black Isle is given credit on the box (maybe they are given credit, haven't looked at the box in some time), it's not really that big of a deal. The people who made the games still get credit, in the intro credit screens and fully in the ending credits roll. Now, if Bethesda or ZeniMax has changed the in game credits and given themselves wrongful credit in making the old games, then that's disgusting. But really now, the box is just stating who currently holds the copyright.
RoseKilla said:
Elven6 said:
Little Robot said:
I noticed in my local mega-store that the "Fallout Collection" of Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics has a big "COPYRIGHT BETHESDA SOFTWORKS AND ZENIMAX MEDIA" on it or something. Pretty lame...

All of the recent ones pretty much have them. I don't think the source code was edited to include it within the actual games though.

Don't give them ideas like that.

My uneducated guess is that they would likely have to do that if they get full control of the IP since they wouldn't have the rights to the Interplay or Black Isle names unless they're renegotiated for the purpose of the re-releases. There are a few games that do this already so I assume this is the reason why.

Not a lawyer/not legal advice, you know the drill. :D
verevoof said:
If we are talking about the copyright information on the bottom of the boxes, I don't think it's all that outlandish or terrible. They are the copyright holders, Interplay or Black Isle does not hold the copyright. While it would be nice that Interplay and Black Isle is given credit on the box (maybe they are given credit, haven't looked at the box in some time), it's not really that big of a deal. The people who made the games still get credit, in the intro credit screens and fully in the ending credits roll. Now, if Bethesda or ZeniMax has changed the in game credits and given themselves wrongful credit in making the old games, then that's disgusting. But really now, the box is just stating who currently holds the copyright.

Youre probably right and you make sense. I just still find it "distugsting". Even if its just about the "copyright". I mean well many at Bethesda told many times how deep and great fans they are with the past games and how much respect they have with the orginal developers and that they wanted to continue the game with Fallout 3 making a proper sequel yada yada bla bla. Now tell me. Is their kind of "policy" really looking like that statement is true ?
Crni Vuk said:
verevoof said:
If we are talking about the copyright information on the bottom of the boxes, I don't think it's all that outlandish or terrible. They are the copyright holders, Interplay or Black Isle does not hold the copyright. While it would be nice that Interplay and Black Isle is given credit on the box (maybe they are given credit, haven't looked at the box in some time), it's not really that big of a deal. The people who made the games still get credit, in the intro credit screens and fully in the ending credits roll. Now, if Bethesda or ZeniMax has changed the in game credits and given themselves wrongful credit in making the old games, then that's disgusting. But really now, the box is just stating who currently holds the copyright.

Youre probably right and you make sense. I just still find it "distugsting". Even if its just about the "copyright". I mean well many at Bethesda told many times how deep and great fans they are with the past games and how much respect they have with the orginal developers and that they wanted to continue the game with Fallout 3 making a proper sequel yada yada bla bla. Now tell me. Is their kind of "policy" really looking like that statement is true ?

It's just business, y'know.
Crni Vuk said:
and people still havnt loost respect for Bethesda / Zenimax ?

Pretty disgusting what they do to the work of others.

Not that I had all that much respect for Beth, but no, I havnt loost it . See, they are the guys that resurrected the franchise, made it popular and let the guys behind FO2 do a proper sequel. That's worth respecting.

So yeah, I don't see anything 'purtey disgustin' in them reclaiming the intellectual property they bought. Not to mention that most of the time they do such stuff because they want to stop the rotten and stinky walking corpse that is Interplay from cashing in on the franchise they nearly killed back in 2004
Surf Solar said:
It's just business, y'know.
That doesnt mean its ineherently "alright". Not in my book.

Vik said:
Crni Vuk said:
and people still havnt loost respect for Bethesda / Zenimax ?

Pretty disgusting what they do to the work of others.

Not that I had all that much respect for Beth, but no, I havnt loost it . See, they are the guys that resurrected the franchise, made it popular and let the guys behind FO2 do a proper sequel. That's worth respecting.

So yeah, I don't see anything 'purtey disgustin' in them reclaiming the intellectual property they bought. Not to mention that most of the time they do such stuff because they want to stop the rotten and stinky walking corpse that is Interplay from cashing in on the franchise they nearly killed back in 2004
Resurrect ? either youre making a joke which I am missing here or youre really trying to be serious. For the case you are serious. Do you really think there was a "need" to resurrect it ?
Well, I guess it all boils down to a person's definition of the term "f***ing dead". When the last good game in a franchise was made in 1998 and the idiot and half dead publisher killed a true sequel in 2003, I think it's as close as a franchise can get to f***ing dead. So yeah, there was a need to resurrect it. At least I was tired of playing the same 2 games whenever I wanted some fallout.

And we got New Vegas in the end, which is probably as close as we'll ever get to a proper Fallout sequel. If interplay hadn't sold the franchise, maybe some Fallout tactics 2 would be in development hell for the next 5 years until Interplay would finally die like it should have. And in a year or two will anyway.
I see Vegas as a great roleplaying game. but its not a proper fallout game in my eyes. But thats my oppinion.