Mark Morgan's "Vault Archives" available again

Am I missing something? So Bethesda doesn't make the guy charge money, doesn't steal the music to sell themselves, doesn't ban it entirely. . . they just insist on a proper copyright notification? What, exactly, is so evil here?
Here? Nothing. The fact that it was pulled in the first place? Pretty douchey. And very Bethesda-esque. Don't forget the replacement-guides farce. They're a bit...overprotective, they are.
It was all about Bethesda trying to be the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Much pounding of the chest and pawing at the ground. Once they got their banana (copyright notation), they were happy.
Kind of feels to me as if they want to make everyone clear that they are the ones who own Fallout and everything that belongs to it. A little bit like some kid who runs around and screams "THIS IS MY TOY!"

But maybe it's just me.
See, the thing is this - Bethesda screams "this is mah toy" not because they are total dicks, but because Interplay just doesn't want to fuck off and die already. If there was no Interplay constantly taking toys from the toy box that Bethesda bought, none of this would probably happen.

It is worth mentioning that Fallout is really huge right now. While some of you might hate Fallout 3, it did the franchise a really huge favor by bringing a new generation into the wasteland. Believe it or not, but out of many people who didn't know about F1/2 before buying F3, a ton of them actually bought the classic Fallout games after finishing F3.

And this is partly how Interplay pisses Bethesda off, by scoring profit from increased F1/2/trilogy sales. Well, that and dicking around with a potentially good MMO license.
Vik said:
See, the thing is this - Bethesda screams "this is mah toy" not because they are total dicks, but because Interplay just doesn't want to fuck off and die already. If there was no Interplay constantly taking toys from the toy box that Bethesda bought, none of this would probably happen.

It is worth mentioning that Fallout is really huge right now. While some of you might hate Fallout 3, it did the franchise a really huge favor by bringing a new generation into the wasteland. Believe it or not, but out of many people who didn't know about F1/2 before buying F3, a ton of them actually bought the classic Fallout games after finishing F3.

And this is partly how Interplay pisses Bethesda off, by scoring profit from increased F1/2/trilogy sales. Well, that and dicking around with a potentially good MMO license.

Interplay isn't taking anything they aren't entitled to, if Bethesda wanted the distribution rights to the old Fallout games they would have included them in their offer. If they wanted MMO rights they would have included that as well. As per the contract they signed, Interplay retained the rights to distribute the original Fallout games on PC as well as the rights to do any MMO Fallout thing.

Also, Bethesda receives royalties on all of this stuff anyway so it's not like they are left on the sidelines here while Interplay reaps the benefits.

And the Fallout Trilogy was selling well before Fallout 3 released, it's hard to deny that new people may have discovered them as a result though and I think this is something Interplay banked on with the MMO.

Lastly, given the e-mail messages on the Vault predating the lawsuit, I'm guessing Interplay must be raging Hulk mad at Bethesda.

I really don't understand where these type of theories come from, this entire ordeal is pretty well documented and most of the big gaming sites seem to have covered the issue pretty well yet you will always have people spouting misconceptions on various comment pages, threads, etc (not directed at you btw, just something I've noticed in general about the case).
Does anyone know if Interplay receives any profits or royalties from Bethesda's Fallout games - Fallout 3 - NV, etc?
.Pixote. said:
Does anyone know if Interplay receives any profits or royalties from Bethesda's Fallout games - Fallout 3 - NV, etc?

I'm 99.9% sure that they don't, only the old games.

Speaking of which, I don't think Interplay has the rights to redistribute Brotherhood of Steel, HD remake in the cards at Beth? Hmm... :lol:
Make that 100% sure. Interplay gets nothing from new games.

Interplay has the rights to redistribute BoS, but they can't port it to new consoles because that'd entail modifying and thus releasing a new version. They can only rerelease the old one. Useless.
Brother None said:
Interplay has the rights to redistribute BoS, but they can't port it to new consoles because that'd entail modifying and thus releasing a new version. They can only rerelease the old one. Useless.

Xbox is backwards compatible, though, right? And they are allowed to change the packaging I assume, so they could probably still sell it.
I'd bet there are still idiots who'd buy it. Maybe Herve is reading here, awesome idea man!
Crni Vuk said:
I see Vegas as a great roleplaying game. but its not a proper fallout game in my eyes. But thats my oppinion.

It's an OK game but a bit too raw and unfinished. With a bit more polish it'd be great, but I doubt that'll happen.
Brother None said:
Make that 100% sure. Interplay gets nothing from new games.

Interplay has the rights to redistribute BoS, but they can't port it to new consoles because that'd entail modifying and thus releasing a new version. They can only rerelease the old one. Useless.

I assume it depends on what qualifies as modifications, didn't the Fallout Collection use community patches?

Little Robot said:
Brother None said:
Interplay has the rights to redistribute BoS, but they can't port it to new consoles because that'd entail modifying and thus releasing a new version. They can only rerelease the old one. Useless.

Xbox is backwards compatible, though, right? And they are allowed to change the packaging I assume, so they could probably still sell it.

The Xbox 360 is partially backwards compatible and the PS3 is hit or miss depending on which model you have. Fallout: BoS isn't backwards compatible but games like Dark Alliance (which run on the same engine IIRC) are. So in theory, if they were to ever re-release BoS the PS3 would be the only plausible console unless Microsoft decides to pick up patching again.

I don't think any company will release it though simply due to the canon/story issues, I heard on a gameplay standpoint it wasn't bad but I've never played it so I can't comment on that.

Funny story, I have an old issue of OXM that was advertising Brotherhood of Steel when it first released. I thought "this looks interesting" and then never thought about the game again until a few months ago.
I honestly should make a "Lets play" article for FOBOS/FOPOS to show in what ways its so bad and why Fallout 3 seems to have a lot in common with it.

Sadly I don't have the cable to hook my PS2 up to my PC.

In general there were only four ideas in it I liked and those are mostly concept wise.
I love this soundtrack, one of my favorites from any game. Very atmospheric and helps sculpt the overall feeling of the game very well.
Elven6 said:
Interplay isn't taking anything they aren't entitled to, if Bethesda wanted the distribution rights to the old Fallout games they would have included them in their offer. If they wanted MMO rights they would have included that as well. As per the contract they signed, Interplay retained the rights to distribute the original Fallout games on PC as well as the rights to do any MMO Fallout thing.

Also, Bethesda receives royalties on all of this stuff anyway so it's not like they are left on the sidelines here while Interplay reaps the benefits.

And the Fallout Trilogy was selling well before Fallout 3 released, it's hard to deny that new people may have discovered them as a result though and I think this is something Interplay banked on with the MMO.

Lastly, given the e-mail messages on the Vault predating the lawsuit, I'm guessing Interplay must be raging Hulk mad at Bethesda.

I really don't understand where these type of theories come from, this entire ordeal is pretty well documented and most of the big gaming sites seem to have covered the issue pretty well yet you will always have people spouting misconceptions on various comment pages, threads, etc (not directed at you btw, just something I've noticed in general about the case).
Interplay has a few silly rights left, sure. But I can also see how it can annoy Bethesda, the owner of the franchise, when some small and half dead idiot company like Interplay is cashing in on Beth's success and wasting a good MMO license.

Ausdoerrt said:
Crni Vuk said:
I see Vegas as a great roleplaying game. but its not a proper fallout game in my eyes. But thats my oppinion.

It's an OK game but a bit too raw and unfinished. With a bit more polish it'd be great, but I doubt that'll happen.

Fallout 3 is an ok game. FNV is a lot more than an ok game, it's a good game. Don't see how it's raw or unfinished either, apart from a few bugs.
Lexx said:
Kind of feels to me as if they want to make everyone clear that they are the ones who own Fallout and everything that belongs to it. A little bit like some kid who runs around and screams "THIS IS MY TOY!"

But maybe it's just me.

I like the metaphor someone made with Bethesda as a gorila that stomps on the ground, screaming and crying hiting his chest till you give him that banana.

But yes youre right too lexx :D

Vik said:
Fallout 3 is an ok game. FNV is a lot more than an ok game, it's a good game. Don't see how it's raw or unfinished either, apart from a few bugs.
Hey no problem with it if YOU feel FNV is a great game I really respect that. But I think it is not just great or just bad ~ I think there is a lot inbetween. It has its moments, it has mediocre parts and things it is doing "bad". Like the Legion or its questline which is totaly short and uninspiring (well their whole representation). The visual aperance of the Strip os a huge let down in my eyes. The factions like NCR and House have been rather mediocre in my eyes (particularly house I found a bit "too" weird but thats really just my oppinion, I might be biased as I really dissliked house). Not to mention many of the "visuals" which are just pretty limited (and remember me way to much to F3 and I mean com on ... did they had to make the Legion look THAT ridiculous as the NCR looked pretty great visualy speaking). It seems the economy behind the strip is neither very well developed but thats more or less just nitpicking now.

I like Obsidian and FNV like most do. But just because its "the closest possible Fallout" we have doesnt I mean i just close my eyes and covering my ears with my hand sitting in a courner singing lalalalala
Vik said:
Elven6 said:
Interplay isn't taking anything they aren't entitled to, if Bethesda wanted the distribution rights to the old Fallout games they would have included them in their offer. If they wanted MMO rights they would have included that as well. As per the contract they signed, Interplay retained the rights to distribute the original Fallout games on PC as well as the rights to do any MMO Fallout thing.

Also, Bethesda receives royalties on all of this stuff anyway so it's not like they are left on the sidelines here while Interplay reaps the benefits.

And the Fallout Trilogy was selling well before Fallout 3 released, it's hard to deny that new people may have discovered them as a result though and I think this is something Interplay banked on with the MMO.

Lastly, given the e-mail messages on the Vault predating the lawsuit, I'm guessing Interplay must be raging Hulk mad at Bethesda.

I really don't understand where these type of theories come from, this entire ordeal is pretty well documented and most of the big gaming sites seem to have covered the issue pretty well yet you will always have people spouting misconceptions on various comment pages, threads, etc (not directed at you btw, just something I've noticed in general about the case).

Interplay has a few silly rights left, sure. But I can also see how it can annoy Bethesda, the owner of the franchise, when some small and half dead idiot company like Interplay is cashing in on Beth's success and wasting a good MMO license.

Again, if you did your research you would realize Interplay has been trying to get a Fallout MMO off the ground for over a decade now. First with Fargo and later with Caen. If we are looking specifically at Caen's attempt, he has been trying to get an MMO going before Bethesda entered the picture.

If Bethesda was worried about Interplay or any company "annoying" them (which itself is a ridiculous assumption) they would have bought the entire license. And as I've previously stated, according to the aforementioned e-mails Interplay was serious about making sure things were done right with Fallout when it came to promotion, the MMO, etc.

And how exactly is it being wasted? Interplay has attempted to bring back as much of the original team as they possibly could. I highly doubt you've seen anything of the game either to come to such a conclusion. What are you expecting from a Bethesda Fallout MMO assuming they would be willing to do one?
Vik said:
See, the thing is this - Bethesda screams "this is mah toy" not because they are total dicks, but because Interplay just doesn't want to fuck off and die already. If there was no Interplay constantly taking toys from the toy box that Bethesda bought, none of this would probably happen.
This has nothing to do with Interplay nor did forcing Brian Menze to take down his art. It was also probably about more than simply including proper copyright information or it would have been added and neither the music nor the art would have been taken down.

Vik said:
It is worth mentioning that Fallout is really huge right now. While some of you might hate Fallout 3, it did the franchise a really huge favor by bringing a new generation into the wasteland. Believe it or not, but out of many people who didn't know about F1/2 before buying F3, a ton of them actually bought the classic Fallout games after finishing F3.
It completely redefined the franchise, changing it into a completely different beast than it was before. That isn't doing the franchise a favor, that's doing Bethesda's bottom line a favor. Don't forget all of the mudslinging they did toward Fallout 1&2 with all of the talk about that type of game being outdated, amoungst other comments. Comments which their loyal fans and many "journalists" mindlessly repeat.

Vik said:
And this is partly how Interplay pisses Bethesda off, by scoring profit from increased F1/2/trilogy sales.
Fuck Interplay from profiting off of rights specifically reserved for them in the contract written by Bethesda? Sounds like a selfish child to me...

Vik said:
Well, that and dicking around with a potentially good MMO license.
Again, rights specifically reserved to them in the contract which allowed Bethesda to purchase the license for far less than they would have otherwise. Are you suggesting that Bethesda negotiated that contract in bad faith?

Little Robot said:
Xbox is backwards compatible, though, right? And they are allowed to change the packaging I assume, so they could probably still sell it.
Only with select titles, the XBox equivilent of "Greatest Hits" mostly if I remember right.