Mass Effect 3 discussion

Their fighting sucks, other than that, he seems just like any other voice actor to me. Average dude who plays a major role in the game.
Sub-Human said:
Their fighting sucks, other than that, he seems just like any other voice actor to me. Average dude who plays a major role in the game.

Actually the facial expressions suck, isn't?
That's one problem of all ME games, outside of conversation they are most of the time blanks.
OK, the fight is also bad, a cyborg Shepard who killed thousands of Reapers could rip two JV combined.

He must be holding off! :lol:

The graphics appears to be improved a bit and also you don't have the mix between high and low end textures like previous games, at least of what I've see in the video.
The character's movement on the other hand improved A LOT, is much more fluid.

If you pay attention to the vid, you will see a weapon being overheated, so you can't fire.
Then I though to myself, "wait a minute, weapons use heatsink cartridges, how on earth they overheat? You simply change the cartridge and continue to fire".

And that's what happens in the game also, your weapon is overheated and you replace the heatsink (of course you lose precious time doing this in the middle of a battle).
At least this time they are replacing coolness with a little bit of logic reason for the things happening, wich is very good.

For those who doesn't noted, there's a Rachni Reaper queen in the video.

All in all is a very good video.
Well, yeah. They weren't even dealing real blows. They were just caressing each other. It's as if they slowed down their hits but sped up their dialogue and face animations.

Also, who talks to each other while fighting? I'd get pissed and beat the crap out of the guy.
Stress relief, I'd wager. He can't just say that stuff upfront to vwhat remains his commanding officier, so they spar and he lets himself loose. I imagine both of them are holding back; Vega is built like a tank and has the bio-enhancements every Alliance marine has, and Shepard is, well, Shepard. If they really wanted to bash each other's faces in, they could do so in no time.
The whole sequence was weird. They weren't putting any force into the hits. Even kids don't measure their peen like that.

Anyways, it's BioWare. As I said, I don't really expect anything godly from them.
brfritos said:
OK, the fight is also bad, a cyborg Shepard who killed thousands of Reapers could rip two JV combined.

He must be holding off! :lol:

I don't know if you remember, but every time he did that, he was wearing a top of the line combat suit that most likely contains power-assisted limbs.

Thought you might want to consider that factor.
How big is it?

2.1 GB. Standard demo fare.

PC users ain't gonna like this...

Meh, I don't see all the fuss about Origin. the terms are almost identical to Steam's, and some people investigated and saw that it indeed checked only Origin-related files.

On another note, I just finished the demo. Graphics are improved (the opening scene on Earth is very, very pretty), gameplay is very improved (more fluid, slightly faster, AI is more agressive, uses powers, and their shots sometimes pierce cover so just standing behind the same chest-high wall taking potshots won't do; you need to keep moving, also yay grenades), RPG elements seem refined (no loadout choice or weapon customization in the demo, however), and the sound package is impressive. Clint Mansell's music is really good, and seems to have more synth than ME2's which is welcome, and Bioware didn't lie when they said DICE helped to make weapons sound better. They feel much more powerful, and the blue railgun trail only completes the picture.

That said, I have concerns about the narrative. First, the writing is bare-bones at best, and has some cringe-worthy lines occasionally (''We fight or We die!'' no shit Shepard?). Also, there's lots of auto-dialog; during the whole demo, you choose what Shepard says about 4 or 5 times, the rest he just speaks by himself, sometimes going on for entire sentence without player input. Bioware said that it's a demo thing, but I remain unconvinced. I fear that it was made to accommodate their shitty ''Action Mode''. Why the fuck would you play the third part of an action-RPG only for the gunplay, I don't know.

Overall, concerned about the story/dialog, very pleased about everything else. We'll see how it turns out, but it's still a day 1 purchase for me (standard edition, I'm not that much of a fan).
The marketing of ME3...


:eyebrow: :falloutonline:

Like The Who said, I won't get fooled again. The combat is a second rate GoW without the fluid movement, there's A LOT of concerns for the story, the soundtrack is extremelly repetitive and the so called "RPG elements" are a joke.

The image above defines what Bioware wants from ME3.
Well, in truth the writing actually made me *sigh* read the leaked script, at least parts of it (I had it since the day it was released, just didn't read it). I was that worried.

And if it is any indication, it improves. A lot, in some cases. It's like ME2 really; the beginning is directionless and feels forced, while the rest is much better and coherent. I didn't go as far as the endings, so take it with a grain of salt, but the beginning is the nadir of the game's writing as far as I can tell. And in the script the introduction has more exposition, which it desperately needs; ME2 ends with Shepard in his Cerberus ship having just destroyed the Collector Base, ME3 begins with him chilling on Earth and BOOM Reapers attack, with no squadmate in sigh except the Virmire Survivor, with whom he had a falling out mid-ME2, and that douchebag-looking dude. If you didn't play the DLCs I suspect the transition will induce much WTFs.

Not only that, but the mission on Sur'Kesh (second one) doesn't make sense for a reason; half of it was cut for the demo. There's a whole hub, with plenty of conversations, as shown but the beta leaked some time ago.

Also, that concept art is badly chosen; t's the one for a Japanese-made ''sexy'' statue of FemShep. Look anywhere else, and FemShep is not sexualized at all. Ashley is *re-sigh* but at least beyond the first mission you can put her in armor.
Goofed off with the demo and I share similar sentiments. The combat was better but it's still pretty easy, minus the unfortunate grenade toss. It actually feels pretty similar to Modern Warfare 2 or 3, which is not good.

The opening was so forced and poorly written it was cringe worthy, so hopefully that gets better. It just seems like the logical conclusion after Mass Effect 2, which sucks because I loved the original in every possible way and I liked 2 for the most part, hell I played both games twice.

I was even considering replaying 1 and 2 in anticipation of this but I doubt I'll invest this much time now. I'm sure I'll buy it at release anyways, but if the demo is any indication I'm in for a pretty large let down.

But I'll probably play Arrival just so I can get a better idea of what's going on.


And yes, wrex and garrus seemed way out of character, also sucky because their elevator banter in Mass Effect was some of my favorite dialogue in any game.

Garrus' "Why don't I have one of those" line when a Salarian uses some sort of grenade pistol sounds like it was ripped straight from a mid 90's buddy cup film, I could almost hear Martin Lawrence reading that line. Ugh.
sea said:
...I don't want to judge it too early, but I'm just not seeing a major leap and while it's fun, it's also extremely by the numbers and I just can't see myself putting money down for it until it's heavily discounted.

BTW, someone thinks they cutted content of the demo?
I'm not talking about visuals, weapons and such, but actually content.
For example, at the beginning Shepard runs into VS but the cut in dialog is too abrupt, giving the impression they actually have a conversation about whatever.
Or no, what we get in the demo is what we get in the full game?

I honestly did not understanded the purpose of the demo, because if it was a demonstration of the full game, we have nothing of that besides some portions of the combat!

And I agree, while ME1 was nothing revolutionary nor inventive, they at least were trying to make a game with story, combat and depth all related to each other.
Since ME2 the game goes to a much more conservative path and narrative. :|
Ilosar said:
On another note, I just finished the demo. Graphics are improved (the opening scene on Earth is very, very pretty), gameplay is very improved (more fluid, slightly faster, AI is more agressive, uses powers, and their shots sometimes pierce cover so just standing behind the same chest-high wall taking potshots won't do; you need to keep moving, also yay grenades), RPG elements seem refined (no loadout choice or weapon customization in the demo, however), and the sound package is impressive. Clint Mansell's music is really good, and seems to have more synth than ME2's which is welcome, and Bioware didn't lie when they said DICE helped to make weapons sound better. They feel much more powerful, and the blue railgun trail only completes the picture.

That said, I have concerns about the narrative. First, the writing is bare-bones at best, and has some cringe-worthy lines occasionally (''We fight or We die!'' no shit Shepard?). Also, there's lots of auto-dialog; during the whole demo, you choose what Shepard says about 4 or 5 times, the rest he just speaks by himself, sometimes going on for entire sentence without player input. Bioware said that it's a demo thing, but I remain unconvinced. I fear that it was made to accommodate their shitty ''Action Mode''. Why the fuck would you play the third part of an action-RPG only for the gunplay, I don't know.

Overall, concerned about the story/dialog, very pleased about everything else. We'll see how it turns out, but it's still a day 1 purchase for me (standard edition, I'm not that much of a fan).

Thanks dude, that was a nice read. I am really happy that they have payed attention to such details such as the weapon sounds and such. When it comes to weapon sounds you really can't touch DICE, they did an amazing job with the Bad Company games. As for the narrative, well...Mass Effect 2 wasn't really that spectacular either, it did have some cool little stories here and there though.
BTW, someone thinks they cutted content of the demo?
I'm not talking about visuals, weapons and such, but actually content.
For example, at the beginning Shepard runs into VS but the cut in dialog is too abrupt, giving the impression they actually have a conversation about whatever.
Or no, what we get in the demo is what we get in the full game?

I honestly did not understanded the purpose of the demo, because if it was a demonstration of the full game, we have nothing of that besides some portions of the combat!

There are cuts. Less in the intro, as far as the leaks are concerned, but many, many in the second mission. Half of it is gone, in fact, the whole story and conversation half in fact. That demo was purely to show off the combat, which given that it's made to attract new players makes some sense. Bioware also said they wanted it as spoiler-free as possible, which is only acheivable by cutting dialog.

EA did the same with Dragon Age 2, marketing it as action game, but they were a lot more obvious about the cuts. Here I'm just not sure if it's sloppy exposition or cut content. Either way it doesn't really diminish the stupid one-liners or change the fact that they're probably selling the game the wrong way.

I can already tell it's a much better game than Derp Age 2. At least ME3 doesn't have the PC trading bad jokes with a GILF-ed Flemeth minutes after his/her sibling suffered an horrible death at the hands of a giant monstruosity. Not to mention combat and RPG elements being far stronger in ME3.
Ilosar said:
...Bioware also said they wanted it as spoiler-free as possible, which is only acheivable by cutting dialog.

This is ilogic. :shock:

A demo is a "demonstration" of what the game will be, but because the dev do not want spoil something, they cut from it?
And dialogs wasn't the only things cutted.
Why in hell launch a demo then?

That's why people had the worst possible idea of the game regarding dialogs being all automatic, textures being low res, you can't choose your weapons, the story sucks and the graphics being poor.

Imagine iD launching the demo for Doom 3 and saying "we do not want to spoil some things, so you will only use a pistol to kill Mancubus, there's no story - wich Doom 3 hasn't :cool: - and the textures will be all low res", when the recommended systems were one of the most insane hardware requirements of 2004.
Judging by the posts so far, this demo is definitely not worth downloading. I wasn't happy with having to download the Origin to begin with, so I'm happy I haven't done so.