Mass Effect 3 discussion

But ME2 also had companion DLC.

The first was Zaeed, and came free with ANY copy bought new. It also gave access to the Cerberus Network, which meant 5 DLCs total (Firewalker mission pack, two item DLCs, Zaeed, Normandy Crash Site event), free. The second was Kasumi, and was released post-launch. None of those were important to the plot or special by any means, hell they didn't even have dialog wheels unless you were on their unique mission. The From the Ashes DLC contains a Prothean, a super-important part of the lore, as a squadmate. That's like a DLC selling, I don't know, Morte from PST for 10$. Is he absolutely essential? No. He is really important to the game? Fuck yes.

Additionally, deapite solid evidence to the contrary (his voice files are in the demo ffs) Bioware is trying to make us believe that it was completed well after the game went Gold, even if it was (briefly) released to the Xbox Live marketplace yesterday. This is ridiculous.

Apparently Bioware is trying to advertise their game via forcing the UK House of Commons to discuss the existence of aliens and UFOs by having 10,000 British citizens sign an e-petition on the UK's site for petitioning the gov't. I'm not fucking with you all. Would a man with an avatar of Vault Boy grasping a uterus lie to you? Just take a look at this.

What the hell.
But why is he really important to the game? What if his backstory is crap and he serves no further purpose than being there, just like the ME2 DLC companions. Then all this fuzz was about nothing.
But why is he really important to the game? What if his backstory is crap and he serves no further purpose than being there, just like the ME2 DLC companions. Then all this fuzz was about nothing.

Then it's just as bad, since he is the last remnant of the race that saved the universe. The Protheans have a special place in the lore, Liara spent most of her life researching them, hell they are worshipped by the Hanar, and what defines Shepard as special is his ability to understand their language via the Cipher. As such, the opportunity to speak to a live Prothean is extremely significant for anyone who cares about the lore. Turning him into yet another dude in order to be able to sell him as axed launch day DLC would be nothing short of an insult to people who follow the series since the first game. He should be even more significant than Legion, who told us a lot about the universe. But in order to milk him to the fanbase he got axed, his role was severely dimished (according to the leaks) and the fact that he will be unimportant is, as such, a consequence of the decision to sell him as DLC. This should not be tolerated, plain and simple. I can accept money-grabbing to an extent as long as I enjoy the product, but this is going too far.
Lexx said:
But why is he really important to the game? What if his backstory is crap and he serves no further purpose than being there, just like the ME2 DLC companions. Then all this fuzz was about nothing.

Yeah Lexx...

But imagine for a second that the Super Mutants and Nightkin in FNV were released as a DLC in day one?
They have a pivotal part in NV? Nope. They contribute to the events in Hoover Dam, like massing an army? Also nope. They even have important roles in NV? Nope, if you kill Lily there isn't too much repercutions also.

But for fuck's sake, Super Mutants are one of the corner stones of Fallout's lore!
The first and second game are builded around them, is the same with the Protheans, the first game is ALL builded with legends of them and in the second you even discover the enemies you are fighting were actually genetic modified Protheans!

And then you cut the Super Mutants from FNV and sold them as a "DLC day one"?
We are not talking about developing later content, we are talking about cutting a character from the game and selling as something "new".
Is offensive, pure and simple.

I'm a big fan of ME, I like the universe and personal story of some characters more than the gameplay, but I will not buy ME3.
This is too much.
Not only that, but you learn that, in order to make said Super Mutants fit into a 600 MB 10 bucks DLC, their role will be severely cut. Instead of meeting Marcus, learning more about Super Mutants, having quests for Jabobstown ect. you meet Lily on a road and she becomes your companion after a short quest. No backstory. No explanations. Just a Super Mutant dumped into your lap. The player will go ''that's it? you go to the trouble of including a friggin Super Mutant and it's only a short, irrelevant quest to get a glorified additionnal goon?''. Likewise, the Protheans are a vital piece of the Mass Effect lore, and to accomodate him into a short DLC, the guy is basically yet another gun, save for a few tidbits. Legion lite, so to speak. The last remnant of the 50 000 years old civilization who were absolutely crucial in stopping the Reapers in more ways than one. Just a goon that you must pay 10$ for unless you buy that Collector's Edition, which by now is more or less sold out. Superb move, BiowEAre.
Fuck's sake. I pretty much accidentally stumbled upon spoilers, and could not stop reading. I hate myself right now.

Only gonna say that. If you guys don't like happy endings, you're gonna love this game. Because there's absolutely nothing happy here. Even the best ending is impossibly bleak.

I guess I can kinda admire Bioware's guts and willingness to forgo the traditionnal ''hero saves the day, lives forever after and has lots of blue children'' thingie. But they take things really too far. And that's coming from someone who likes sad endings. But at this point it feels like sadism towards anybody who is even remotely invested in the story.

Suffice to say, no the Reaper invasion is most definitely not without consequences. And not being ready will make things even worse.
since I am not going to buy the game at leats for a long time feel free to put the endings you know in spoilers.
Ask and you shall receive.


Link with all the info. The guy played a space-dropped edition (clever marketing, that was, honest) and another guy who got a strategy guide confirmed it. In case link doesn't work anymore, the gist of it is that you either Destroy the Reapers (Paragon), Control them (Renegade, it's that the Illusive Man wanted to do, natch), or Merge synthetics with organics (?). Using the artifact will bring down the Mass Relay network somehow, more or less ending galactic civilization as we know it, and the Destroy option may even blow up the Citadel, again somehow. In every option but Destroy, Shepard dies. Only if you choose Destroy AND have maximum GAW rating (meaning 100% completion more or less) does he survive, and he is stranded somewhere, alone, having flashbacks of different persons. The Normandy crew, again somehow, always crash lands in an uncharted world and is also left stranded, without Shepard, and many of them can also die as well.

Oh, and only the romances begun in ME1 are present in the ending. yes this means that Tali is absent from the flashbacks if you romance her. Yes I fully expect Talimancers to begin murdering Bioware employees in bloody retribution for this offense.

So basically, your ending only determines if everybody is screwed or fucked. No happy ending at all. Albeit the strategy guide hints at a ''surprise'' ending, only available in a New game +. Maybe this one is happier, dunno.

I don't know how you feel so surprised by this. It was obvious from the beginning that it'll end like this (well to me atleast, really, it is not that much of a far fetch).

Ilosar said:
So basically, your ending only determines if everybody is screwed or fucked.

And what is so bad/rageworthy about that?[/spoiler:a983044cf4]
@Surf; Oh, don't get me wrong, I in fact like that they didn't include a sunshine and bunnies ending. I still find it goes slightly overboard, this is supposed to be a space opera about Commander Shepard, ultimate hero after all, but a damn Reaper invasion should have massive consequences. I am not raging, I'm just surprised Bioware has gone that route, albeit DA2 also ended bleakly, and at least ME3 seems to take your choices into account unlike that game.

No, it's the shitstorm on the Bioware boards when their impossibly whiny and emotionally invested fans find out that I anticipate. These boards are bad enough already, they are going to become unvisitable in the following months.

if anything, I am angry that I spoiled myself that much. I would really have liked to be surprised with this in-game.

And a point raised that I concur with is why bother having 7 endings if all of them are so bleak. IMO there should be a ''Reapers win'' ending, and another that is a bit less sadictic towards the main characters. Still tragic, still many sacrifices having been done, but not... that much. [/quote]
I find it a bit shitty that I've read this spoiler. Now I wish I would have not.
This "too overboad ending" fits, IMO - seeing as it creates a new interesting premise to the franchise (which they want to further work on in the future) - IMO. As said I kinda expected something like this, either that what we have now or some sort of device which you discover at the end which connects even to other galaxies opening room for lots of new interesting stuff.

I never cared for the "Opera" aspect of those games anyway, those people crying and raging over some romances always felt (forgive me the pun) "alien" for me. For fucks sake, we are talking about optional content in a videogame here, the resulting "love scene" isn't even a minute long. I always ignored this shit and saw the game as some Sci-Fi light series which (I felt) was a bit more "realistic" than Star Wars etc. ( I loath Star Wars :) ).

So I don't know, I don't visit the Bioboards anyway (thanks to all those questionable people with those romances, discussing the chemistry of Talis pee/sweat etc. I mean seriously...)
I don't know about you people, but I'm f**** loving the end.

Shame I can't survive to see Earth being scorched to the last portion of dirt, but I'm happy regardless.
My real concern is if things will be properlly explained or it will be "space magic".

The fate of the Normandy is corny, BTW.
sea said:
Our friend Rowan Kaiser, who wrote the mind-numbing "Rhythm of the Quest" article about New Vegas, now brings us this "gem":

Kind of tangentially-related but I just wanted to point out how insufferably incorrect this man is about every goddamn thing he writes.

And you even argued with guy the in the comments, telling he don't know squat about RPGs. :lol:
Kudos to you.

And people, if you thinked that it can't get any worse than what we've seen until now, IT CAN!
Take a look at this. Is a video of the actual game, being played in the so called "RPG mode", with the settings configured for Shepard's full control of conversation.

The first thing you will note is that most of the dialogs and worse, the decisions, are automatic.
Then you have another thing I've never imagined seeing in a ME game, pointers on the screen telling what to do!!!

For completition you have Shepard mounting in a cannon and shooting things, a lá CoD! :facepalm:

Is not Gears of Effect or Mass of War my friends, is more fuck' up than this!
OakTable said:
Apparently Bioware is trying to advertise their game via forcing the UK House of Commons to discuss the existence of aliens and UFOs by having 10,000 British citizens sign an e-petition on the UK's site for petitioning the gov't. I'm not fucking with you all. Would a man with an avatar of Vault Boy grasping a uterus lie to you? Just take a look at this.

This is even more weird now that GAME and Gamestation (the only British game stores still around) are no longer selling the Mass Effect 3 collectors edition which was meant to be their exclusive. Bit of an incident occured as they had to refund everyone who brought it and it shows how bad their financial situation is (both are owned by the same company).
brfritos said:
The first thing you will note is that most of the dialogs and worse, the decisions, are automatic.
Then you have another thing I've never imagined seeing in a ME game, pointers on the screen telling what to do!!!

For completition you have Shepard mounting in a cannon and shooting things, a lá CoD! :facepalm:

Is not Gears of Effect or Mass of War my friends, is more fuck' up than this!

This gets even more hilarious in hindsight when you consider that one of Bioware's founders thinks this exact sort of gameplay is why Grand Theft Auto isn't an RPG and also why JRPGs have fallen to the wayside.

"They kept delivering the same thing over and over. They make the dressing better, they look prettier, but it's still the same experience".
Besides the completely outrageous DLC situation and maybe the little overdone marketing and hype machine behind this game, this looks to be a massive improvement over Mass Effect 2. And I don't mean it as in a "But considering Mass Effect 2 was a seriously dumbed down shooter with wonky dialogue mechanics" kind of way, but as in that Mass Effect 3 was a real big turn-around on Bioware's part. They seemed to address some of my biggest problems with Mass Effect 2 (i.e. the fact that in ME2 the game punishes you for taking an evenhanded approach).

God knows I think I'll enjoy this a hell of a lot more than Dragon Age 2. That piece of shit still makes me huff to this day just thinking about it.
Some people watching the streams were disappointed by a lack of dialogue options.

Anyway ending(and general) spoilers:

[spoiler:978d8196ff]None of your choice/consequences in the previous games affect the start of most quests, if a character is dead they are just replaced by a another character. They do affect how quests end.

For the best destroy ending, it's Halo. You know the same ending as Halo 3/Halo Wars/One of the Halo novels.

Also the ending comes down to three paths you can take for a ending, just like Deus Ex. Your galactic points you get in the game decide bad/good endings for two of the choices.[/spoiler:978d8196ff]
agiel7 said:
God knows I think I'll enjoy this a hell of a lot more than Dragon Age 2. That piece of shit still makes me huff to this day just thinking about it.

But the entire gameplay remembers too much DA2. Isn't this a little contradictory? :scratch:

Kilus said:
Some people watching the streams were disappointed by a lack of dialogue options.

Isn't just that, you have the lack of dialog options and some auto-conversations are also making decisions, hence the feeling you have posted in your spoilers.

I think this is far worse, a game supposedly being labeled "RPG" having auto-conversations and now auto-decisions.