Mass Effect 3 discussion

Lexx said:
Played some more. Graphic-wise, I find the game to be totally okay. It has some nice vistas and stuff. Definitive not the "crap" lots of people try to make it.

Also, so far the game is 100% linear. No choices, no consequences, only lots of cutscenes and cover based shooting in tunnel maps. Kind of hilarious to see how Bioware RPGs are less RPG with every new game. Maybe they should try to make the next Doom or something, with romances and stuff.

Yes Lexx, the game isn't THAT bad like people are saying if you like action.
But the holes in the story and the lack of dialog options really hurted the game and this is caused by the auto-dialog and auto-decisions "feature".

The decisions were never in control of the player, but in ME1 and ME2 you have the impression they are, so people were happy with that.
Now you don't even have this, no wonder some players are mad with the game.

If you are into shooters with OK stories and some plot holes ME3 is very competent, but for those looking for a RPG experience the game is actually bad.
It has a RPG mode, right? :roll:
Yes, it's not *that* bad. Currently I'll give the game a 7 of 10. It does have its epic moments and space opera and stuff. But beside this... If someone expects an RPG, they are wrong here. It's a cover based shooter with fancy cutscenes and sometimes some dialog and walking around.
I'm curious about the amount of impact your decisions from previous games have. Is it more than just not having someone available for a squad and some lines of "wish XXX was here" ?
It isn't even really marketed as an RPG anymore, I never felt that any of these games was particullary good in the "RPG" aspect (well, all BioWare games post-Baldur's Gate... :D ) so I never really cared for this aspect much. What you are saying sounds good, silly little extreme space opera with some tweaked combat system, plus SHEPARD. Enough for me to enjoy it, can't wait for Postman who should soon arrive here. :D
Well. But the combat is boring. It's always the same "run to cover, shoot dem bitches!!111 and try not to get killed." In one situation I managed it to capture one of these big mechs with killing the pilot, this was cool and changed the combat feeling. Other than that, it's just always the same, regardless of who is the enemy.

Right now, I am grinding sectors to fill up my military whatever bar. It's really annoying, because I don't want to play multiplayer to fill it up... So instead I have to get every sector to 100% or something.
I've managed to put some 23 hours or so in this game. It ain't an RPG, but it definitely has it's moments and it managed to make my mass errect. :D

Still haven't beaten it though.
Finally got the damn thing to work. Had to reinstall Origin twice. Ain't DRM lovely?

As for the game, I'm having a blast. The demo mission was the worst part yet, because of the abusive auto-dialog (it's less bad elsewhere, albeit still a WTF decision) and all-around bad writing. About 6 hours in so far and this aspect improves considerably. The amount of continuity nods and flavor text is staggering; for example, if at the end of ME1 you sacrificed the Alliance fleet to save the Council, it's worth less War Assets in ME3 and the texte points it out. The cameos are well integrated and really nice (met Thane and Barla Von so far). I'm pleased that, of my 6 hours, about 2 was gameplay, the rest was conversing, cutscenes (of which there are a bit much, I agree), exploring the new and very much improved Citadel/Normandy, and reading the Codex or associated materials. I just now understand that the universe is what draws me the most to the ME series, right after the characters.

[spoiler:795b484b36] Which makes the endings even moe brutal, since the universe is fundamentally changed and the characters are just ditched on a random planet and forgotten. WTF Bioware? [/spoiler:795b484b36]
I just recently lost my saves from first two games, virus attack and i had to format my drive. Is there a manual decision input like in the second game or am i screwed.
I hate the Citadel even more now. I'd argue that the Mass Effect 1 Citadel was probably my favorite hub in gaming history, but it seems so stale and safe now.

The game also did a horrible job of explaining that the Repears had invaded the entire galaxy, it seemed like just Earth until people on the Citadel start bringing up "the war". Horrible story telling right there.

But all in all the main plot does seem to be a solid improvement over Mass Effect 2, hopefully the side missions are as good.
haven't played it yet but looking at it just like in ME2 there are specific moments and faces - Shepard being number one on this that the faces outright scare me :) and some that are better

funny how only a handful of games get this right while the others are OK with having super quality models and thats that - lately the only ones seem to be Rage ... older ones would be Bloodlines, and Half Life 2

the eyes are the problem 90% of the time - eyelid position, eyebrows and focus and targetting that mess everything up - fix that and it gets way better fast
I gotta say I really enjoy the combat in this game. It's much less "hide behind object, then pop their heads", you have to be really flexible on the battlefield, run from here to there, enemies flank you, have more classes and techniques (those enemy turrets sure do hurt quite a bit ) and so on. I first worried the game might be too easy, but this was only the case in the first two missions.

Also, the art direction and atmosphere improved a lot, or atleast came a bit back to the roots of ME1. I really enjoy it.

Only thing I hate so far is that they really went overboard with this romance shit. It's like BioWare wants to troll non-Biodrones with the totally ridicolous amount of characters who want to hump Shepard. I don't fucking want anything to do with those romances, yet I sometimes engage in "flirts" when I don't even want that.. What the fuck...
They do it well when NPCs bring up aspects of relationships or sexuality. Like the armory officer that mentions having a husband back on Earth. It's telling me, the player, that in 218x same gendered relationships are accepted, even in the military. It flows so much better than Liara saying,
"this is a device that will save the galaxy, do you still wanna be together?"
Aaaannnnnnnd beaten! :D

I must say that I liked the ending. It was a lot better compared to some of the crappy endings I saw last year.(Yes RAGE...I'm looking at you! :evil: )

Also, Clint Mansell did an awesome job on the soundtrack.
Moar impressions; it just keeps getting better and better, I need to wrestle myself out of my computer to stop playing, hasn't happened since I played Human Revolution at least. The soundtrack is absolutely top notch, Mansell found a great balance between ME1's synth and ME2's more bombastic orchestras. Atmosphere is very good too, you feel like this is a war, and an hopeless one at that. New characters are generally interesting; Cortez and Samantha are nice to have around, Vega is kind of a douche, but he's balanced by the awesomeness of the returning crew (Wrex stays on the Normandy! I mean cmon). The main quests got increased in depth, and many side-quests are also much better now, having a story weaved around them connected to the main plot and tangible rewards (getting the Claymore shotgun for my Vanguard AND meeting Grunt in one really well-crafted mission, whose existence depends ojn a choice made in ME1? Hell yes please).

Also, while this may not be TW2, actions and decisions do have consequences, moreso than in the first two games, noticeably in the form of War Assets. Past actions can increase or decrease the Assets you get, and you can sometimes choose between more Assets or more personnal bonuses. It's not game-changing, but there are many little touches.

Writing is also good, better than ME2 and DA2 at any rate. The Citadel has some true gems. I couldn't stop laughting at Blasto's show. You'll know when you see it.

Gameplay is really extremely good. Not repetitive at all, each mission has it's own gimmick that make it interesting, and it seems they all feature a new enemy or weapon. Variety is the name of that game. While the levels are certainly linear, many big rooms are very open, and the enemies will mercilessly flank you or spam greandes, or block key chokepoints with those damn turrets. Many things to look out for, I absolutely adore the high risk-high reward gamelay of my Vanguard.

That said, some things bug me. A few side quests are just about overhearing someone talking on the Citadel, going to a planet, scanning while avoiding Reapers (which is an annoying minigame, but at least it's much less tedious than farming minerals), probing the item, then speaking to the person again. Boring stuff. Also, EDI, and by extension Joker. Seriously, Bioware, was this really neccessary? What is this, Austin Powers? Also, the dream sequence with the kid? I know the stakes, every second mission has many people die to the Reapers. Stop hammering me over the head with the damn kids.

Still, very pleased so far, if this keeps up we have the best game in the series right here.
Serge 13 said:
Aaaannnnnnnd beaten! :D

Beaten here too, I liked a lot of certain aspects.

Ilosar said:
That said, some things bug me. A few side quests are just about overhearing someone talking on the Citadel, going to a planet, scanning while avoiding Reapers (which is an annoying minigame, but at least it's much less tedious than farming minerals), probing the item, then speaking to the person again. Boring stuff. Also, EDI, and by extension Joker. Seriously, Bioware, was this really neccessary? What is this, Austin Powers? Also, the dream sequence with the kid? I know the stakes, every second mission has many people die to the Reapers. Stop hammering me over the head with the damn kids.

I tried the three endings, but because this is my first playthrough of course I wasn't able to survive, since my effective war assets at the time were 3278 (I think you need 4000 to at least thinking in survival).

Joker and EDI make a lot of sense in one of the game's end, I can guarantee you (the romance is not automatic, BTW but more than that I will spoil things).
That said, the real problem is her figure, the all "hot bot".
A more down to earth one would be better.

Her lines are very good and her questions are stimulant, of course nothing original, but competent maded.

The only problem is the game propose A LOT of questions about life, humanity and the singularity theory.
My honest opinion? This game need at least more 10 hours to be understandable without plot holes.
Otherwise you need to make a huge brainstorm, because the given solution appears to be "space magic", wich in fact it isn't.

If I spoiled something excuse me, it wasn't my intention.

Also this.[/spoiler:97b66f5092]

^ Hahahaha that's hilarious. They better hope they acquired the proper rights for the stock photos or they can get their asses sued :D

And oddly, I just watched TTGL today. Funny similarities, though I doubt ME3 has much "drilling" other than in the certain sex scenes :roll:
Ausdoerrt said:
^ Hahahaha that's hilarious. They better hope they acquired the proper rights for the stock photos or they can get their asses sued :D

And oddly, I just watched TTGL today. Funny similarities, though I doubt ME3 has much "drilling" other than in the certain sex scenes :roll:

At least this time they ARE sex scenes.

If you wanna include this type of content in a game, at least do it right, unlike that PoS in ME2.
Playing ME3 at the moment. All I can say is that they didn't playtest Insanity at all.

If you've ever played CoD: World at War, and remember enemies endlessly spamming insta-kill grenades at you, that's EXACTLY what they've turned ME3 into.

It's a mess.