Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

The writing is pretty bland, but then again it's the same in all BioWare games I know. It's functional, sometimes cringeworthy, nothing to write home about.
I haven't progressed very far in the game yet (10-13hours in, but I am a slow gamer) but I couldn't find many choices in sidequests. From what I heard, there are a few of these though.
The beginning of the game is very linear for some 1-2 hours, but it was the same in ME1 too from what I remember.
Yes there are some consequences from previous games, but it's mostly just "fake" - as in if character X from ME1 for example dies, he just gets replaced by a crappier alternative character later on. Some of the cameos are better than in ME2, it's less "only email" and more "cool I can actually talk with guy XY".
About the game being "an RPG" - I don't know, it's the same as ME2 mixed with a bit of ME1 in terms of tone. I never really looked at the ME games for being "Role playing games". Some people complain you now have only the "good" and "badass" dialog choices with the neutral ones being cut out, but I personally don't really care.
The combat system got improved upon and it's really fun on higher difficulties (you will die a lot but it's fun if you eventually discover a winning strategy).
I haven't progressed very far in the game yet (10-13hours in, but I am a slow gamer) but I couldn't find many choices in sidequests. From what I heard, there are a few of these though.
The beginning of the game is very linear for some 1-2 hours, but it was the same in ME1 too from what I remember.
Yes there are some consequences from previous games, but it's mostly just "fake" - as in if character X from ME1 for example dies, he just gets replaced by a crappier alternative character later on. Some of the cameos are better than in ME2, it's less "only email" and more "cool I can actually talk with guy XY".
About the game being "an RPG" - I don't know, it's the same as ME2 mixed with a bit of ME1 in terms of tone. I never really looked at the ME games for being "Role playing games". Some people complain you now have only the "good" and "badass" dialog choices with the neutral ones being cut out, but I personally don't really care.
The combat system got improved upon and it's really fun on higher difficulties (you will die a lot but it's fun if you eventually discover a winning strategy).