Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

Some more things:

Bunker 21,
You can fool the commander repeatidly for 500XP each time.
Visually, your car is being impaled by desert weeds.
The "reserved item, do not use" is in the fridge near the cook.
some holes in the wall, on the second floor- near the beds.
Also, you can get spectacles from here, and Broken hills. This means that you can give renassco two glasses, which causes an "error" dialogue if you try to get a discount the second time.

Game crashes when talking to the Malamute owner about curing Fannie's jet addiction. Also, if you use the cure on fanny, you get 1000 XP, she tells you to wait a while because she's not feeling well, but then later she just goes back to her normal sex offering/i need money attitude.

Certain locations seem to warp time/break the story. I've gotten like 7 Hukinin dreams, one of which even took me back to the main menu as if i was playing for 13 years. Also, after going to bunker 21 and then going back to Arroyo, the Enclave attack was triggered. Right now I can only remember these types of things happening in Vault 23, and Bunker 21.

The last Kaga encounter had some minor text errors. At the the start player says "error", and throughout the battle, kaga said gibberish like: "Kaga<my>"(ie:Kagajc), "Kaga", and "Player". Oh, and after killing him the message box displayed "error" after the kaga was killed entry.

Carson city:
A number of "error" dialogues, mostly in the find the killer quest.
There's two men labeled as matheos talonierre, and the dialogue for that character is like split between the two of them.(ones in the bar, ones in a building south of the bar)
Some people with female models, labeled as a regular man.
In the broken reactor map there's someone labeled as "female hero model (do not use)".

I'm sure there are more that I can't remember. If I remember anything, or find any more I'll probably edit the post, if there aren't too many new replies.
Harry Canyon said:
i did a properties check. is this what you mean about the size? and if so... then all my .pro files are either 416\417 bytes in size.

Yes, that is what I was referring to. Hmm...

Harry Canyon said:
i have enter and left V23 many times, this was the first time i had any problems there... well other than what i PMed to you about a weekish ago. both klint and miria have always been in my party.

oh.. the pro_crit.msg file looks chinese to me. i have no idea what i am looking for.

If you have entered and left a number of times, then I don't know immediately what the cause may be. I would need to see your game or just test things out myself (neither of which I can do now).

As for the pro_crit.msg, it is actually quite easy to understand. Look at the numbers in the brackets. Those numbers correspond to the actual .pro file number, with a couple of extra 0s at the end. For example, line number {6200} corresponds to file, or Vic.
The ones that sometimes lead to problems loading games if missing are those for party members that are above

Thanks, to all of you giving me these bug reports. I will have to go through here and sort all of these. I did have a couple of questions about some from Phoenix:

Phoenix777 said:
Game crashes when talking to the Malamute owner about curing Fannie's jet addiction. Also, if you use the cure on fanny, you get 1000 XP, she tells you to wait a while because she's not feeling well, but then later she just goes back to her normal sex offering/i need money attitude.

If you got that far, then the game doesn't crash every time. Gotta be something random there. As for Fannie's cure, are you certain about her attitude after. Please recheck this. I know she will still sleep with you after she is cured, but she should not be asking for money.

Phoenix777 said:
Certain locations seem to warp time/break the story. I've gotten like 7 Hukinin dreams, one of which even took my back to the main menu as if i was playing for 13 years. Also, after going to bunker 21 and then going back to Arroyo, the Enclave attack was triggered. Right now I can only remember these types of things happening in Vault 23, and Bunker 21.

Are you sure you didn't do something else to trigger the Arroyo attack? Visiting those locations shouldn't have done it. I think that the attack is triggered just by finding Vault 13... whether you go there or not. As for dreams being reset, I thought that was hardcoded. I don't think I could have done anything to alter those. However, I will have to remember to recheck some global variables and see if it is possible for me to have messed something up there.

And finally:

Mr.Wolna said:
@screenys :crazy: what a fuck mordino mod works???

No. As I said earlier:
MIB88 said:
Read the thread about the Lil' Jesus Mordino/Golden Eagle mod. You'll understand these problems. I included this modified map by accident.

Mr.Wolna said:
and where is the guys in the PA's the NPC Atmor Mod isnt finish yet? Waz up?
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Again, no.

Mr.Wolna said:
and ist megamod compatibly with killaps RP?

No. The Megamod isn't really compatible with any other mod, and I have not included the Restoration Project in the Megamod yet. And please, don't ask if the Megamod is compatible with anything else.
Well I found the location for Vault 13 from Saltbeef's painting, but I never actually went there.

As for Lou, I tested it again, and as soon as I choose the line :"It'll get the addiction out of her system. The next time she orders a drink, slip this into it" The game crashes.
If you do it yourself, Fanny May still offers you sex, and you still have the option to select: "Didn't I give you some money so you could stop doing this". You'd think there's at least be some line where she says she quit Jet or something. Oh, and Lou still scolds you for giving her money, even after you supposedly cured her.

One more thing.... I take it that the "Wild man" in the primitive tribe is Kruger? If that's the case I can't join the Bounty hunters, due to the fact that he was technically "dead" when I first went there. Now there's just a pool of blood where he was.

@Wolna: The megamod uses the old bteam mod. Notice that no one in the screen shot has their helmets removed or anything like that.

Edit; new stuff:
Rocket bot Skynet doesn't seem to retain his level very well. His health goes from 115, to 143, to 115 after the next map load or whatever.

Klint doesn't seem to like hardened power armor. A little while after equipping it to him he disappeared. I know I didn't tell him to wait anywhere, and I'm pretty sure he didn't die. (I mean, come on he's Klint with hardened power armor...)

Dr li acts like you agreed to get him H Power armor, even if it's the first time you met him.

I think I somehow got the BOS bunker location from the Hubologists, but I cant enter for some reason. (Unless I use the enter combat glitch.)

I can't access the cabinet of the NCR doctor...probably because earlier I had used a bunch of beer on him and tried to sneak/steal from it.

In a future version could you have a random ghoul be able to replace Lenny for the BOS thing... I always seem to misplace him. It's not like with the other NPC situations where they're need because they know something; with Lenny it's just because he's a ghoul. I'm sure there would be plenty of other Ghouls in Gecko or BH that want to be human again.

By the way, I think what really made me think Bunker 21 caused the village to be attacked, was one time when I left there I got hunkin's dream that he gives when leaving Vault 13.

Finally... whats with the dialogue highlight bleeding in some areas? Like how when you move your cursor over a dialogue choice it turns from green to yellow, in some areas the dialogue choice stays yellow even after you move the cursor off the choice. Minorly annoying
Vault 23 strange bug...

I've been to Vault 23, the car wasn't there so reload and let it in Military location so I can get back my car but after I exit the Vault 23; I've not kill the MF big rat, I try to use the computer on lvl 1 and get nothing but;

on the display screen. I try to talk to the guy outside and all I have was error. too.
So I get back to my car at the Military Base and travel to San-Fran.
After one square on the map the travel speed was getting slower. I get an encounter and my car was missing. :shock:

So I reload inside Vault 23 and I got a message telling me that I found Vault 13, get 200 xp and level up. :o

Is this happen to someone else??
Touquet said:
...I try to use the computer on lvl 1 and get nothing but;

on the display screen. I try to talk to the guy outside and all I have was error. too.
So I get back to my car at the Military Base and travel to San-Fran.
After one square on the map the travel speed was getting slower. I get an encounter and my car was missing. :shock:

So I reload inside Vault 23 and I got a message telling me that I found Vault 13, get 200 xp and level up. :o

The fact that you are getting 'error' as dialog choices either means that I messed a script up or you are missing some dialog files. I think the dialog file for one of those problems above is maks.msg or v23maks.msg. Check your data/text/English/dialog folder to ensure you have that file.

I have no idea why your travel speed would slow down.

I know of the error with gaining experience every time you enter the map. I had the same problem with Vault 14 originally, and I just forgot to make the change here.
MIB88 said:
The fact that you are getting 'error' as dialog choices either means that I messed a script up or you are missing some dialog files. I think the dialog file for one of those problems above is maks.msg or v23maks.msg. Check your data/text/English/dialog folder to ensure you have that file.

First time I enter the Vault 23 I can talk to the guy he give me the access card. I enter the Vault, kill some rats and use the computer to power up the light and the elevator.

I'm getting 'error' when I exit the vault. When I try to use again the computer on the first floor and when I try to talk to the guy outside en second time.

MIB88 said:
I have no idea why your travel speed would slow down.

The car disappear! that why the travel time is getting slower.
Something happen in the world map after being to vault 23 and get back the car at the military base.
I did not run of of "fuel" btw.
my car disappeared on me once as well at vault 23. i just loaded a previous save and walk from the military base. it hasn't disappeared since.
I feel like an ignorant ass. I have searched the forums for a correct answer to a doubt that I have. I have a 2.4 GHz QuadCore proc. What would be the "correct" setting for the map delay. I tried experimenting and I either get too little encounters or time passes too quickly. At the default setting I get about 2 or 3 encounters from Klamath to the Primitive Tribe. The trip takes about a month in game time. Any suggestions or formulae for calculating map speed?
I'm sorry, I really don't have a good answer for you. Maybe someone else here has an answer, or possibly even Timeslip can provide some insight. I think it will just come down to more experimenting, because it varies from computer to computer.
However, to clarify something, none of these fixes change world time... only the speed at which you appear to travel and the encounter rates. So, regardless of your settings, the trip from Klamath to Primitive Tribe is still going to take about a month. The only thing that the tweaks will change is: Does the trip take 5 seconds, or 30 seconds (or whatever). And those percentages at the beginning of the worldmap.txt file in the data/data folder is what determines the enconter rate. Increase those percentages to get more encounters... decrease them to get less. Just keep in mind, the slower you appear to travel on the worldmap, the more encounters you are likely to get.
Harry Canyon said:
my car disappeared on me once as well at vault 23. i just loaded a previous save and walk from the military base. it hasn't disappeared since.

Thx Harry, I will try that next time! :)
there are a few things in carson city that i found.

1. there are two guys named Matheos Talonierre. one in the bar and one in the place directly below the bar.

2. there is a woman that when you mouse over her it says "You see a regular man." this is a bit odd... or is it one of davin's friends? :wink:

3. i really like the choice of music that was picked for carson city.

on a side note... where the hell is the computer that i need to get the info for the abbey quest?
Harry Canyon said:
there are a few things in carson city that i found.

1. there are two guys named Matheos Talonierre. one in the bar and one in the place directly below the bar.

2. there is a woman that when you mouse over her it says "You see a regular man." this is a bit odd... or is it one of davin's friends? :wink:

3. i really like the choice of music that was picked for Carson city.

on a side note... where the hell is the computer that i need to get the info for the abbey quest?

I reported those earlier, and I should mention I did update the last post I made in case MIB88 might miss it.

As for the Carson city computer, it's behind the two combat armor Bounty Hunters(They're blocking the doorway). If you can't join the BH's, and you don't want to kill them all, just use a bunch of super stims on the two. (It doesn't work on the Power armor guy blocking the other door... but there's nothing in the dorms anyway.)
Phoenix777 said:
I reported those earlier, and I should mention I did update the last post I made in case MIB88 might miss it.

I sure did miss those. Thanks. I know I am being fairly silent. But, even though I have not said it, I thank you for these reports and will make sure these issues are corrected.
Elitech said:
So, are you making "silent updates" or just collecting bugs for the next version?

For now I have only been collecting them. I don't make the 'silent updates' like Killap does. When I have an update (when work gives me time to make updates, that is), I will post an announcement about it and provide download links for Silencer (here) and for Cubik (Fallout Modding Centre).
there are three lockers in the BOS bunker have issues. i marked them in the first image.

if you try to drag something from any of those three lockers, you get the, you are at your maximum weight capacity. which i am not. see image 2

if you use the take all button, it will remove the item\s from the locker, but they will be placed on the ground. see image 1.



also.. the nice gun that the commander has in the brotherhood, is there any way to get one other than killing him for it? i thought the bb gun was the best weapon in the game, but that thing does some serious damage and i am liking it a lot.
if the only way to get it is to kill them all... then it really sucks to be them. i got it last night, but took a few casualties in the process, so i'll need to rethink some things.

EDIT: once lenny is transformed, mousing over him still says he is a ghoul.
Yes, the Steyr really is a powerful weapon. Anway, since I can't see what else you have in your inventory, are you sure you are not over your weight allowance? To be on the safe side, I will remove those wall lockers and replace them with regular lockers. And, looks like I will actually get to have all of Sunday off. Yay, I get to mod for the day! On my list are all those things mentioned on pages 18-19 that you and Phoenix have noted.
MIB88 said:
Anway, since I can't see what else you have in your inventory, are you sure you are not over your weight allowance?

positive. my carry weight is 315lbs. my carry weight before picking the stuff up is around 85lbs. i have 2 x strongback perks plus power armor to get this carry weight, as i generally chose the small frame perk at the start of a game.

what i have under the expandable lockpicks are regular stims, jet and money.
Ok. Maybe there is a problem with putting a big gun in a locker like that. I've never noticed it before, though. I'll just change the map.