Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

2.33 megamod ???

Wiki announces, latest version of mod is 2.33, links to polish site, which still has 2.33 in headline, however, download is just 2.32.
Is it more advanced 2.32 or just a wikimistake?
Re: 2.33 megamod ???

I made the update to the wiki to say version 2.33. I provided the links to Silencer and Cubik so that they could update this site and the Fallout Modding Center. Give them time. It will be available soon.
Re: 2.33 megamod ???

Renwor said:
Wiki announces, latest version of mod is 2.33, links to polish site, which still has 2.33 in headline, however, download is just 2.32.
Is it more advanced 2.32 or just a wikimistake?

MIB88 said:
I made the update to the wiki to say version 2.33. I provided the links to Silencer and Cubik so that they could update this site and the Fallout Modding Center. Give them time. It will be available soon.

This is my mistake I announced the MegaMod v2.33 in polish site in 9 January 2008. That was v2.32 not v2.33!

I will upload today new updated Mega Mod v2.33 on Polish and English site.

As MIB said, give me a time to do this.


The Mega Mod v 2.33 is now available to download from FMC (polish/english)!
I always include a list of changes/fixes/additions. It's in the 2.33 readme file.
MIB88 said:
I always include a list of changes/fixes/additions. It's in the 2.33 readme file.

I searched the files of MM v2.33 and there is not exist the 2.33 redme.txt file but only 2.32! Did you make mistake?
Dangit. Yeah, I sure did forget to include it. I'll send you and Silencer the link for the file.
There are a number of corrections, but the only new mod included is the Vault 23 mod. It's not a major mod, just a new location to explore.
there seems to be a "wild man" in primitive tribe who is only batting around in the area, no quests or talking windows or anything. when i look at him, "he looks: dead" is all the information i get, and i'm pretty sure that he's not. i have the awareness perk but it doesn't work on this so called dead man.
he says something like "can't talk right now, i have work to do" written in green letters, then walks around the area but the game insists that he's dead.
is it a bug, or just a normal part of the mod that players must solve? i am playing the latest version(2.33) of megamod by the way.
hello, i'm experiencing game crash at the "siege" location when i try to leave it.
i'm playing with 2.33 of course
Lt_Gable said:
hello, i'm experiencing game crash at the "siege" location when i try to leave it.
i'm playing with 2.33 of course

if "siege" is the primitive tribe, it happened to me before too. but i didn't try to open the game after the crash, so i don't know if it's something that happens all the time.
Is Cassidy's appearance supposed to stay the same even when you change his armour? The appearance of my other party members changes, only Cassidy's remains the same.

Also, I really like the portrait you gave Cassidy.
The gila monsters look like roaches, the roaches look like wasps, or they are just mislabled.

Occasionally Klint gets a level up message, which seems to turn him into a doofus (meaning changes his combat settings or makes them unchangeable). I think that is probably the same error as before, but I can't reliably repeat it, and loading an older save solves. Switching armor after this error seems to fix it, but leaves him to change settings at random.

Nitpicky: A lot of areas come up as mislabled. The postman still sings too fast. The bozar has two sets of "single" firing modes, it is a sniper rifle as it should be, but feels strange to reload.

to notsmart55: Cassidy's appearance staying the same is a known "issue" and I would guess won't be changed until the NPC appearance mod comes out.
nope i don't mean the primitive tribe, i mean:


the cave where the BOS is beeing bothered by enclave soldiers


maybe it's because i've entered the location with the car, i don't know...
kedimsidomuz said:
Lt_Gable said:
hello, i'm experiencing game crash at the "siege" location when i try to leave it.
i'm playing with 2.33 of course

if "siege" is the primitive tribe, it happened to me before too. but i didn't try to open the game after the crash, so i don't know if it's something that happens all the time.

The Primitive Tribe crashed once for me, then worked fine after that. I never found the cause. As for the other location, there are still a number of issues from some aspects of the Alternative Life mod. Those will be worked out in time.

Gila monsters and roaches: I saw that those were swapped (I was using some fixes from someone else), but I discovered the problem too late. This will be corrected in a future update.

I never tried to correct the postman.

I need to know the exact locations that are messed up, not just 'a lot'.

I will correct the bozar's firing modes. That is an easy one.

As for Cassidy, I don't know what you guys are talking about. The portrait for Cassidy has not been implemented into the Megamod, and his image changes just fine. He isn't broken, although it is true that I am waiting for the NPC appearance mod to be completed.
As for Cassidy, I don't know what you guys are talking about. The portrait for Cassidy has not been implemented into the Megamod, and his image changes just fine. He isn't broken, although it is true that I am waiting for the NPC appearance mod to be completed.

:wtf: Are you serious? Every time I have played the megamod, Cassidy never changes out of his leather armor appearance. I had assumed it was a conflict involving the B-team and Cassidy head mods, so never mentioned it. I see his hairy face when I talk to him... :confused: always have with every version megamod I have tried...

As far as the locations, I am trying to make a list, but young fingers got the last one.

I'm really having trouble with playtesting, as I frequently CTD on loading saves, then need to revert to older ones. Maybe due to using a character hex edited for all 10 stats. That's what I get for trying to go through the early parts quickly and painlessly.
what about the dead man in primitive tribe? sorry for asking again but i've become obsessed with him, he is a walking dead and he tries to avoid my character, i don't know why i am obsessed, sorry again :)
MIB88 said:
As for Cassidy, I don't know what you guys are talking about. The portrait for Cassidy has not been implemented into the Megamod, and his image changes just fine. He isn't broken, although it is true that I am waiting for the NPC appearance mod to be completed.
Well, he has a portrait in my game..

Did I install the Megamod wrong or something?
kedimsidomuz said:
what about the dead man in primitive tribe?...

It is just a bug that it says he is dead. Could be a couple of different causes, but I will fix it. He just avoids you and says what he says because you aren't a friend of the tribe.

notsmart55 said:
Well, he has a portrait in my game...

Did I install the Megamod wrong or something?

Ok, I must have included the wrong version of Cassidy in the Megamod. You have the one I was working on... the in progress one. He is supposed to change armor and not have the portrait yet. I'll fix this. Sorry about that.