Yes, this does help me. Thank you, kedimsidomuz. I am not that familiar with playing an evil character. I am looking for things that would be affected in order to decide whether or not to implement this and to what extent.
MrElusive said:mmm.. MIB would you be interested in the concept of having a mercenary camp, ...
The concept comes as an alternative to watching your unique npc's die and having to reload. ...
Stevex said:This actually is not a new concept to Fallout, since you get to bring back that soldier at the SAD. Perhaps autodocs can be modified to do this.
I agree with everything you said. But now, when one of your NPCs dies, what happens? Reload, with the only consequence being to do the battle over again. Resurrection allows the player to stay within the game (if he wants to).MIB88 said:... To play the game and not be worried about your fellow travellers because you can just resurrect them? That takes out something really important. The Wasteland is supposed to be dangerous. It's supposed to be risky wandering around and trying to save the world.
It makes perfect sense from a game balance point of view.Ashmo said:Slapping negative karma on a dude for removing the tat is inane. It doesn't make sense to add a karma penalty for a good action (leaving the slavers).
"Minigun Jim was hit in the eyes by a Blinding Flash of the Obvious for 20 points"Ashmo said:If you want a karma drop, put it where it makes sense: in the beginning.
MIB88 said:The autodoc still remains a possible option, too. Would be much "neater" than being burned by a molotov. So, maybe going one way reduces charisma by 1 point... another route reduces it by 2 points. I'll think about it.
MIB88 said:@Touqet:
I don't understand why you are having an issue with those doors in Vault 14. Last time I played through that section it worked fine. Are you having this problem every time? If possible, please reload a game from before you entered Vault 14 and see if you have the same error.
Hmm, an all-out bad guy shootin' should up your karma some and that doesn't require any taking short of "DIE!"Ashmo said:as you can't really do much about it while you're a slaver anyway -- most nice guys won't even talk to you
Sir Robin said:Yes. I have learnt to stop a few millimetres away, save, then enter. The first time I can see, for a split second, the map of the area, then it crashes. When I reload and enter again, it crashes immediately, without me catching even a glimpse of the area. Same thing for all subsequent restores. Very strange.Which part crashes, though? Does it crash as soon as you click on the green circle?
MIB88 said:Yes, it is odd. Like I said, though, I haven't changed anything with that location in a long time. And nobody else has notified me of such a crash.
Who do you have in your party?
And, where are you in the game (still at the beginning, or well into it)?
I might need a savegame from you so I can see for myself what is happening.
One last question: Did you install 2.33 on a clean Fallout 2 install?
Or did you just add it on top of your 2.32 game?
MIB88 said:Were you able to go to the Primitive Tribe in 2.33?
Well, it might be some corruption that has entered that game... it happens. Do you have a savegame from earlier in the game (say, before you went to get Cassidy) that you can try?
If you still get errors, send the savegame to me at .