Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

No, it was crashing every time for him. It is a problem due to the version of Windows he is using. It was something that was being discussed in the RP thread.
You're welcome. Killap told me about the save to text function in the mapper, so I wanted to try it out. I didn't feel confident enough to mess with the exit grids though, so don't forget to fix that.
Darek said:
I didn't feel confident enough to mess with the exit grids though, so don't forget to fix that.

Yeah, the extra exit grid is only in Killap's RP, not the Megamod (along with a few other subtle changes). When I get the time to integrate the RP, then I will use his map.
MIB88 said:
Yeah, the extra exit grid is only in Killap's RP, not the Megamod (along with a few other subtle changes). When I get the time to integrate the RP, then I will use his map.
No that's not what I meant, I only copied the tile locations, not the whole map. I'm talking about the exit grids between the woods and the village. Saving a map into a text file seems to reset the exit grid data. The green exit grids turn brown and leads to the world map. So you need to set the correct data for those two grids.
Darek said:
I'm talking about the exit grids between the woods and the village.

Gotcha. Thanks. I thought you were referring to the new exit grid on the main village map. No problem, I can correct this.
Hey question......

I install following the instructions, delete the data folder, then paste the new data folder in the .rar containing the mod folders into the directory, rename patch000, and paste in the new .exe that came with the mod.

But it gives me a 'cant find fonts' error message.

Did I install it wrong ? Or does it require I have a certain font installed on my PC (doubtful but I thought worth asking)
Ok, that's just weird. I don't know if it matters, but what operating system are you using? And, is it the latest version of the mod (version 2.33)? Just to make sure: You do still have a file called master.dat in the same location as the Fallout2.exe file, right?
Vistaids for OS, 2.33 version.

I was talking to corpse on MSN and he mentioned having had a similar problem in the past, so it might not just be the mod (or not just it at least)

And to confirm that I installed it rite.... (casue there is semi vaugeness in the readme, AKA doesnt spell it out for morons, so Im gona ask to be 100% certain)

Delete Data folder.

delete/rename patch000

the archive DLd contains a .exe and a NEW datafolder with new sub folders inside it.

Overwrite the origonal .exe with the new one.

Paste the new data folder (with its contained sub directories) into the main FO folder.
Yeah, you did everything just fine. I've just never noticed this before. Well, I really don't know. I suppose you could use a dat extractor and remove those files from the master.dat file and place them inside the main directory along with the .exe file. However, I'll have to search on this site. Maybe there is a solution explained in another mod thread.
MIB88 said:
Yeah, you did everything just fine. I've just never noticed this before. Well, I really don't know. I suppose you could use a dat extractor and remove those files from the master.dat file and place them inside the main directory along with the .exe file. However, I'll have to search on this site. Maybe there is a solution explained in another mod thread.

I tried google on NMA but didnt find much but random stuff to this thread and the previous one.

If more folks start havin issues, prehaps have a bug thread, and an install issues thread ?

Anyway, with luck corpse will remember what he did to fix the problem last time he had it. Unfortunitly hes stoned so might be a while but Ill make sure to link em here.
Ok, cool, thanks.

I'll reinstall later today and try it.

EDIT: Ok, some time free'd up and go to do it earlier than planned.

Humongus install of FO2, alternete directory (programfiles/MMOD)

deleted data folder, patch000, FO2.exe

Opend the mods .rar

Then to C::\programfiles\MMOD I.....
pasted in the new .exe from inside the mods .rar

pasted in the new data folder, containing all the new subdirectories.

ddraw.ini and ddraw.dll Im assuming are there for folks that dont have the applacable files on their system, so I did nothing with them as theyre not mentioned in the readme at all.

Then I waited for the stuff to finish copying (vistaids is slow as fuck with pasting shit.)

And heres the config files data.

music_path1=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data\sound\music\

critter_dat=C:\Program Files\MMOD\critter.dat
critter_patches=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data
master_dat=C:\Program Files\MMOD\master.dat
master_patches=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data

Same error as before.

" Couldnt find/load text fonts"

I've got the feeling Im missing something horribly obvious, but beats me what it is.

edit 2:

I went and made sure that all lines of that directed to something that existed.

Music files are in that folder. Check.
music_path1=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data\sound\music\

For if the CD is used. Humongus install so irrelvent.

Ditto, CD link.

Links to critter.dat check
critter_dat=C:\Program Files\MMOD\critter.dat

Could be that I just dont know hwat critter_patches refers to, but couldnt find anything that that refrences. Possible issue ?
critter_patches=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data

master.dat is there, kinda hard to play FO w/o it.
master_dat=C:\Program Files\MMOD\master.dat

Once again, found nothing refrenced there for master_patches. Dont know what its supposed to point to, once again possible issue ?
master_patches=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data

Im assuming has to do with the cache and load times and such.
Could it be this? I had this problem with the mapper: (From Vaut-Tec wiki, mapper FAQ)

Q. If I start the mapper, it crashs with "couldn't load text/fonts"!

A. If you don't use the english version of Fallout 2, the mapper will crash, if you don't change the language value in the mapper.cfg. As example, for the german Fallout 2 version you have to change "language=english" to "language=german".

So look at 'Fallout2.cfg' and see what it says.
Morticia said:
Could it be this? I had this problem with the mapper: (From Vaut-Tec wiki, mapper FAQ)

Q. If I start the mapper, it crashs with "couldn't load text/fonts"!

A. If you don't use the english version of Fallout 2, the mapper will crash, if you don't change the language value in the mapper.cfg. As example, for the german Fallout 2 version you have to change "language=english" to "language=german".

I've got an American version of Fallout. Possible issues with version one of the moders has ?

If so tho, you'd think this issue would have been known a few versions ago.
Glowing Ghouls said:
If so tho, you'd think this issue would have been known a few versions ago.

No, I don't think it has anything to do with the version of the .exe file. This has never changes from the US version since version 1.0.
So, I don't know what is going on, but I will tell you this: everything in the archive is there for a reason. So, those ddraw files - put them in. They are part of Timeslip's work. They are needed to play the game and belong at the same level as the .exe.
MIB88 said:
Glowing Ghouls said:
If so tho, you'd think this issue would have been known a few versions ago.

No, I don't think it has anything to do with the version of the .exe file. This has never changes from the US version since version 1.0.
So, I don't know what is going on, but I will tell you this: everything in the archive is there for a reason. So, those ddraw files - put them in. They are part of Timeslip's work. They are needed to play the game and belong at the same level as the .exe.

Done. Same error message still.
You have your configuration set wrong. I know it. I just can't see it. Look at your game folder...the level where the .exe is. You will have the .exe, the ddraw files, the .cfg, the .dat files, and the data folder. That data folder should contain a data folder, maps, sounds, texts, scripts, etc. Your config file has got to be pointing in the wrong place. I keep looking at it, and it somehow feels wrong, but I can't put my finger on it.

According to your .cfg, you have the .exe in MMOD? Also, I have no idea what this cdlock is. It's not in my .cfg file.
Instead of installing to C:\Program Files\blackisle\Fallout2 as defualt I installed to C:\Program Files\MMOD\

With MMOD being the same as the FO2 root folder with a standard install.

critter_patches=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data

Whatever that line refrences. Is is supposed to refrence a specific file ? or just the root data folder ?

master_patches=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data

Same as above.

Everything else refrences a folder that contains the files in question (music_path1=C:\Program Files\MMOD\data\sound\music\ refrences the music folder which DOES contain files) where the above two link to a folder that just contains numorous sub directories and nothing else. (unless its supposed to link to \data\data folder)

BTW, when I last lurked on NMA years ago I remember some spammer named psicho or something made a lightsaber .frm with the CoC robes, did that ever get used in the megamod ? (random question, was reading another thread that reminded me of it)
No, it should just link to the data folder... none of the subdirectories. Sorry, but I am at a complete loss here. I can't offer any other suggestions.

As for the lightsaber mod, there was one like that being worked on recently. But, I never saw that as a completed mod.
MIB88 said:
No, it should just link to the data folder... none of the subdirectories. Sorry, but I am at a complete loss here. I can't offer any other suggestions.

God damnit!

BTW are there any know vistaids compatibility issues with the mod ?