Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

Sir Robin said:
MIB88 said:
Were you able to go to the Primitive Tribe in 2.33?

No, not at all. Same, exactly, as with 2.32.

Sorry. I meant to say 2.32 originally. I'll be standing by for the savegame then. I've seen an error like that when there were a problem with certain item proto files. However, there are no new items on the first map... only the actual village where they live on the second level.
Primitive Tribe

Same again. It is 12 October 2241, I am level 6, with awareness as perk, and only Klint and Sulik in the party. The game crashes as soon as we enter Primitive Tribe.

All right... I'll zip the saved game. But not tonight (it's night time here and I am yawning), tomorrow. And rather than clog up your mailbox I'll upload the zip file to , much more user-friendly than rapidshare, the interface is in French, but you don't have to know any French to download from it -- and BTW, you've noticed that you have "Abbey" and "Primitive Tribe" in Russian on the Pip Boy :wink: ?
@Sir Robin,
Sorry I can't help with your other problems, but for the Russian Pip-Boy labels, go into the folder 'Data\art\intrface' and delete 'WM_TRIBE' and 'WM_ABBEY' .frm files and they will display in English.
@ Sir Robin: I'm sorry I wasn't able to get to this sooner. However, I tried it, and it didn't crash for me. The first woodland area opened up for me just fine, as did the actual village map. I don't understand this. However, there was an issue mentioned in the Restoration Project thread reagarding issues with the Primitive Tribe. Maybe something that they figure out there can help you. It is the same map, after all.
Primitive Tribe crash


Must be infuriating for you. I know the feeling, I used to do a lot of programming (and still do a bit).

I'll install MegaMod 2.33 on my laptop, and see (it runs under XP Professional). I am sure that it is not a question of hardware. I have recently done a memory test. Anyway, if the RAM was defective, I'd expect the crashes to be random. And Xubuntu and PuppyLinux run without a glitch on my desktop. Fallout2 (the original, un-modded) runs like clockwork. Go figure. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Sorry Sir Robin but im afraid that this sounds like a text book example of...*Que deep voice and scary music*


I know computer problems are frustrating i wish you good luck in solving this one
@Sir Robin

Are you by chance running Win 98 or ME? If so, that would be the problem. The first level of the Primitive Tribe crashes for those running Windows 9x.


There is an updated map in the RP 1.2 thread which no longer crashes under Win9x. It isn't compatible with MegaMod, however, since I made many changes from the original Chris Parks' version.
killap said:
@Sir Robin

Are you by chance running Win 98 or ME? If so, that would be the problem. The first level of the Primitive Tribe crashes for those running Windows 9x.


There is an updated map in the RP 1.2 thread which no longer crashes under Win9x. It isn't compatible with MegaMod, however, since I made many changes from the original Chris Parks' version.

Yeah, I had to look back through the messages: he is using ME. I'll go ahead and extract the map you used for RP. I'll fix it for the next update. Shouldn't be too difficult.
MIB88 said:
Yeah, I had to look back through the messages: he is using ME. I'll go ahead and extract the map you used for RP. I'll fix it for the next update. Shouldn't be too difficult.

So that was it? I suspected so, but I was clutching at straws. It still doesn't make any sense to me.

But, as an acquaintance of mine who is a retired IBM researcher (and a software weirdo: he swears by... APL!) keeps telling me: Unix is logical, Windows, however, is not an operating system, it's a money pump.

Hey, we're getting into an OS war here! Like another colleague of mine used to say: favouring C over Pascal and vice versa is not a matter of logic. It's a religion. Language holy war, there!

And BTW, finding one's way around here is a nightmare.

I brought up another possible bug, Sulik turning into a coward. Someone answered, and now I can find neither my post nor his answer! AAARRRRGGGH
Sir Robin said:
I brought up another possible bug, Sulik turning into a coward. Someone answered, and now I can find neither my post nor his answer! AAARRRRGGGH

Click on your profile. There is a link inside that says to find all posts by you.
MIB88 said:
Click on your profile. There is a link inside that says to find all posts by you.

Oh dear. I did something stupid, "Cowardly Sulik" appears in a completely new thread, when it should be inside this one. I'm sorry. Feel free to delete it, since you seem to be the boss around here. My apologies again. But this interface IS confusing when you are a newcomer.
Sir Robin said:
Feel free to delete it, since you seem to be the boss around here.

HA! This ain't my place... I'm merely passing through! :lol: No, I only answer a few modding questions from time to time and deal with the Megamod. Any other connection between me and the moderators/creators of these forums is purely coincidental. :P
Temple of trials

Hey all, im new to this forum but i had a small problem with the temple of trials megamod. The raised floor tile always spawns on the other side of the door and after many searchings i still have not found this rock i am supposed to throw on it. Any help is appreciated!

Btw thanks for all your awesome hard work on all the mods and aditions you have made to the game, you may take a bow! :clap:
Re: Temple of trials

Reaves said:
Hey all, im new to this forum but i had a small problem with the temple of trials megamod. The raised floor tile always spawns on the other side of the door and after many searchings i still have not found this rock i am supposed to throw on it.

You do not have the mod installed. You would know if it is working if you found a bolt very close to the entrance, the large stone block in another room next to a chest, and a metal pole on a skeleton. The raised plate you see is a trap that was a bug present in the original game. Reread the instructions and reinstall, making sure the game folders are in the right location (I bet you the data folder is in the wrong location).
Yes i'm an idiot, after trying several times last night i almost gave up but was thinking it might be due to some conflict with the maps in the folder as just "drag and drop" the files contained in the mod zip didn't feel right, so after a bit of searching i found the readme in the appropiate folder telling me what to do, it works now!

Btw sometimes the gecko's in the area where smoke is will walk off the players walkable paths and become "stuck"where you can not attack them or approach them. For the rest nice job on adding stuff, new items all over the place, a whole new experience indeed.

Keep up the good stuff.

If you didn't kill the Spore plants with Hakunin's powder, pick up some plant spikes, or find a rock or two, then use them to throw at the Geckos in the hunting area. It won't hurt them much, but will make them attack and come out of the inaccesible areas, and better than wasting a spear to throw at them. Maybe one of those sharpened poles instead?
@ MIB88

I removed the tiles that is causing the Win 9x crash in the primitive tribe map. You can get it here if you are interested. (it's the megamod version)
I used the "save map to text file" option and removed the tile references for level 1, and then replaced them with the fixed ones from the RP mod. For some reason it don't seem to save the exit grid data this way, so the exit grids between level 1 and 2 goes to the worldmap instead.

I also fixed a bug that causes the FO2 Mapper to crash when that map is shifted.

@ Sir Robin

If you want to you can give it a try and see how it works for you.
To get to level 2 you just have to push 2 when you are on the primitive tribe town map. (The town map comes up the second time you visit the tribe map)

Great! Thank you very much. One less thing to do... only about a few hundred to go! :wink: I'll make sure to include this in version 2.34 for those running Me.
@ Sir Robin

Does the game crash at the first time you enter the location or the x time??

I've had something like that with VC courtyard after getting both of the combat implants lvl 1. When I was entering second part of VC all was going well but to exit the city you have to go by the courtyard. So
- I've simply copy the .sav (something like vccorty .sav) form another save and erase it in my savegame folder and the game stop crashed.

Weird but that work!