I didn't read all the topic caus I don't want to spoil my fun.
I started playing V2.33 mod and I encounter few problems and errors/bugs.
The first time you meet "the aunt that never liked u"
her dialog txt is in the place of Players anwser. So basically ure responding with her line's.
Afterwards everythings fine. I love the strangle motive
I've got problem with Hakunin, I don't know how to clean his garden from those plants. Whenever I use force he is not satisfied
How to complete this task without violence??
Secondly I ask Minoc to sharpen my spear. He do it only 2 times and he declines after. There is a option to teach me how to do it, so I will not bother him anymore. I gained that "skill", but donno how to use it! I've put the spear on the ground, try to use backpack, put the in active slot, no nothing. So how sharpen the spear with the flint on ure own???
My last prob so far is regarding Klamath. I rescued Smiley talk to Slim bout the passage to undergrounds located in garage in West section of the Trapper part. The building its a old house with Crismon Company ( water traders in F1 as i recall). I tried to get through squize in but I coulnt see the entrance
I used many items on those rocks, except Dynamite (sold it to buy armor, the trader don't have it anymore
), u think the C4 is the key?. How to get down to the Klamaths undergrounds??