Cockroach bug fix
Hello fellow vault dwellers, this would be my first post.
Aside from installing the Megamod 2.34, I have recently begun modding things in Fallout2 myself (weaponwise). So I became fairly familiar to how the fallout game works.
I've noticed that the Megamod 2.34 "cockroaches" aren't working properly, so I thought it as a challenge, and tinkered around with the "protos" file and...
I think I may have found the problem. Forgive me if I'm wrong, as I haven't figured out how the AI system actually works.
Yet, to me the problem seems to be not in the AI (as some have posted that this was the fault), but the "Cockroach Spit Weapon" itself.
Since the weapon is nonfunctional, as there is no means to attack by, the game AI would cause the roach to "flee" the scene. Hence, the bug(no pun intended).
I have a quick fix to this (quite ugly ingame), and I've tested it a couple of times to confirm the effects. Well, it sure does seem to work.
So I will do as best I can to explain it here for anyone that might be interested. If you have any experience with a hex-editor or modding protos, I believe this would be an easy task. Using a handy tool named "F2Wedit" would be much easier, but I will explain doing it in hex.
==steps for quick fix==
WARNING: before you make this fix, make sure you do not have a SAVE in combat with the Cockroach.
Your resumed game will most likely hang at the cockroach's turn (mine did).
It's a quick fix, it's not pretty (Plasma ball spitting cockroaches, and the attack motion seems sluggish or slow), but nevertheless
you'll be able to engage into real combat and get spat on by cockroaches. If that's your kinda thing
0) Read warnings and all steps through before editing.
1) In the directory "...Fallout2/Data/proto/items"
you will find the "" file which is the Cockroach Spit Weapon.
2) Open "" with your favorite hex editor
2A) Look for the line "001B". It should currently read "60", edit that to "06"
This controls the attack mode, where the first digit is mode2 and the second digit mode1. We don't want the roaches to "burst spit" at we?
2B) Look for line "003C". It should read "00" edit to "05"
This controls the Hold_frame, where the character holds the weapon. We would think that since the weapon is just for a roach with no hands or "frms", we wouldn't need that, but this is needed for the weapon to actually function.
2C) Look for line "004C". It should read "00", edit to "0F"
This controls the attack range of mode1, which we set it that way at step (2A).
2D) Look for line "0050". It should read "0F", edit to "00"
Attack range of mode2.
2E) Line "005C", currently "00", edit to "03"
Action points needed for attack mode1
2F) Line "0060", currently "03", edit to "00"
AP needed for attack mode2
3) Now save the file, I trust you will make a back up of your old file...right? Toss your edited "" file into "...Fallout2/Data/proto/items" ande *MAKE SURE* you set that file to READONLY. double check, no, really.
4) Fire up Fallout2 and check it out. If it doesn't seem to work...
go ahead and slap me in the face
That concludes the steps for the quick fix, hopefully we would be able to have nicer roaches in the next update!
Can never be thankful enough to the many Fallout2MOD authors who work hard out there, to share the community with great stuff.