Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

Not a problem, I think you could use my megamod guide:

there is much more info about megamod than in english version, but I lack of english skill to translate it... ou, and of course I lack of time....

But to be fair, english one help me greatly....

hmpf... I would like to play Megamod over and over and over again, but with this Random memory Leak... no way, man!
i get a GDialog:: Error Grabbing text message when i talk to the guy in the image at carson city.

More memory leak issues...

I had a memory leak in Redding right after completing the Frog Morton quest, and I do mean right after, soon as I finished him and his gang, I went to the downtown map only to be greeted by a memory leak.

So far, the memory leak occurs only in the downtown/first maps and going to another location and then returning to the main map does not help. For example, I tried going up the mining camp map and then back down to the downtown one with no success.

So, I reloaded an older save game where I had completed only one quest from Redding which was Horton's son's quest. This time, I didn't initiate any of the mine quests, instead, I went straight for the Sheriff stuff. This time, I had no memory leak issue and was able to return to the downtown map.

So I continue playing and decide to go back to San-Francisco to finish up the tanker quests. Big memory leak right off the bat as I enter the main downtown map.

I reload some saves, same problem. Any save in Redding from October 3rd (game time) ended up disallowing me access to SF, no matter how many or how few quests I had finished. In one save, I cleared out the Wannamingo mines, in the other I hadn't done so yet. Neither worked.

So, I load up a save in SF from well over a month's worth of game time ago - no problems going in and out from downtown to the outside and back. Big memory leak as soon as I initiate the various tanker quests (Badger's girlfriend/Chip's spleen) and try to return to the downtown map... ummm...

I load up a save from a week or so before (in game time) inside the Raider's base after I cleaned up the place. Same problem - I can get in but can't do any tanker quests without getting the memory leak.

So I load a much older save in Navarro during my attempt at stealing a Vertibird. I abort my attempt and return to SF. This save had no Redding quests completed save for finding Horton's son.

This time, I had no problem completing the Chip's spleen quest and saved Badger's girlfriend. I went outside and waited a day or so then returned to the tanker to get my EXP for Chip's quest.

Boom, memory leak once I returned to the downtown map.

Could it be the game is becoming too big for its britches?
When you guys are talking about memory leaks, I believe you're talking about the "too many items" bug, right?
It's caused by having to many items that have scripts attached. Most items don't but if you collect too many of the ones that do, your maps will get corrupted. Bring too many items into a map, then leave. The game saves the map upon exit but will corrupt the map save. The next time you enter that map, the game will freeze.

OK, thanks, that fixed it! Geez, I'm dumb - all this time I thought memory leaks were a different issue... Well, at least my game was saved from impending doom.
Tom9k said:
Can it cause 99999+ money in my inventory?
If you mean the "too many items" bug, then no I haven't seen nor heard anything like that.
I did not mean there's no memory leaks or random bugs/crashes, but a few posts here matched the symptoms of the aforementioned bug pretty well, so I thought I should say something about it. At least with that bug there is no randomness to it.
Tom9k said:
Can it cause 99999+ money in my inventory?

The only things that will cause that is if you use an editor to place those items or if you pick up all of that. There are instances where this is possible from the Primitive Tribe because of bugs that were on that map.

Edit: Just a couple of comments. For those who are concerned about the Krueger quest, again, there is no way to resolve it in the current version of the Megamod. He is NOT in the Primitive Tribe that is in the game now. In the next version, there will be another Tribe. That is where you will find further information about the elusive Krueger.
Also, due to the efforts of a small handful of people working on/organizing translations, the Sokil Colly mod looks like it might finally make it into the Megamod as well. I thank them for their work.
There will be other surprises to in the next version in the form of another location (thanks, Morticia... an old favorite, although it has been changed and still requires some work in the form of critters and a story) as well as some new art. I hope to have the next version out by the middle of next month.
I found Kruger in Broken Hills, in Residential Area... I killed him and succesfully finished the quest.
Tom9k said:
I found Kruger in Broken Hills, in Residential Area... I killed him and succesfully finished the quest.

Odd, that no one else seems to have been able to find him there. However, there is still a problem, because that is not supposed to be the location where you actually kill him.
Tom9k said:
But if you look at that map in the map editor you will see him standing right there!

No kidding! I know he's there... I added him to the map! I also added him to other maps. But, what is in the mapper does not reflect how things work in the game. Did you actually find him while playing the GAME... a normal one, unaltered by you or Falche?
I hope to have the next version out by the middle of next month.
Glad to hear you're still going strong on this. Thanks again for the hard work. I'll wait for the next version to start playing again.
Mib88: I was really suprissed. I just get that quest, went to the Primitive Tribe, talked with Inchu-chuna and read in forum that this quest, so I consider it as bugged. I continued in game and at some I visited Broken Hills once again (I enter only to Residential area for that time). There was that Kruger with many HP and his gun... no cheat, no script changes (Hmmm.... I even dont know which programing language it use) and everything was in normal (2.34 version). I took his teeh and then it was only matter of time to finally finish quest.
Tom9k said:
.... I just get that quest, went to the Primitive Tribe, talked with Inchu-chuna and read in forum that this quest, ...

Therein lies the problem: I don't remember setting any scripts to turn on that Tribe. It should have stayed hidden, and then you would not have gotten the chance to talk to Inchu-Chuna. I need to look into this some more.
Cockroach bug fix

Hello fellow vault dwellers, this would be my first post. :D
Aside from installing the Megamod 2.34, I have recently begun modding things in Fallout2 myself (weaponwise). So I became fairly familiar to how the fallout game works.
I've noticed that the Megamod 2.34 "cockroaches" aren't working properly, so I thought it as a challenge, and tinkered around with the "protos" file and...
I think I may have found the problem. Forgive me if I'm wrong, as I haven't figured out how the AI system actually works.
Yet, to me the problem seems to be not in the AI (as some have posted that this was the fault), but the "Cockroach Spit Weapon" itself.
Since the weapon is nonfunctional, as there is no means to attack by, the game AI would cause the roach to "flee" the scene. Hence, the bug(no pun intended).
I have a quick fix to this (quite ugly ingame), and I've tested it a couple of times to confirm the effects. Well, it sure does seem to work.
So I will do as best I can to explain it here for anyone that might be interested. If you have any experience with a hex-editor or modding protos, I believe this would be an easy task. Using a handy tool named "F2Wedit" would be much easier, but I will explain doing it in hex.

==steps for quick fix==
WARNING: before you make this fix, make sure you do not have a SAVE in combat with the Cockroach.
Your resumed game will most likely hang at the cockroach's turn (mine did).
It's a quick fix, it's not pretty (Plasma ball spitting cockroaches, and the attack motion seems sluggish or slow), but nevertheless
you'll be able to engage into real combat and get spat on by cockroaches. If that's your kinda thing :P

0) Read warnings and all steps through before editing.

1) In the directory "...Fallout2/Data/proto/items"
you will find the "" file which is the Cockroach Spit Weapon.

2) Open "" with your favorite hex editor

2A) Look for the line "001B". It should currently read "60", edit that to "06"
This controls the attack mode, where the first digit is mode2 and the second digit mode1. We don't want the roaches to "burst spit" at we?

2B) Look for line "003C". It should read "00" edit to "05"
This controls the Hold_frame, where the character holds the weapon. We would think that since the weapon is just for a roach with no hands or "frms", we wouldn't need that, but this is needed for the weapon to actually function.

2C) Look for line "004C". It should read "00", edit to "0F"
This controls the attack range of mode1, which we set it that way at step (2A).

2D) Look for line "0050". It should read "0F", edit to "00"
Attack range of mode2.

2E) Line "005C", currently "00", edit to "03"
Action points needed for attack mode1

2F) Line "0060", currently "03", edit to "00"
AP needed for attack mode2

3) Now save the file, I trust you will make a back up of your old file...right? Toss your edited "" file into "...Fallout2/Data/proto/items" ande *MAKE SURE* you set that file to READONLY. double check, no, really.

4) Fire up Fallout2 and check it out. If it doesn't seem to work...
go ahead and slap me in the face :(

That concludes the steps for the quick fix, hopefully we would be able to have nicer roaches in the next update!
Can never be thankful enough to the many Fallout2MOD authors who work hard out there, to share the community with great stuff.
I'll try this out. However, I don't understand why all the changes are necessary. I mean, the roaches should be able to hold the 'spit weapon'. I added the art for it because I finally figured out that there was art missing if they were to use the weapon, just like any other critter/character. So, I added the art for cockroaches to hold, draw, shoot, holster, and walk with the weapon. Nothing fancy, as walking with the weapon was just a copy of walking without it, shooting the weapon uses the same graphics as the other attacks (the cockroaches 'punch' attack), etc. Very odd. If you got it to work with a hex editor, then there must be values that I made mistakes on while using the item editors. Hmm. Well, I will still try this fix myself and, if it works, include the change in the next update. Thanks, FireFox.
Hello MIB88, thank you for the comeback :D
What happened was, when I saw that when you blew up a cockroach, you could pick up their Spit weapon. I thought it would be a cool idea to wield that weapon and fight some geckos, but the weapon didn't seem to function. In my unmodded Fallout2 days, I recalled, with an inventory editory, you could have enemy weapons, such as the "End Boss Weapon" or "Dual Gun Turrets" which NPC characters wield, where those also could be used by you own main character. So I made an assumption that, if I made the spit weapon usable with my own character, the cockroach would likely be able to use it. That is how I came up with this quick fix. Before I made the fix, the weapon was "wierd" ingame. Seemed like it had no range, but had 4 modes of attack in the equip view, (blank, blank with targeted, single, single targeted).
I worked a good 3 hours to get this, hope it could be of some use :)
Tom9k said:
Any idea when is going to be released next version of megamod?

I just answered this about 10 posts up. And, back on to the topic of Kruger: who revealed the location of the tribe where you spoke to Inchu-Chuna?

@FireFox: It works! At least for small cockroaches. No reason to think it won't work for the large ones as well. Thanks. I'll continue playtesting this until it's confirmed. I've noticed that are some issues, though. I need to change the sound to match the spit attack of floaters. Also, I need to figure out what to do when the spit weapon is out of ammo. I suppose I could make it with an insane amount of spit ammo, so that the message "the cockroach is out of ammo for the spit weapon" message never appears, though.