Biges said:
Aehm! I downloaded version 2.31 (mm_2.31_full_repack.rar) from the polish site, as on NMA I found only some old versions. So, would you, in your infinite wisdom, point me to a more recent version or a patch? I found only patch from version 2.3 to 2.31, which I think I don't have to use, at least if the laws of logic still apply.
If people (oh, these *stupid* users, the world would be better without them) are that incompetent, maybe you really should create a FAQ list.
As much as I do value your work, you should treat people with more respect.
Seems as though I was mistaken about something. Cubik said he would add those files to the downloads. He added comments to the readme that these files had indeed been added. However, opening the archives shows that the required files are not in either version of the download (neither from the English portal or the Polish portal). So the patch is required.
However, no amount of wisdom on my part is gonna tell me which version of the game you were using. You're saying I should have just known that, eh? And the only thing that is really ever frequently asked is regarding installation, which is included already in the readme. Ta-da! And if by respecting people you mean I should hold people's hands through everything, not expect them to search, keep repeating myself, and not get upset when people don't read the readme files, then no... Not gonna happen.
36. Corrected
38. Corrected
39. I know this happens. It's not a bug from the Megamod, it's always been there. Even when unconscious, a critter's script still runs (and floats are activated). It can be fixed, but it means going through every critter script with floats and adding a conditional check to see if the critter is conscious before speaking a float dialog. That would be a huge task. Maybe someday.
42. I shortened it. However, there might be others in those areas. This is what the messages looked like (one example):
{4812}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.}
{4813}{}{Some prospectors fighting some claim jumpers.}
{4814}{}{Some trappers fighting some geckos.}
{4815}{}{Some bootleggers fighting some wolves.}
{4816}{}{Some homesteaders fighting some claim jumpers.}
{4817}{}{Some homesteaders fending off some wolves.}
Did you get any more of these that ran off the window?
I am looking into the others.
I have been doing some thinking and experimenting. Trying to figure out why all these files get corrupted, leading to problems with Klint or being unable to save games. It's not always that the files get corrupted, but that the corrupted file might not always truly disappear. Sometimes, even though you have your files in the proto folder set to read only, it is still sometimes overwritten by the one in the savegames folder. This is where the corruption keeps coming from in some case after you have replaced bad proto files. I will test to see if replacing the proto files in those saved games will still work (it SHOULD), but it might be necessary to restart any games once the protos get corrupted. I will keep you posted.
Tested it. Replacing files in the savegame folders causes an 'unable to load' error. My advice then, for those who have to add that patch, is to start a new game after adding those files, or just deal with the fact that you party may not level correctly. (Klint should still work, though, in that you should be able to trade with him and access him combat controls.)