He uses the barter-drop cheat...
If he didn't get the whole sum, Metzger could tell his buddies to kill you on your way out, or even better he may set off the difference by "withholding" some of Vic's body parts e.g.:
>800 = Metzger keeps everything but Vic's heart
>600 = You may take Vic with you but Metzger keeps his heart
>400 = Metzger keeps one of Vic's eyes (permanent -6 PER for Vic)
>200 = They cut off Vic's index finger (permanent -4 AGI or +1 AP cost for firearms)
1-199 = Just an ear (nonconsequential, besides comments from Vic and his daughter)
And when you're female and slept with Metzger to save half the sum and still cheated him for the rest, he'll have you work off the rest of your debt by "motivating" his buddies...