Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

MIB88 said:
Zettaijin said:
Just out of cuiosity, what issues could occur if one were to mess with the probabilities of roach encounters?

Probably nothing if you do it right. But...
If you remove the art, you don't take the chance of anything bad happening.
Removing the art is a faster and easier fix.
Removing the art allows for you to encounter them again when they are fixed.

Ah, ok, thanks for the heads up.

I don't think I really messed up anything too bad in the encounters tables, although I did get one weird encounter with a screen full of large radscorpions once. Actually a pretty damn scary sight. Not sure if that had anything to do with the modification of the Worldmap file or not.

Fortunately, I knew I might end up doing something wrong and kept an unmodified version of the Worldmap file as a backup.

I also kept the roach art in a separate folder, just in case.
Bugs Report

System: XP SP3 + updates
Game: F2 Rus (levaya corporatiya) (no patch0000.dat)
Mods: Megamod 2.35.4 + Sfall (last)
Location: Vault 14
1) if entered with guessing password, some mutants say "Error" when you click on them;
2) the guy, who give me tool kit near the doors, if i try to use the blue monitors near the inactive fields, the same dialog activated and i given the second tool kit;
3) on 4 level (boss level), if i try to kill the main boss from the entrance, the doors is close immedently and time icon never return game to normal state (only task manager);
4) the main boss seems to hold Bozar sniper rifle in his hands, but when i kill him (from his fist 2 shots, he never stand up), there is no Bozar in the inventory and bullets are .223.

Tried 2 times, the same bugs are present.
Greetings MIB88.

You can give the reference to the version a mod 2.34?

It is necessary to me for comparison msg files with version 2.35.
ok Mib88 can you please add a fix to Sulk? I know it is a vanela issue but I'm getting verry tired of him putting away a long rang weapon that I had him equip as best weapon for him (him set to ranged then melle, since he can't be set to melle only) and equiping a melle weapon (unless I take ALL melle weapons from him then he just uses hand to hand). each encounter he ether switches right away or shoots once and then switches (I might as well not bother getting him ammo).

I'm useing MM 2.35.4

also I searched a day to find 2.35.4 but I can't find .5

NMA only has .2
@Caesar007: Thanks for the bug reports.

@Darkform: Regarding Sulik, to be honest with you I don't know how to fix that. I don't know if the issue is in his AI or somewhere else. But, I'll try to figure something out.

Regarding the MM, the 2.35.4 version is the latest one released. However, I'll be releasing 2.36 sometime towards the end of next week when I get home. There will be some new content as well as A LOT of bug fixes, thanks to Nirran. He has gone through and fixed issues with Scraptown, Goris, Klint, items, etc. and has even even made the Lootable Armor component a lot closer what I have wanted it to be.
I think Sulks problem is hardcoded or someone would have fixed it already but I think a fast fix would be alow him to be set to range only in combat controls (at that setting if anyone drops thier gun or runs out of ammo they THEN switch to melle or HTH).
As for Nirran's mods: which is the right combination to install those mods? Because I chose 3 of them, Stims, Paintjob and Books, and that Paintjob is little buggy so after installation it I cannot save my game. By the way, it seems to me that any of your mod replaces some the same files, such as INVEN.LST or another *.LST. How the hell on earth could they work together?
i update those files when i change them in all the mods,they all have the same version(or should),what was buggy about paint job?i know of an error i cant reproduce in arroyo bridge,waiting for someone to test the new version of the map.also right at the top of the page of mm downloads,it says some are compatable and some are not,and to email me at if you would like some compatable files

The bug is I cannot save, at least at Arroyo Temple - I didn't get further. Also, opening the pot (first one) in AT causes game to freeze & crash (MM installed with both Stims and Books).
Well, Nirran, question. Which mods are compatible "without further coding"?

And for MIB, in 2.35.2 casino bouncers drop 2 sets of armor (leather jacket and leather armor mk II), was that reported before?
Thanks for the armor bug report. And yes, it was something that was known... kinda. The specific bug report mentioned only that Salvatore's men were dropping double armor, but it was a bug affecting several different critters. This should be resolved in the next release. Nirran has made a better script for armor creation, and I have gone through many individual scripts to remove certain code so that armor is not created. There were a number of them, and I wouldn't be surprised if I may have overlooked a few, though.
the three you chose should be compatable as is,was paint job bug with a new game?(probabaly as it is start map) i cant reproduce that bug,i added global variables with that mod and it would invalidate previous saved games


edit: double checked,odd it wont save,the mod changes nothing in arroyo temple
I don't know what your final vision on the version of armor drop mod is but I found that in MM 2.35.2 armor droped way to fast (except maybe advanced power armor) and in 2.35.4armmor drops way to slow (at first it's ok but after awile armor seems to just stop droping at all.

I think a good idea is make EVERYONE that looks like they have armor on have a script (I'm not a scripter but I will try to make it sound like one) that says something like:

players luck * 4 % chance to drop armor that closeat resembles the armor they look like they are rearing based on defences that NPC has.

I think this will solve armor droping all the time but still give the player a 4-40% chance to get (they still have to pass a repair and science cheack) the armor that the NPC looks lke they have (I sorta like hunting for armor off NPCs and in 2.35.2 the enclave patrols had 1 guy in each encounter that would drop advanced power armor but not all of the Enclave NPCs. in 2.35.4 I didn't see any change in armor drop untill I hit a encounter that I coulden't take all the loot and left some metal armor on a few NPCs when I left the screen of a random encounter and after that I haven't got ANY armor drops off NPCs.

post #2 in 2.35.4 I just started in the EPA and was wondering WHY there is a spear in a locker. the EPA is pre war right? ok maybe the doctor took it off a test subject BUT if he did WHY would he go DEEP into the EPA and stash it in a locker? wouldn't he just keep it in a pile of other junk in the wearhouse to trade with anyone that happend to come by instead? or throw it out since it would be obviously inferior to all the other stuff he has? or at the least give it to one of the primitive wariors that guards him?

*facepalms* I don't understand the concept behind why this spear is supposed to be in that locker.

also I think a good new item would be a flaregun modifyed to use shotgun shells VERY limited range and 1 shot per reload. (I thought of modifying one myself back when I had a flaregun and it looked easy enough to do. mutch easyer than makeing a piperifle. but probly only usefull to be found in klemith and only if you added ammo to the shopkeep to sell and or find some.
Darkform said:
I don't know what your final vision on the version of armor drop mod is but I found that in MM 2.35.2 armor droped way to fast (except maybe advanced power armor) and in 2.35.4armmor drops way to slow (at first it's ok but after awile armor seems to just stop droping at all...

I don't understand what you mean by armor dropping too fast or too slow between those versions of the MM. Well, I understand what you mean, but there is no reason for it. Both of those versions act exactly the same way: if you have the science and/or repair skills, you get the armor. If you don't, you don't get them. This concept was not changed in any way from 2.35.2 and 2.35.4.

The next version goes like this: You still need the appropriate levels of science and/or repair. However, you won't just get a full set of some type of armor. Instead, you will get armor components. Once you get the 2-4 components, you can assemble the armor and wear it. My final version will take other factors in as well (possibly how the critter was killed, luck, an armorer perk, and who is in your party).

I don't know why there is a spear in a locker at the EPA. I don't remember seeing it. But, I'm sure there are other instances where there are items somewhere that don't seem like they belong. I wouldn't get too wrapped around the axle on that one. ;)

Regarding the flare gun, do you happen to have art already converted?
oh abut modifying a Flaregun that I mentiond I thought about and thought it would be easy. I ment I thought about doing it to a real life flaregun I haven't tryed moding or helping mod Fallout 2 at all so I have no resources for that.

(I have done a few alterations to Arcanum before tho but that was on a diffrent PC that has since died)

I like your idea on armor drops.

I don't know what hapend to make armor stop droping in my game then. now that I know it wasn't intentual I might try and figure out why it is happening to my game. between last encunter that droped armor and the first encounter with no armor (not counting encounters I never saw a armor drop on in 2.35.2 anyway). I tweeked DDraw.ini and picked up more slaves than I have ever captured before and *hangs head* I sorta editd the 1 shot 10 mm gun (not rifle) so I had 2, droped 1 made the other a lightsaber then picked up the one I droped and made it int the other lightsaber (I realy wanted to swing them around a few times). so it could be DDraw.ini witch I doubt or the number of slaves I have or the fact I have lightsabers or even tryed to make them.

since I told my dirty secreat of cheating a lightsaber I must say I haven't been able to swing them. I can equip and I can even target a hit but after that it does nothing but close the aimed shot window (maybe it is bececause I changed it from a ranged weapon, or you haven't fully implemented the lightsabers and if so maybe haveing one the way I got them caused some shifting in code resulting in them not working and makeing the armor mod stop working).

update: I used a editer deleated the lightsabers then saved then reinstaled MM. armor still won't drop s the last thing I can think of ifs I have to many slaves. going to move some slaves to my other party members and try agin.

update: sold all slaves and still no armr drops. only other things I can hink of that is difrent is Ib have 3 earlyer sequence perks (still have a lower sequence than Klint EVEN with 3 earlyer sequence and 10 agiliy he has 2 turns for each of my turns). and Laddie fallowed me around in the wase when I refused t ell Jhonnys father I think he is dead (I think after hearing about the goastfarm from Roses husband a smart char should be able to ask smeone where it is and be able to go there) and Laddie died somewere in the wastes. I'm going to edit my char and remove a earlyer sequence perk and try agin but I can't do anyhing abut Laddie withut going back to just after I became a shamen.

update: if it's not Ladie then I don't know what it is.
is any way to get "Locate the crashed Vertibird near Klamath" quest or it still in bug list ?

bug report:
Marcus can't wear his armor ;(
I do every thing, the doctors says.
But after small animation that show Marcus with armor, he appear again without it and messege "something about player animation is dispayed". Checked 3 or 4 times and saved before taking armor from Doctor.
I never reprted this bu every now and then a randm townsperson will g hostile just 1 not the whole town. loading last save and doing the same things you did befor they went hostile usualy fixes it (maybe my no armor drop bug was the random same shifting of some varable and whould have been solveable if I just reladed last save first time I didn't get a normal armor drop but I wasn't worryed abut not haveing armor drops for to many saves away and saved over the save shortly befor he problem. well I'm starting over at my vilage just after I made shamn
more bugs

1) complete all monks quest, but still don't have access to poseidon-net to shutdown reactor.
2) monk in basement, next to 2 brothers, (hi is alone in the room) crash game with error if I click on him.

1) can not take "locate crashed vertiberd quest"
2) take map+black box from crashed vertibird and talk to Miria, she give me Toxic quest and 3 enclave troopers. I toxic kill all bots in basement. Return to Novarro, 3 troopers stay in gas station and Maria do not ever talk to me. Only messeges to stay on my post. No award.
3) if i enconter enclave patrol, they says that aware of my mission and do not attack me. (the mission is completed (all bots killed)).
ok I'm not getting armor drops in my oldest save game ether s something is corupted. I'm just going to uninstall Fallout 2 and reload from scratch.

since that save doesn't work ether and in the original game I got armor drops after that what ever caused the corupted codeing could have been ANYTHING I mentioned. a first I thought it just efected my save games I played befor reloading MM.

(darn I NEED a new keyboard after I type I have to scan what I wrote and my T and O keys keep skipping. I swear I have been hitting them but about 75% of the time they don't print when I tap them.)

also hitting shift key to highlight items didn't want to work at and after Modac about the time the no armor drop nthing started hapening but I was thinking that was just my old keyboard.

found what causes the no armor drop bug. it constantly happens when you hit around 350-375 carie wieght or higher and after you reach that point you never get any more armor drops EVIN IF you go back down. altering str to 10 in ANY way and haveing about 9 slaves will get you to that point. or 10 str and 3 strong back perks.
doesn't mater if you get the slaves last or if you pickup the slaves then put on power armor that brings your str up it happens both ways. haven't tested if it happens with followers gaining that much carie wieght but I did notice tha if you give a NPC 9 slaves and take them away they still carie more as if they never lost the 3 strong back perks from haveing the slaves (this is yet another bug but I think it is more of a exploit).
bugs report!

1. quest with monsters attack is a BIG bug! 20/80 - ok/game crash.
2. Professional Armor test on level 3, make ChosenOne appear as a Bug (critter with plasma attack).
3. If i steal Professional Armor from technic and try it on some of my fellows. The fellow just disapper!
4. i kill some paladins on the 0 level before monster attack, after biginning of attack the are all alive!
Well, now I installed just MM 2.35.4 (2.35 -> .bat -> 2.35.4 from Nirran's site -> Skill Books Mod) and it didnt work. I tagged repair skill and made it 120, still, electronics book in Klamath sewers failed (with regular "You learn nothing new" message). For double check I ran to VC (is there no other books in between?), failed to aquire books from Information Center (dialog as usual, then I get nothing from the guy), and finaly get science book from bookcase near Harold in Gecko. Still, no dice.

So, maybe I'm doing it all wrong? As far I know, I need to put the book in one of the slots, then click it? But what "target the player character" mean? I've got only "USE" option, not "USE ON". There's another thing, I use MM 2.35 from FMC, maybe that's the problem, should I use Nirran's 2.35.2 version? Or maybe should I install another version of sFall? If not, maybe I should use another settings in ddraw.ini? Set 1 to Enable at Input section, and ScriptExtender and even AllowUnsafeScripting at Misc, is there anything else that I might screw up? ;p

Well, maybe just pure reinstall might help. ;D