around 200% repair and around 150% science.
is it also 150 cheacks to see if you have the right skill lvl? or does it say drop if says you have enough skill?
I did Valt 23 and Primitve Tribe so I know MM is instaled (tho it is odd I have robes droping and nothing else and that armor used to drop, and even odder that reinstaling Fallut 2 and MM that I still don't get anything but robes.). all I can think of is ether
1: something hapend and my saves got curupted,curupting the other part of the game after I reinstaled it or
2: something hapend and changed ALL instances of the game EVEN those in a diffrent part of my pc (namely Downloads) and the ziped versions of that file and or program.
VERY odd add what else is odd is some of my windows minamize when I tell them t refresh and when I alt tab out of Fallout 2 there is a random window open that was open but in the far background (not the one I had on top when I started Fallout 2), every now and at random times while I have Fallout 2 on or on in the background some random DLL has a window poping up saying it's not working.
I'm going to uninstal Fallout 2, then deleat EVERYTHING left in Fallout 2 folder, then deleat all mods in my Downloads section, then run Norton Full Scan, then reinstall Fallout 2, patches , and mods, set EVRYTHING in Fallout 2 folder to read only and start a new game. if that doesn't fix it nothing can be done that I know of.
update: when I downloaded MM 2.35.4 patch norton warned me it might be unsafe. well that could be how all copys of the code (in Fallout 2 folder AND Downloads folder got corupted. to explain it might have worked fine till Norton ran a background scan and deleated part or all of a file that it thought was a threat and ANY copys of it.) got crupted. I think the warning came when I downloaded it from a rushin sight but NOT when I downloaded a coppy from Nimms sight but I deleated the Nimm sight copy because it was copy 2 and at first when I downloaded it I thought they was diffrent (maybe they was because Norton didn't warn me about the Nimm copy). well maybe I got a bad copy of MM patch 4 and Norton messed my game because of fixing the security risk. this would explain it all.
edit: sorry EVERYTIME I said Nimm I ment Nirram. sorry about that Nirram I'm VERY bad with names.
update: ok TeamX logo is only on char creation so maybe it was showing . I thought it was on logon screen and you would see it when relading saves.
update: the Fallut2.cfg file was not there when I instaled everything and only showed up after I entered ptions and changed things around. is this a problem? you did say there should be a Fallout2.cfg file right? and it could efect the mod if I didn't have one.
I don't have a 2.35 version only a 2.35.2 and a patch to 2.35.4 from 2.35 maybe something was left out on 2.35.2 that was in 2.35 like a Fallout2.cfg file that had more stuff in it than modifiying options puts in it.
first time I instaled I did Fallout 2, patch, unofical patch, RP, then MM 2.35.2 (maybe I'm missing something that came in RP?) I think when I loaded MM 2.35.4 that I started from scratch (fresh install without RP) because I was so far in game.
update: I deleated EVERYTHING, ran a Norton scan, redownloaded mod and patches, instaled, double cheacked EVERY text file was read only (if it said read only I uncheacked it and then recheacked it and if it didn't I cheacked it uncheacked it and recheacked it.) and still I am not getting armor drops at 160 repair 140 science on a encounter that all eniemies look like they are wearing leather jacets. like I mentiond somehow I didn't get a Fallout2.cfg file when I finished instaling and it only showed AFTER I changed defalt options in game.
update: I downloaded Nirrams Armor drop RAR and replaced all smaller fills with his and added LArmor.h that wasn't in your MM and added hs_ondeath.ssl (yours had GL_ondeath.ssl instead) now armor drops or at least leather armor drops (encounterd slavers and slaves fighting Golden Geckos and 1 slaver had leather armor the other looked like miria when you first meet her so it dropped no armor I wasn't supprised, but that was all I encounterd so far.).
MIB88: you know sulk going melle during a long range gunfight is iritateing but when you get around to fixing that can you also make it so he doesn't randomly put his weapon away (only hapens when equiped weapon is a ranged weapon) while walking around out of combat? I have to tell him about every map to use his BEST weapon (because he keeps putting it away) and then in combat he will fire once then switch to melle weapon or just switch to melle weapon to start with. (maybe if I could give him a scoped hunting rifle or sniper rifle I could switch him to snipe his targets and maybe then he will realize he is to far away to go melle and quit acting dumb.)

since most everyone doesn't attack anything unless a party member is attacked or I attack it or a partyu member misses and acidently hits it him going melle and running to a target 10 spaces away with 5 other people shooting the target Sulk never gets to land the melle hit. I'm ok with him going melle when the target is close enough to him for him to actualy hit it during his turn but damn Sulk LIKES takeing a kinfe to a gunfight. well he is the first non mod NPC you can get so he has to have some type of flaw. sorry about my Sulk ranting but realy I've been playing Fallout 2 for about 10 hours strait and it seems everytime I turn around I have to tell Sulk "EQUIP YOUR BEST DARN WEAPON DARNIT" and it is realy getting to be more anoying than Maria and Myrons constant chattering. I so wan't a option to sergicaly implant a chosen weapon into Sulks hand so that he can't put it away or equip anything else (of corse changeing the option to tell him to put it away to make the weapon not so obviously exposed like Goris option). I think if Fallout 2 was real life and I was the main char and had Sulk in my party I would superglue a gun to his hand so he would stop putting it away and pulling a knife but then if Fallout 2 was real Sulk wuld have been dead very fast because of rushing a person that has a gun with only a sledge hammer at long range.