Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

palmerwmd said:
My game crashes when I try to exit glow.

black screen. :(

This isn't really helpful.
Does this happen every time? (Last time it was two out of three.) What did you do there? What part does it crash on: leaving to the world map or from level 1 to the surface? Is this your first visit there, or have you been there before without any problems?

It's on frist visit.
so far happened every time except once.
Entered the wloer elevls.
Didnt pick up the special item (low spoiler effort to protect other readers).

It crashes when I try to grab the rope. from first level to outside.

doesnt crash when using the other ropes to get down or to get up from lower levels to higherlevels.:)
palmerwmd said:

Thanks. This definitely narrows down the problem. It means there is a problem with the script assigned to that rope. It's weird, though, since no one else has reported a problem with that. I'll take a look at it.
As a follow up:

I went back to a save beofre I entered glow. threw away all my ropes and then went back in.

Was able to exit glow a couple times on testing as I entered...
things went smooth until I tried to acess a lower level with the rope and it did the same..
Again, very odd as no one else has reported this. I'll just avoid any potential nonsense for the next release by having those elevator shafts behave like ladders instead of scripts.
It's managablethough. I just saved a lot and in the end was able to move around ok since my previous experience forewarned me.:)

PS: I really dont like what was done to the Bozar my absulote favorite weapon of the game :(.
Good range, great accuracy for automatic weapon, great hitting power and the easiest automatic big gun to get ammo for.
I cant find the dialog to save Vic and I don't want to kill mezgar just yet incase there are futer quests involving him.
AtomGuns said:
I cant find the dialog to save Vic and I don't want to kill mezgar just yet incase there are futer quests involving him.

Actually this should be in gameplay thread ;)
But here is answer:

Talk to Vic why he is there. he will explain he must repair aradio.
he will aks you for help to get him spare parts form klamath.
Get them then you can help vic repair it and with an extra $1000 (or only 500 if u r attractive female and sleep with metzger) then eh will release vic.

But if you have the firepower to kill metzger and his klan you get to do a lot of looting too..
palmerwmd said:
AtomGuns said:
I cant find the dialog to save Vic and I don't want to kill mezgar just yet incase there are futer quests involving him.

Actually this should be in gameplay thread ;)
But here is answer:

Talk to Vic why he is there. he will explain he must repair aradio.
he will aks you for help to get him spare parts form klamath.
Get them then you can help vic repair it and with an extra $1000 (or only 500 if u r attractive female and sleep with metzger) then eh will release vic.

But if you have the firepower to kill metzger and his klan you get to do a lot of looting too..

I know how to do it but the normal dialog to initiate disscusion with flint or other npcs about how you are looking for a trader named Vic is missing. Usually I just go and kill metzer but this time playing I decided to fallow the quests. With out this glitch being corrected you have to be lucky enough to say the right things to the gaurd by vics door. Even though the gaurd never says who he is gaurding you by some miracle learn that it is Vic behind the door. After that then you are able to ask flint where Vic is...Lot of good that does you now....
You can also get that dialog from slik.
And there are a couple folks in Klamath you can also ask for traders

AtomGuns said:
I cant find the dialog to save Vic and I don't want to kill mezgar just yet incase there are futer quests involving him.

Really? Who told you to find Vic? Were you actually told to find Vic? Is finding Vic even what you are supposed to be doing now?
OK, now this is weird... I end up against a team of mantis and giant roaches, but the roaches cause my game to freeze as they refuse to do anything but turn around in circles, never using up any action points or doing any action...

Because I choose to play full screen, I can't force my way out of the game using ALT+TAB or any other combination due to an unfinished action.

Very annoying.

Oh and I'm using the combined patch found on Nirran's website which includes every version up to the latest one.
I tampered with the Worldmap file to try and remove any potential roach encounters, or at least severely limit them.
I see...

Just out of cuiosity, what issues could occur if one were to mess with the probabilities of roach encounters?
Zettaijin said:
Just out of cuiosity, what issues could occur if one were to mess with the probabilities of roach encounters?

Probably nothing if you do it right. But...
If you remove the art, you don't take the chance of anything bad happening.
Removing the art is a faster and easier fix.
Removing the art allows for you to encounter them again when they are fixed.
The Glow ?

is The Glow location present in Megamod 2.35.4 ?
if so, how to find it ? Can't find any info about this.