MIB88: something odd happend. when I left EPA I went strait to NCR to start a loot selling run. well i sold outside the city, then told everyone to disarm and I took my Guss pistol and LE BB gun off ready position and put them in my inventory, then I walked to the gate and saved when the gaurd stoped my movement telling me to make shure my weapons are put away. well at that save and the time after I could not find my Guss pistol or LE BB gun ANYWHERE, they just vanished. first time I noticed equipment vanishing in MM. I went and cheacked the ground between save and putting away the guns and cheacked all party members and cars inventory and couldn't find the guns. I have now loaded my save from just before I left EPA and I have the guns there (that happend to be my closest save since I had no encounters between EPA and NCR the first try, not even encounters that I chose to skip useing outdoorsman skill.).
this bug report is VERY veauge I know but it is all the info I have and it may have nothing to do with your mod, it could just be a fluke or transposed code or something. this time I will save before removeing my weapons and cheack for them after I remove them. if it seems to happen agin I will put them in my trunk instead of removeing them and haveing them in my inventory.
I realy think this one is like the one time (that I didn't mention before.) that I was walking around NCR with everyone in my party unarmed and a random police oficer went hostile. I had a close save and did nothing but go upto the guard walk around him, then start pushing Casady beside him and he wouldn't go hostile. the reason I pushed Casidy beside him was Casidy was who he decided to go hostile on for some random reason. but anyways this missing weapons thing may be like that problem. totaly unrepeatable. just random code fireing off. things like this tho is what made me think the junkys randomly going hostile was not actualy ment to happen, seeing as I played MANY games and it doesn't seem to happen even in 50% of my games.
something odd again: I got back to Arryo and when I went to main map from bridge map I got the valtsuit movie and when the screen showed the text box had the notification you get after getting rid of Jardon and the notification of gaining the exp for it. hope my PC or a viruse on it is not messing with Fallout 2 code agin. I am starting to get worryed that my game is starting to get curupt again because of so many odd things starting to happen pretty close together. f corse odd things normaly happen every now and then with the Fallout 2 engine but usualy a few days in real time apart or 2-3 times a game only unless something else is realy wrong also.
MIB88: I don't know if this is something odd or something intended + a bug or just a bug but when I planted a seed in Arryo (I only did it 1 time before in previos games.) instead of corn it made a EPA spore plant grow. that part I think could have been intended to happen every now and then but what I think is the bug is when it auto hostiled because I was beside it everyone on the map whent hostile. they calmed down and I was still Idolized in Arryo after I left the map and came back so I planted on the other soil and it happend AGIN. the other game I played bth of the plantings gave corn but this time both gave EPA spore plants that turned Arryo hostile to meso I am finding it odd. of corse it could be there is a 50% chance for grain or EPA spore plant explaining how I could get this to happen and I would understand the people of Arryo getting mad at me for planting "plants of the black soul" in thier cropland. I didn't and am not going to look this one up in a walkthru untill I come across something I am pretty shure is not intended and look that up. of corse it could be some skill modifying it also. or maybe thew other time I used look on the seeds first and didn't this time, if that would make a diffrince.
defenet bug: ok when I walked back into the main map after the 2nd EPA spore plant ALL the plants that I didn't plant was gone, the 2 "plants of the dark soul" in the shamans garden was alive and the only plants there, tho there was 1 pyote in the garden also, AND the shaman when I talked to him (I was going to give him a pack of smokes.) reverted his diolog back to when I just finished the shaman tests asking how my walk between worlds was (refering back to the night of the shamans dance.) and I gained since skill again. ether this is a bug from planting 2 EPA spore plants or my game is messed up again. from the look of the croplands if I sleep or leave Arryo then Arryo will die of starvation.
update: I just noticed the car is als missing. I will reload last save take car to Klemith, walk to Arry and then try again.
update: oh I forgot I left the car in NR and took a taxi to the Broken Dreams for Dogmeat putting me close to arryo so I went to Arryo BEFORE picking the car back up.
update: I gt the exp and valtsuit thing again and the shamans garden had those evil plants in it and he did the dialog for a + to my scince. this time I also noticed that Klint is standing where he stands after you just come out of the temple of triles and a copy of him is in my party wearing the gear I gave him. I'm going to try to sneek past him to go ff the map and re enter to see what happens. if the map is still buggy I think I will try to get the 2nd Klint in my party

because I like haveing increadably large partys.
after getting Kilnt #2 and looking at the seeds I planted 1 corn then 1 EPA spore plant. of corse after planting a spre plant the village went hostile got me a spear because 1 of them threw it at me and I picked it up as I was running to a exit. well I will keep the save before I picked up Klent #2 just in case he glitches the game from me haveing 2 Klints in my party but other than that save I have no reason to have to come back to Arryo (I forgot if you are able to go to Arryo after the oil rig. if so then I will probably go back then.).
2nd Klint follows me to klemith but after changeing his combat control AND haveing him put on the same armor as Klint #1 when I left and enterd the Den 2nd Klint was gone and all his gear. of corse he may have just had that Klint glitch where sometimes Klint doesn't leave a map with you untill you go back tell him to wait then tell him to follow you again BUT I thinkl it is to much a hassle to keep a 2nd Klint if I have to constantly make shure they are both leaveing the map with me so I loaded game before I got 2nd Klint and just didn't pick him up.
the fix to Mystirios stranger might have made it better BUT I think that fix can be done better. especaly considering the armor drop mod. the way I see it the stranger was supposed to be someone tough that sometimes shows up if you have the perk. well it seems kinda odd that the stranger shows up in metal armor while includeing me there is 2 party members in hadend power armor, 5 in Brotherhood combat armor, 1 in combat armor, 1 in a environmental suit, and Dogmeat with no armor. I think instead of scaleing Mystirios stranger with the players llvl (since with armor drop mod and other ways of getting better armor faster.) that the stranger should be a coppy of the player includeing all inventory, giveing the stranger acsses to the skills and gear of the player but of corse the strangers inventory would vanish on death and if posable you could make the stranger immune to the steal skill (if you can't figure this one out there has been some shelves I have tryed to sneek and steal from that just stop you mid steal not allowing it EVEN if noone sees you.). it is kinda odd that the stranger is in metal armor when the avrage member of my party is in Brotherhood combat armor. of corse at this point it doesn't matter much seeing as I have over 100% small arms skill, a Guss gun and a LE BB gun makeing most random encounters end within 1 or 2 rounds. if you have cult of personality you probably shouldn't even have stranger but these sudgestions are mostly on behalf of those players that play with a low charisma and count on the stranger beeing a help to the fight. personaly I just about don't care if the stranger gets the benifits of wearing better armor. I would just like the stranger to look like it is wearing armor at least as good as the players (I mostly just think it odd that a random person takes note of the players mission and decides to help out useing armor that is 1/2 as good or worse than the player has. I would think if they couldn't get better armor they would stick around after the fight and ask for some better armor for helping the player. if the player says no it runs off and if the player says yes it stays and lets you trade where it has nothing in inventory so all you can do is give away stuff, on the encounters following that the stranger would be wearing the better armor. but still if it is a set amount worse than the players the stranger would stick around and ask again. but of corse it is MYSTIRIOS stranger and not JUST STRANGER so I think it should manage to find armor just as good as the players on its own.
oh how I got 2 hardend power armors was: 1 was on the last Morton brother and the 2nd was on a knight during the rat cave encounter. I got both of the encounters before getting back to New Reno and picking my car back up.
I probably should post this on basic Fallout 2 forum but is there a money cap? I just noticed after selling in New reno, then paying $2,000 for dog armor and $1,000 fr ore refined that I have exactly $49,000 left and it would be a extream quincidence that I would have exactly $52,000 when leaveing NR without trying for a round number. it may be a cap because usualy I don't even cheack how much I have this late in game. but there is a small chance it is a bug so I did post here. if it is a bug or cap it doesn't realy matter it is plenty of money to buy 5 of ANYTHING by itself but if it is a cap or bug I would like to just dump excess inventory in the waste instead of running around trying to sell it.
MIB88: this isn't a edit after last post but I thought it deserved it's own grouping: about ore refineing. I think the option should stay open to refine ore after the first one you refine because of ore you can find and also ore you can buy from carivans. I've been walking around with about 9 uranium ores and they sell for just $0 and the refinery only will refine the first one you give them. also I think you should be able to get it refined and then refuse to sell back and instead take it to Gecko and sell it to them or give it to them for karma.
bug: ok I think this is maybe a bug of basic Fallout 2 but maybe it can be fixed in MM. I had problems with BH agin. I loaded save game a few times testing it to find out what is actualy causeing BH main map to lock up. well if you get the note off the dead bodys and enter BH main but don't talk to Frances and then leave it will make your game lockup the next time you try to enter BH main. I think the flag saying you read the note changes to 2 after you enter BH main after the first time you read it makeing Frances not be on the map if you enter agin BUT since the flag on talking to Frances about the note is not activated he is supposed to be on the map wich would confuse the game and make it lock up because it is stuck trying to have him there but not there. normaly I don't trigger this bug because I ether alreay arm wesled him or decided not to at all but the past 2 games I decided to not confront him about the note till after I get APA and arm wrestle him. I just skiped it after finding that is the reason of the bug. hopefully the body the note is on is not flaged to go away so I can get it later.
also MIB88: when you go onto the something farm map (with the dog and boy that is missing his father - not Jhonny.) it flags that you was on the underground map so his fathers body starts it's countdown to rot. this is not to bad BUT his diary is stuck UNDER his blood and I can't get it. it has been a few months since I was there so I think I will go back and see if the blood spot is ether gone or small enough for me to get the diary. I happend to step on the farm map when starting the Jhonny quest to unglitch his dog because it wouldn't come out of the tannery. and that step in and out made it so after I did the goast farm that the other boys dads body underground already roted by the time I got around to do the quest. I hope the blood got smaller and that all I need is the diary and not actualy have to examin the body.
MIB88: this has happend a few times so I have to say that the molerats fighting radscorpions encounter is broken. the mole rats tend to target 1 scorpion and the scorpions target 1 rat. that splits the fight into 2 groups but after the scorpion and rat that was origonaly targeted dies they stop fighting. they don't chose another scorpion or rat to go after. I think if you added a line in thier AI that if they have no target they will target whatever attacked another of thier kind on the encounter map, that it would fix this. on that note if I leave combat on and attack 1 creature in that encounter after they quit fighting the others of it's kind don't care and only the one I attacked will try to fight, this makes it easy to just pick one off at a time while the others just sit back and watch as you slaughter the entire map. I think I could do this encounter on hard combat with just me and 1 party member EVIN IF we just had spears or knives. it seems like overkill to fight this non-responsive encounter with even a pipe rifle. I normaly skip this encounter or run from it but this game I decided what the heck might as well pickup some free scorpion tails for Myron to make into antidotes for a low value trade item when barter is close so I can keep the money spending in barter less than $50 each barter. since I have a LE BB gund I can pick off each one in 1 shot to the eyes and thier kindred don't fight back so I can just walk to point blank range kill 1 wait to next turn and repeat till everything is dead.