Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

Big cockroaches... the little ones pwned my ass alone. Every shot would do 20-30 damage. And the little ones got two attacks every turn no matter what (3 round 'clips', and they could reload and still shoot twice oh noes). They supposed to be that deadly? They are cockroaches, but still... I learned to run from any combat with those...
Derajo said:
... They are cockroaches, but still... I learned to run from any combat with those...

Wrong. They are dangerous giant cockroaches mutated by radiation and possibly FEV. The wasteland is a dangerous place. Scared? Go back to the village and hide behind the Elder, pansy! :P
I've got question about this line:

;Set to 1 to enable eax.
;Not supported in the windows 9x version
;Requires supporting scripts to set appropriate eax effects for each map.

;Set to a value between 0 and 25 to choose the default eax environment
;This is the environment used in a new game until a script changes it

EAX is suportet, but if I chose 1-25 default environments in EAX, there will olny this one all the time. My questrion is if I chose 0, will be "predefined" eax envioronments for each map? Did somebody puat a script in each map or it is just planned ?
If you have a bug, I'll try to help you out. But I need more info. When does it crash? When exactly?
I figured out with that bug, i must change rendering mode from 4 to 0 (640x480@8bit)
And i changed it to 1024x768@16 by HiRez mod.
Pan_Feanor said:
I figured out with that bug, i must change rendering mode from 4 to 0 (640x480@8bit)
And i changed it to 1024x768@16 by HiRez mod.

Hm i like 800x600 16bit its just perfect nothing to small or big and i had to change rendering mode from 4 to 0 too...but why? mode 4 is dx9 right? and i got support for 10.1 so no idea why it dont work...
I'm going to address a few things.

There's some "Error" dialogue in Collyweb, usually when talking to one of the gang members. Also, that Doofus guy that's in the gang, has dialogue you almost can't escape from unless you talk to him about the town (this happens after giving him that book). When you examine the gang leader there, you get a weird coding showing if he and/or the gang's aggressive.

The BOS Bunker crashes the game if you try entering the elevator during the mutant invasion, although I don't know if you're suppose to enter it at all. Also, you can still ask for fuel to fly, even if you don't have a vertibird.

Cockroaches have spit weapons that can be "dropped" (they don't), fire duds, and can even explode if they suffer critical failures (which happens alot with Jinxed).

Lastly, is the caves of Vault 13 suppose to have a suit of Advanced Power Armor MKII, a Fallout 2 Hintbook that gives UBER stats, a Mega Power Fist (with some extra ammo), and a G.E.C.K.?
Yeah, about Vault 13 - it was used for testing and not removed. But I think it was removed in 2.35.1 patch, wasn't it?
Tom9k said:
Yeah, about Vault 13 - it was used for testing and not removed. But I think it was removed in 2.35.1 patch, wasn't it?

Dammit! No, I forgot to delete that stuff after testing. It's still there. Removed for 2.35.3.

The roaches' spit weapons will be changed soon. I'll change it to a 'thrown' weapon rather than a type of gun they use.

I'll check the other bugs posted by Naminator5. Thanks.

Zathras said:
1. Okay give up as opposed to fix..NPs

About the weather mod, I have no idea what you are talking about. If you don't want the weather mod, then delete the file. If you actually installed 2.35.2, then the weather mod is already turned on. You get the error if weather.ini and the shaders are in the folder and you are not in the proper mode (read earlier in the newspost).

Zathras said:
2. A "cheat" is something you use to gain an unfair advantage in any situation. However my point was that I was using it to explore what requirements are needed for various options e.g. you need a decent charisma and speech to gain the barter training from silk and I had not noticed this before in vanilla F2 and thought that it was a bug so i checked using F2se and it was not(this char uses more luck than charisma) That is only "cheating" if you keep any changes and whatever gains you make in using them.

Re F2se:
While i do appreciate your efforts in making the Mod (and we all do..bugs or no bugs) if you think that F2se is only useful as a cheat then I beg to differ & vehemently so.

Yes, cheat also means to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud; to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice; to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting; to practice fraud or trickery; to violate rules dishonestly; to be sexually unfaithful...

We can go on for days talking about what the definition of a "cheat" is or what it means to you or me. I don't care to. My point was that I don't use the program, don't care if you use the program, and have no intention of going out of my way to ensure the MM is compatible with it.

Zathras said:
The 2.35.1 saves do NOT work in 2.35.2. However they do work in 2.35.1 + yr patch for which i am grateful. Why? I have no idea but all loads crashed with an "Application error">>"breakpoint error" whatever they are and that is without any F2se involvement as I deleted any saves made by using it as I ALWAYS do.

I don't understand what you are saying. Both 2.35.1 and 2.35.2 are patches. What is available at NMA is my latest version of files. We'll call that 2.35.2. It contains everything that is detailed below.

What was originally available at FMC was 2.35. Then I made a patch to bring it to 2.35.1. I forgot to add the working Redding map. In order to ensure that people got the Redding fix, Cubik included the redding map with the other files from 2.35.1, called it 2.35.2, then removed 2.35.1.

So, there is virtually no difference between 2.35.1 and 2.35.2. Just one map. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why saved games between the two should not work. There is also no reason I can think of why 2.35 games would not work with later versions of the game.

Zathras said:
I take it that the coarse gentleman in Vic's home and who gives you the whereabouts of Colly in 2.35.1 has been removed in 2.25.2? I never managed to explore it before 2.35.2.

What are you talking about? Dipper hasn't been removed. He's still there and tells you or shows you where Colly is.
When a big bug the size of a small horse dusts me in one round, bet your ass I'll run. XD

But, back to the point of this thread. Is there a reason why I can't get Cassidy or Vic (not tried Sulik, I never give him guns) can't use a Hunting Rifle? They can use shotguns just fine, though for some reason, they won't equip the Hunting Rifle. This something simple or is it an actual bug?
Derajo said:
...Is there a reason why I can't get Cassidy or Vic (not tried Sulik, I never give him guns) can't use a Hunting Rifle? They can use shotguns just fine, though for some reason, they won't equip the Hunting Rifle. This something simple or is it an actual bug?

I'm willing to bet it has to do with the new weapon animations made by Josan12 (and Jotisz?) for some weapons. That is the tradeoff: the player will use the new animation codes for those weapons (FN FAL, hunting rifle, scoped hunting rifle, AK-198), but there are no new graphics for the NPCs.
Strange, I'm 100% sure I've run the batch file, but Sulik and Vic still forgot their level (Sulik backed to Lv2, Vic to Lv1). Any lead?
I'm sorry, I don't have much info on that. Killap said that it works for the RP (it is something he devised), so there is no reason to believe it won't work for the MM. All I can ask is that you keep testing and let me know what you find out.
MIB88 said:
All I can ask is that you keep testing and let me know what you find out.
My current save is about to leave the Den, on my way to Modoc I fought some highwaymen and leveled up to Lv8. Since I disable the NPC random leveling in sfall, Vic will definitely gain a level. But when I save the game and load the save, Vic will back to Lv1. The same happened on Sulik when I'm Lv9.
I follow the readme to delete those proto files in Data\proto\critters, but that didn't help. I've also tried to clean the critters folder (delete all .pro and re-copy from MM 2.35.2 archive). I don't know how to do any further test, can you give me some suggestions?

BTW, I didn't get such problems while playing RP 1.2 with "default" master.dat.
MIB88 said:
I'm sorry, I don't have much info on that. Killap said that it works for the RP (it is something he devised), so there is no reason to believe it won't work for the MM. All I can ask is that you keep testing and let me know what you find out.
I had Darek test the batch files I wrote for 1.3 and he says they did their job. I could have sworn I tested them out as well but I am drawing a blank at the moment.

I think I wrote the ones for you correctly, but I did not explicitly test them. The extent of my testing was that I made sure the protos were added correctly to the master.dat file. So either that is not happening for some people or something else went wrong...

Do note that master.dat must be in the same directory as runme.bat (and the corresponding folders that come with it) A good test to ensure that the master.dat was modified is to look at the modification date of it. If it is recent (ie the date of you running the .bat file) then that is good.
I really can't think of anything. I mean, the whole deal with party NPCs leveling occurring is because the 1st level protos of those NPCs is being created in the data folder and it supersedes the higher levels...

Wait. I was being dense... a sign I really need to go to bed. Killap's fix won't affect Sulik and Vic, now that I think about it. Killap's fix was to prevent new critters' 1st stage (from the MM) and those that were altered at first stage (Cassidy, Marcus, and the Robobrains) to keep from overwriting the higher levels.

So, here, the thing to remember really is to just make sure proto and are not in the data/proto/critters folder. But, once it is there and you happen to save the game, a version of that game gets put in the savegame folder. Try this: make sure those files are not there in the proto folder. Save the game to a new slot. Continue playing at least another set of levels, and then post what happens.

That is all I can think of.
MIB88 said:
So, here, the thing to remember really is to just make sure proto and are not in the data/proto/critters folder. But, once it is there and you happen to save the game, a version of that game gets put in the savegame folder. Try this: make sure those files are not there in the proto folder.
Ah damn....even the save at the Den (Vic @Lv1) they're in the critter folder.
That means I have to play test from the start again? Since delete the ones in savegame folders will crash the save.... D:
I know deleting those files from your savegame ruins your game. However, maybe it's normal, I really don't remember. Don't start all over just yet. That might not help either. What I said above about hopefully getting around it is a SWAG (silly, wild-ass guess).
MIB88 said:
I know deleting those files from your savegame ruins your game. However, maybe it's normal, I really don't remember. Don't start all over just yet. That might not help either. What I said above about hopefully getting around it is a SWAG (silly, wild-ass guess).
Hmm....I delete and in both Data\proto\critters and Proto\critters folders. And keep playing my savegames through Lv13 (Sulik@Lv4, Vic@Lv3), the problem still happened.
Oh well, guess I should just keep playing and take care these two poor guys. :P