Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

Thanks for explanation!
Well, I have good news and bad news. Good news: caves working perfectly.8-) Bad news: underground sewers acts strange. :? I can enter them, move freely, exit, everything is OK. When I exit, map looks little trimmed, but it is still fine and I explore it completely. When I step on exit grid, I am back on the world map. Problem is, I am not back where I was, but somewhere distant: for example, I travel from Arroyo to Klamath, have random encounter, enter sewers, exit and go to grid. Back to world map, I am somewhere around Redding or San Francisco, or... who knows where, but not between Arroyo and Klamath. Interestingly this is not happening with cave maps.
i will check that,i added code to save worldmap position,probably an error

edit : changed the method of setting worldmap postion to an sfall function,tested in my current game,checked good,uploaded

Nirran, you can do that just fine without sfall.

Just put the corresponding line at the top of the scripts map_enter_p_proc procedure.

Desert Random:
wm_area_set_pos(26, metarule(44, 0), metarule(45, 0));

Mountain Random:
wm_area_set_pos(27, metarule(44, 0), metarule(45, 0));

Coast Random:
wm_area_set_pos(29, metarule(44, 0), metarule(45, 0));
thats what i had before,donno why it errored,but i also added an sfall global

Maybe you used the wrong position numbers.
The only one used originally was 27 (random mountain encounter).

Anyway, how do you decompile a script that has sfall functions?
Normally I use int2ssl but it can't handle anything that's been touched by sfall.
Man, you are VERY fast :wink: . But, I just downloaded script from your site, and it is still not working for me - again I just end up in middle of nowhere when I step on exit grid...
Then I found old installation of your script and copy, and (from data/scripts folder) to new script (overwriting new files with these 3 old ones). That combination works :D I didn't tested it throughly, just few random encounters, but now both sewers and caves works good and everything seems fine. I don't know how long this will function and did I broke something this way - I will play more tonight or tommorow and inform you of results.
MSlavko82 said:
Man, you are VERY fast :wink: . But, I just downloaded script from your site, and it is still not working for me - again I just end up in middle of nowhere when I step on exit grid...
Then I found old installation of your script and copy, and (from data/scripts folder) to new script (overwriting new files with these 3 old ones). That combination works :D I didn't tested it throughly, just few random encounters, but now both sewers and caves works good and everything seems fine. I don't know how long this will function and did I broke something this way - I will play more tonight or tommorow and inform you of results.

were you already on the encounter map?if you were it may make a difference,no the scripts are basicaly the same,couple functions are different,should work just fine

edit : @Darek or you can use ruby 1.6(other versions dont support ssl),it will decompile but all sfall functions will be assembly code,and it will recompile them no problems

edit :
Timeslip said:
Darek said:
Anyway, how do you decompile a script that has sfall functions?
Normally I use int2ssl but it can't handle anything that's been touched by sfall.

It may not decompile functions from the latest few versions, but it'll get most of them.

that leads to 404 for me

Nirran said:
that leads to 404 for me
Ah, here too. I didn't try redownloading it first. :oops:

My own website is having dns issues right now, so I can't link the copy I have.
changed the set_worldmap back to what it was,checked good for me,let me know if it fixed it

edit : changed it to simply setting all random encounter towns to metarule 44,45 on every map script on map enter,before i was checking maps,checked good,possibly made an error before with the map numbers,uploaded

edit : thoroughly checked the maps,map 69 (cave) was a problem map,but they check good now,uploaded

Timeslip said:
Nirran said:
that leads to 404 for me
Ah, here too. I didn't try redownloading it first. :oops:

My own website is having dns issues right now, so I can't link the copy I have.
Thanks for trying guys.
I didn't have much luck with Ruby last time I tried it (admittedly I didn't try all that hard).
Any chance of your site getting back up soon Timeslip?
Or if anyone who has the modified int2ssl could mail me a copy?
Pretty please. :wiggle:
Nirran, thanks for int2ssl.
Can you add Cave5 (Map index 80) in
It belongs with the "wm_area_set_pos(29" ones. It's an old vanilla bug.

Meris the wanamingo is not leveling correctly. Her first stage proto is added into master.dat instead of her base proto.
All the relevant .bat files and the "proto\CRITTERS\" folder contains "", it should be "" to work correctly.
The "" file should also be removed from ...\DATA\proto\critters folder.

Also, I think it would be good to clean up after master.dat fixes. You know, to delete the "proto" and "files" folders at the end of RUNME.BAT.
MSlavko82 said:
Yea, random encounters now working great 8-)

good :)

Darek said:
Nirran, thanks for int2ssl.
Can you add Cave5 (Map index 80) in
It belongs with the "wm_area_set_pos(29" ones. It's an old vanilla bug.

np,what exactly needs to be added?

		else begin
			if ((cur_map_index == 76) or (cur_map_index == 77) or (cur_map_index == 85) or (cur_map_index == 86) or (cur_map_index == 87) or (cur_map_index == 88) or (cur_map_index == 89) or (cur_map_index == 90) or (cur_map_index == 91) or (cur_map_index == 110)) then begin
				wm_area_set_pos(29, metarule(44, 0), metarule(45, 0));
Just add "or (cur_map_index == 80)" to that. See the devs forgot they had one cave in the coast area and only put the "save worldmap position" code for the other caves.
ok thnx(i fixed this without knowing,i am now setting all 5 random encounter "towns" on map enter with all random encounter map scripts on map load,with no checks) thats probably the error MSlavko82 found

Maybe someone noticed this already, but something wrong with hs_ondeath script, causing game to crash when critter dies. I tested it with another version of hs_ondeath and had no errors at all.
Voiddweller said:
Maybe someone noticed this already, but something wrong with hs_ondeath script, causing game to crash when critter dies. I tested it with another version of hs_ondeath and had no errors at all.

what version of megamod do you have installed?

Previous version of MegaMod had that problem, it is fixed in new version...

Not that it is matter - because it is working fine - but why Megamod 2.35.2 download on your site have 186 MB, and here on NMA only 116 MB? I downloaded it from your site, everything is OK, just wondering :mrgreen:

edit: Is it a new feature, or I never noticed it before - that NPC run around the map collection weapons and armors? Actually, I remember them picking up weapons from the ground, but never from the corpses. I started fight in Scraptown - but before that I left Klint to wait for me in big building (I didn't want him to get killed) - though he still was running after me during the fight. After the fight I was searching corpses but there was no miniguns to find anywhere (there are two I think). I was surprised when I get back Klint in my party to find two miniguns and metal armors in his inventory - he picked them up in meantime? He surely knows what to take, i give him that :)
Nirran said:
Voiddweller said:
Maybe someone noticed this already, but something wrong with hs_ondeath script, causing game to crash when critter dies. I tested it with another version of hs_ondeath and had no errors at all.

what version of megamod do you have installed?



after i have replaced hs_ondeath from 2.41 it works, but not spawn any armor at all lol) Some hew requirements?
Also i cannot decompile this script for some reason... One from your site and from 2.40 do, but this one not... If there are new requirements for armor scavenging and crafting, or references to new functions, other script or so, pls tell me, i might decide to use my old stuff.