Ok guys, First of all ty for such a great mod.
I've installed 2.44 version and 've found some bugs listed here.
[spoiler:fb992d8466]I've already visited:
1. Arroyo - 've done all quests as shaman with no problems (2nd time played)
doing quests as warrior (1st time played) caused several bugs:
1a. i've failed 12 days deadline for warrior's quest and lucas have no option to train melee\unarmed skills just saying: "U've failed the Trail...blah-blah"
1b. After i've entered Arroyo for the 2nd time and the "Prove that the Trial in the Temple had been passed legitimately"triggered, i've killed Jordan the Sly Fox and the was message that i've "cleared my name" but Arroyo Elder, leader of your village, still had only one option - he was speaking of that i should clear my name by killing enemies - so i couldn't complete "Find a way to save the harvest in Arroyo."
(!)I've used one of bags with poison (i got 2 from the chest near rat boss in Klamath) on The Elder and that triggered him to speak with me about the harvest.
1c. It's said in
http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Megamod_Guide#Arroyo that u have option to increase ur barter skill speaking with Slik but i've got no option to speak with him about the trade. (this was in my 1st and 2nd attemp to play)
2. Klamath
(i've done all the quests), but i didn't check the option to "take part in Sajag's "hunting expedition"" (though i've found it by buying drinks to all guys in the bar).
2a. Bug mb? I've fed dog in the main area and got the Trapper's Town key but it didn't unlock the door to the rat's part of Trapper's Town till i reload the area
2b. Also didn't check the return of the Jennings's Family (Farm location when u need to defend them against slavers) to Klamath.
Upd. I've visited Klamath in 3 months' time and there is no Jennings' Family here. Nobody even mentions about them
2c. Killing Danton Brothers doesn't affect karma at all + for some reasons one of the Brothers when u start attacking him suddenly became "Master Trader". Well that guy from Colly (that occupied Vic' house) also became "Master Trader", when gets attacked and soon dead.
2d. Why coming with Vic to his house, where this guy from Colly is, doesn't trigger any conversations?
And where did we lose Vic' girlfriend from the Bathhouse? I didn't see her in Den, never less any messages about her return to Klamath.
3. Den (all quests done)
It seems strange that drug dealers in Den Residental Area have their loot renew (each time i enter Den Residental Area) after u did orphanage quests. I've stolen all their stuff before doing orphanage quests.
3a. Den traders - Tubby and Flint? (the guy in the West side, house with addicts, selling stolen goods) stopped renewing stocks. Last time i was here to ask Karl to return back to Modoc, and ... several months past... but they still have no money
4. Modoc
No bugs found in the modoc itself (all quests for original modoc done including ghost farm) though i couldn't break the rock block in the Modoc's Mine area that is connected with the Toilet and location of Rat that stole golden watch.
As to the Cold Hearts Farm quests. Haven't done them yet but i've already found a bug. There is trapdoor in the shall with ladder leading to dungeon. I've tried several option to open it but nothing worked. Than i tried to blast it with dynamyte - the trapdoor blow up but the ladder still gave me the message about the trapdoor locking the path?! bug! I've opened the trapdoor only using walkthrough telling about oiling the trapdoor and then using "repair skill".
upd. Jo's shop doesn't renew. I mean no new money (after solve the problem between Modoc and slags, but didn't do the tunnel in well)
5. Vault City
I've done all quests except "Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno" and "Enter NCR and return to Stark"
5a.The "Find the raider base" didn't work for me (tried with car only, but still i've knew direct spot where this fuck...'n base is but there is no trigger and i can't find it, though i've spoken with Stark about the Raiders and 've spoken with First Citizen about Raiders and also tried to check ALL THE SPACE between Vault City and Broken Hills
5b. The trader npc Ed (Vic mention him if u ask about water flask from vault 13) didn't tell you anything about flask asking you to show it to him. I have it in the inventory but he didn't "see" it... My actions: (i used "hand" action on the flask, and i also didn't have flask in my inventory for the first time i ask him about it, so mb that actions caused the glitch)
6. Gecko
6a. there is no option to steal from Festus. (i've encountered someone else with same bug earlier... will report if remember)
6b. I got "supertools box" with me when i spoke with skeeter for the first time - and he offered to change it for the car part without any greetings and so on (...omfg! cheater he sees my inventory). He also didn't mention option to get some kinda thing from reactor stock for free upgrade (as i remember there was such option in original Fallout 2)
7. Destroyed Lab (Ruined Lab) Encounter. I've found the Destroyed Lab Encounter - that was 6 spots righter than Vault City and 1 down. I've no clue how to enter it though there is message given when you look at the rocks block that u can blast them. Tried it several times with dynamite - no chance
8.upd.a)Big cockroaches in the random encounter are not aggressive towards anyone. If u encounter some raiders,for example, fighting any critters (skoripions, plants, ...etc) with cockroaches - raiders will kill all the skorpions and plants but won't fight the cockroaches
9.Followers (tons of bugs if u ask me). My party is Klint (1st), Sulik (2nd), Vic (3d), Cassidy (4th)
9a. there is bug with followers expecially vic and cassidy, though i give them command burst: BE ABSOLUTELY SURE NOT TO HIT ME, Cassidy uses burst most of the time killing all around himself, he has killed the whole party 3 times already, Vic did same shit with the Assault Rifle, now i gave him Scooped Hunting Rifle (Meanwhile i didn't notice any difference between Scooped and just Original Hunting Rifle except that it weights 2 kilos more) and he miss about 80% of his shots at any range....
9b. Sulik seems to be brain castrated because he just follow me most of the time instead of atacking anyone.... Vic does same shit sometimes. When i got only Klint and SUlik in the party Sulik didn't atack most of the times, there were lots of glitches all around first towns and encounters when both of them just stand still and atack persons that only walk nearby them....
9c. upd. Very often Vic walk around with bare hands and do NOTHING in Battle, when u ask him about his gear - there is still option to "put his weapon away"... This is driving me crazy. When i enter combat control - there is no weapon in his hands.
I'd rather fight alone without this idiots if i have more space for looted items...
9d. upd. At the begining (first towns) Klint was healing my anytime i was injured and my hp became yellow, and if not i could ask him to heal me. Now this option disappear
10. Scraptown
10a. Lex at enter of scrap town gives u the quest to get the rid of both gangs for information about some necropolis and respect of citizens - but this doesn't appear in ya pip boy.
10b. When u load save in scraptown the message appears: "U've returned in scraptown. Bah, i just load up the game,stfu.
10.c. Phil's quest. There is a dog that didn't let people in house. I've given her a meat jerky that caused the problem to be solved (message that i helped Phil to get home) and triggered exp bonus and befriending of the dog. The thing is that my meat jerky doesn't disappear. I've didn't try to feed her with any other food... I'm too lazy to do that
10d. Ah yeah, never coming to the scraptown i've already got karma status Scraptown: Idolized for no reason
10.e. Blades cheatchat about that "only blades are allowed to wear leather armor", still i saw at least 1 person named "weak melee guard" (who asks to get rid of dog) that wears leather armor. Though both gangs except their leaders are simply named "ganger"
10.f. the dog follows you (i regret feeding this beast) all over the area (as dog in Klamath, or healed Betsy brahmin do), but if it stacks somewhere on your way u can't move it.
10.g. And of course joining any band (blades or fool) doesn't work at all. Both bands give u first task to scout the area of the opposite band.
Playing as Fool i didn't find any option to "scout". I've used binoculars on every piece of the house with generator and nothing happend. As i tried to speak with Blade's leader he called me a Fool and attacked.
Playing as Blade u even (wow!) can speak up with Fool guys. But most of the answers leads to them attacking you, or u can just leave.
Didn't i mention that any action u did in scraptown (geting offer to get rid of both bands, joining any band, feeding\killing the dog) doesn't appear in your pipboy?
10.h. Dog doesn't help u to fight with ganger although it's fed and follows you. It's shown as enemy (red) when u enter battle mod
10.i. Finally i killed the dog .... and got exp bonus for "helping Phil to get home". So firstly i fed this dog and got (500 exp and quest done) and than i killed it for 200exp more and same quest done. great...
10.j. I've wiped out Blades without any warning them or causing them to atack me, and nobody in town noticed that the whole gang is dead, even Fools... Don't wanna reload and check this with Fools to be first dead gang... I'm totally sure that DON'T work both ways
10.k. While clearing Fool's gang, their leader misshot in the brahmin that cause whole town to be agressive and Sulik bursting childs and peasants all around. Doomed city javascript:emoticon('

') I've reloaded the game and killed all Fools without any innocent to be harmed but still my followers (now Vic) begin to attack peasants. I've just ended battle mod on my turn and no one noticed that we were shootin' peasants... ><
10.l. Killing Fools (in the building) and Blades (in the building with reactor) didn't solve the problem. So i had to kill that person named in 10e. And also Rock and Skizzer that were guarding the entrance in Scraptown. Only afterwards i got thanks from Lex for wiping out gans. And hell yeah, This 3 dudes that were alive all the time i killed main gangs didn't attack. So i had to attack first to trigger the battle.
10.m. Ahhah. Finally. I got no karma and no exp boost for helping peasants to get rid of gangs. Yeah and Lex didn't tell me anything about Necropolis. He just thank me for the help. And nobody else in town knew about gang's wipe out. They still think gangers are here.
10.o. There was also glitch with Klint. First seen in this town (mb i'll see it somewhere else. While killing rest of gangers in town, one of gangers dropped a gun, and Klint wasted 1 turn trying to pick up it. 1st thing to mention - he is melee person, yeah ik he tells about big guns, but that was a pistol.
2st thing - his capacity was 200\200. How the hell he was going to pick up that weapon anyway? [/spoiler:fb992d8466]
Just strange things that should be fixed (imo).
Armor. As u guys are trying to make Fallout more realistic i recommend to look at armor mechanics carefully. It seems rather strange when i burst my enemy in parts with some combat shotgun, his body looks like piece of shit but i still can loot !undamaged! armor from his body if i pass repair check... Em... his arms and legs are 15 foots away of the bloody mess that is called "body". How the hell can i get the armor from it?
It also tents to be strange that when i got armor from the dead body it's still shown that dead body is in armor. Pardon my english
Ty, VataR