Mildly Dipped

I know cases when need to clean temp files and the registry (for example ccleaner slim)I appreciate the help lads but nothing ya'll suggested has help and I'm still getting the error.
I know cases when need to clean temp files and the registry (for example ccleaner slim)I appreciate the help lads but nothing ya'll suggested has help and I'm still getting the error.
I know cases when need to clean temp files and the registry (for example ccleaner slim)
I know in an old readme you mentioned that basically if you enter the temple of trials and get a black screen you're screwed. I want to know why I'm getting said black screen. I used manual install of I used a clean install of fallout 2. I'm running under wine and using direct draw 7. I tried everything I could think of all weekend. Apparently I'm unable to use Dx9, I get an error loading cities on startup. If anybody can help thnkx. If not just tell me I'm screwed.