Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

MIB is doing it on his on pace, never doubt him! he have been on this tract close to 20 years!!! .... (holyshit!!!!)
Kuddos to you @MIB88
Be skeptical. But don't assume. It's not wise to make assumptions about a mod being inactive when the modder is still posting in a thread for a mod that he's been working on for... Whoa... 19 years already. (Dang, where does the time go?)
Unless I die suddenly, I promise I'll make an announcement about this mod when I've decided to stop working on it for good.
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Be skeptical. But don't assume. It's not wise to make assumptions about a mod being inactive when the modder is still posting in a thread for a mod that he's been working on for... Whoa... 19 years already. (Dang, where does the time go?)
Unless I die suddenly, I promise I'll make an announcement about this mod when I've decided to stop working on it for good.
Don't jinx yourself!
I'm not going anywhere... I'm charmed! :P

Today I started to tackle the new EPA again. Ugh, what a pain that is to continue with. I have to continue to find all the new art and delete it in one mapper program. Then I have to open the map in the other mapper and add it all in on the other one. And, if just one piece is left on, then I have to go back to the first mapper and scour the map until I find the artwork, or else I can't open the map in the second mapper. This was the headache I put on pause before the pandemic. Big fun...
MIB88 - I rebuilt the EPA for RPU 27, feel free to use it if you like. Mind you I added a lot of new protos to the game so adding it might be nightmare x10.

MIB88 - I rebuilt the EPA for RPU 27, feel free to use it if you like. Mind you I added a lot of new protos to the game so adding it might be nightmare x10.


You rebuilt it... again?

I hate you... so very, very much.

Obviously, I'm just kidding. Probably going to stick with your earlier version. I already have pages of notes. And I already removed a lot of the artwork. I've already recreated your artwork as new protos in the MM. The hardest part is just trying to pick out/notice every new part (like the 20 variations of bone piles, for example).
First of all, i would like to thank you for brilliant Mod.
I used to play I think 4.6 or something. I would like to come back. Can sombody give me a download source for newest version.

Best Regards,
Im removing all parts of the mod whose only purpose is to hassle and antagonize the player. So far I've:

deleted ammo proto files to get rid of ammunition's tripled weight, removed hs_combat damage so that low level small guns shots stop randomly doing 7-35 damage to 80% DR, nixed gl_armor as all it does is grief the PC. Adios'd gl_test1/2_loot.int as its not only a needless hassle, but sometimes breaks quests.

One thing i couldnt find is how to remove the highwayman changes which quintuple its acquisition and upgrade costs, and stop it from randomly breaking down.
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Even if I cared what anybody else does to make changes to my mod after they have it, I'd be in no position to do anything about it. But, really, I absolutely do not care what changes anyone makes. I make the mod I want to play. That's it.

That said: @_Pyran_ , you can make anything you want optional. Really. You are the one who's been dealing with the headache of making an installer. So, if you want to make things optional once I give you the link to all the files, then please feel free to do so. Easy to do if the change is governed by a single global or hook script. Otherwise, it may mean getting earlier versions of scripts to include in an installer. That may come at a cost, though. Simple example: an earlier version of dcsmitty will have the old car price, but it may not have the talking head or the code for some other quest, option, or fix.

By the way: The script for the car breaking down is, maybe-not-so-surprisingly, gl_breakdown.int.
This should be done "optionally"

I dont know how to interpret that...what should be done "optionally"? Editing out the aspects i deemed unenjoyable from my install? Of course its optional. Doing anything at all is optional; and what i opted for is exploring new content, without having to saddle the rest of the game with unnecessary baggage.

What a weird remark.

The script for the car breaking down is, maybe-not-so-surprisingly, gl_breakdown.int.
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you can make anything you want optional
I have a few fixes for version 2.47.6 that I want to add over time.
I don't have a goal to globally remake the mod. But there are a number of fixes that need to be added in order for the mod to work correctly.
Unfortunately, I can't do it "here and now"...

I dont know how to interpret that...what should be done "optionally"?
Various changes can be added optionally.
I use the 2.47.6 version and if I try to make a sharpened spear with Mr. Fixit, I need to have Throwing and Melee on 40 to do it. I do not think this should be necessary, or not?
I use the 2.47.6 version and if I try to make a sharpened spear with Mr. Fixit, I need to have Throwing and Melee on 40 to do it. I do not think this should be necessary, or not?

Yes, that is correct. I think the creators of that mod figured that the player should have some skill with/knowledge of that weapon (which requires throwing and melee skill) in order to improve it.

And just to keep everyone posted: I have finished rebuilding some new EPA maps which were made by Lexx. I am now in the process of updating all the new/updated scripts. No guarantees on the timeline. Hopefully, I'll have that new version out by the beginning of July.
Btw. I never did any work on EPA related stuff. :> You probably mean Pixote.

Ah! Credit where credit is due! Yes, sorry, I did, in fact, mean .Pixote..

Not his latest latest. But, I do have a version which is different than the one created by Chris Parks. So, the exterior map is different. There is also a different underground level. And the main maps were slightly updated with some new scenery. Those are now all ready to go, with the exception of updating all the scripts to fit the MM. That sounds so weird, I know... that I now only have to deal with the scripts. But, really, that's not too complicated.

Edit: Oops. I forgot some. 38 down... about 65 left...
68 down... about 40 left...
5 scripts left... still have to review texts, but that should be easy... I'm sure I'll have to re-add scripts to the new maps, since there are some new script numbers. Still, I think I'll have this newer EPA in the MM in a release in July.

Now I need to figure out what to do with the old maps... the exterior site and the old warehouse. I have no intention of just throwing them out and not using them. Hmmm... :question:
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During the installation of the mod I can chose modify the speed of the game with 'change of game speed'. But what exactly does this setting change?

After rescuing the Dog in Arroyo, killing the dog in the shack, I still had 20 Karma, so I went to Klamath and rescued Smiley and was to late to become a shaman. I had the game speed on 1.5, because it was the standard settings of the installation and I could not find what this setting exactly does.

I found out that everything from First Aid to Outdoorman is wrong calculated. All are missing 10 skill points. Only the first 6 skills (Small Guns till Throwing) are correct calculated.
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Changing the game speed won't affect the time you have to complete tasks/missions.

And, there is enough to do in Arroyo and at that shack to get the karma you need and return without having to go anywhere else.
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Changing the game speed won't affect the time you have to complete tasks/missions.

And, there is enough to do in Arroyo and at that shack to get the karma you need and return without having to go anywhere else.

I got
15 Karma for the trials
5 Karma for getting the dog back in Arroyo
0 Karma for helping at the shack with the dog
I found nothing else to get to get Karma in Arroyo.
I also startet the game again and tried it again, same issue.

Other issues:
- Leaving the sewers in Klamath with the ladder, so you come out of the Toilet (which is closed from the inside) does place the characters outside the toilet. If I remember correctly, it was a toilet closed from the inside and it was possible to open it after coming out of the sewers.
- Is there still a kid with a cookie in Klamath? Because I could not find the kid.
- I can get Torr the bottle job, but cannot get the job to help Torr guard the cows. (Mentioned in the Megamod guide, but I think it was not available in earlier versions, too.)
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