Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

"less woke agenda" while you are talking against the stuff that Woke people actually have issues with

That's what I call jumping to conclusions. I'm in fact pretty right-wing. But that doesn't mean I ignore blatant misogyny as depicted in this mod. Whereas our friend Gustar seems to be one of those who equate rightism with fake macho attitude.

i am confused why you and your niece are together playing a 26 year old singleplayer game together, with the megamod

Again, why not? She got a laugh out of it, then got pissed off at it (and affirmed to me how she'd love it if the dialogue had the option to beat the shit out of half the male NPCs in the mod XD ). So we had fun. The kind of fun you get from watching a schlock exploitation movie. Then she went back to playing F2 with RP, and I went back to other games.

The tribe isn't sexist, except for the warriors, who are, as you might've noticed, tribals, and are careful with the people who can ensure tribe's continued survival while in danger of dying out, if they were sexist, he'd have told you to go back in the tent and make him dinner, not tell you you should probably find a safer position in the tribe to fill.

So why did the Elder even give you a speech on how you're essential to save the tribe? Why not just give it to one of the warriors? See the disconnect? Between the opening cinematic and Cameron's (or is it Klint, forgot the asshole's name) little cringe-worthy rant at the start, 20 seconds later? Srsly, one of the options in female PC dialogue is to 'start to cry'. WTF? Oh and Lucas actually tells a female PC that she should 'find a safer position to fill'. Even if she has ST10 and can literally snap his neck like a twig. So that argument falls apart right there.

and yes, i dare say i've been playing this mod far longer than you and therefore can 100% say that the only real sexism in the mod, thats not already in the source game, would actually be the whole thing about not becoming a warrior as a female in your tribe, which again, isn't actual Sexism, but SURVIVAL 101

So I'm guessing the whole tribal culture in New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC had it wrong then. Let's cut the hunting capacity in half, and have half our tribes literally do nothing but sit around and cook in tents, instead of playing their part in getting food to eat. Oh and let's not even train them to fight and protect themselves, so when the enemy attacks they can just be slaughtered like sheep? Please. Contrary to popular myths and cowboy movies, females in tribal societies actually HAD to know how to fight and be on-hand to hunt when needed, precisely because of challenges in surviving adversity. There was no police to keep you safe, male or female. You had to keep YOURSELF safe. They weren't the first choice to form a war party, for practical reasons, but who do you think did the scouting, foraging, and yes, hunting while the men went off to meet rival tribes in battle? Or stand to defend the tribe if some other raiding party came along while the men were out? I'll give you one guess.

And yes, I most certainly HAVE Played fallout 2 unmodded. I've also played it many times with RP. That is why Megamod's idiotic dialogue stands out even more. The OG game got the male-female dynamic right. So did RP.

there MIGHT be some comments from NPCs that, if read a specific way, could be sexist in the mod

LOL. That has to be the most grudging acknowledgement of a point I've ever read. Except you don't have to read them in a 'specific way'. It's pretty obvious the creators of this mod were a bunch of basement-dwelling neckbeards whose only experience with women was Ms. Right Hand Clenchinatrix.
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yeah, you probably are a right-wing, but you left out the nut, you can kill any NPC, so go ahead and punch the ones you don't like, sure Arroyo doesn't survive if you aint on their side, so lose senario there, but hey, they ARE tribals that are dying out and i HIGHLY doubt you've ever played Fallout 2 without mods or even gotten far from arroyo with Megamod the way you've complained about Arroyo specifically, what, no thoughts about the Golden Globes in New Reno?

The elder is talking to her granddaugther, and just as you are allowed to start to cry, you can put KLINT in his place straight away

So what if your strength is 10? you are still a woman during the tribes time of EXTREME need for any survival they can take

yeah, SHE went back to F2 with RP and you other games, considering you claimed to have played the game

yes New Vegas Honest Heart (that doesn't have the issues Arroyo does) have a different functionality, well noticed, because
A: they were much closer to actual born-in-the-wilds tribals than Arroyo which started when the Elder in F2 was a teen, and before that were Vault Dwellers, who therefore had completely different survival methods.
B: The SEVERAL tribes in Honest Heart function DIFFERENTLY from each other, further prooving that Tribes function differently under different circumstance

and lastly, it's not a most grudging acknowledgement, but me actually giving you a "you might have missunderstood something that has been rewritten from source game as sexist NOW and not in source game.

i'm done with this entire thing, because quite honestly, you are just being sad now trying to defend taking offence AT taking offence
A: they were much closer to actual born-in-the-wilds tribals than Arroyo which started when the Elder in F2 was a teen, and before that were Vault Dwellers, who therefore had completely different survival methods.
B: The SEVERAL tribes in Honest Heart function DIFFERENTLY from each other, further prooving that Tribes function differently under different circumstance

Wrong. Arroyo was established 3 generations ago. The Chosen One is a GREAT-grandson/daughter. You're skipping at least a generation. The Sorrows are pretty much the same age, when Randall Clark left them a message. So that argument falls too. Dead Horses are probably similar, and White Legs are a pure raiding tribe. Even more reason to rely on every able-bodied person, male or female (which they do, in the DLC, since writers aren't 13yr old edgelords). So yes, they do function differently from each other, and in all cases, they need to rely on their full population to get by.

EXTREME need for any survival

So extreme they're willing to die off before putting their fate in a female protagonist. :P Yep. Arroyo is doomed. And not from famine or disease, but from it's edgelordy coterie of warriors who 1) can't fight for shit - the Chosen One proves that, when they wipe the floor with Jordan in 1 on 1 after his power-play (and he's supposed to be one of the best warriors), and 2) put pride above survival. Thank god REAL tribal cultures were never like that, or we wouldn't be talking today since they'd all have died out before giving birth to succeeding generation.

Face it. You have a straw man argument. The point is, Megamod's depiction of tribal life is factually incorrect, and based on very skewed perceptions of it's creators.
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"The Chosen One is the player character in Fallout 2 and the grandchild of the Vault Dweller."

As i said, i'm done debating the mod being or not being sexist, with someone who's never played the game anyway, nice try thou Karen

OH BTW: Woke isn't a political party, thats why i call you a Right-wing nut
I have played the game for longer then you've probably been alive, given your level of debating maturity. Nor is my name Karen.

Anyway, when you can address the points I made in a concise manner we can continue this debate, until then you're right, there's nothing to be gained from this.
Oh and given your arguments, I seriously doubt you're a female, either. Or if you are, you're probably a GF of one of the mod creators.
Very much doubt it. But since we've degenerated to lame-ass namecalling, I'll bow out here. My points stand, and if you are at any point capable of an informed counterargument, we can resume. Anyway about how long I've played this mod specifically, I've uninstalled it after Klamath. Aside from damage calculations being all over the place and cringe-inducing dialogue, the mod is just unstable as hell and crashes often. Even vanilla F2 is more stable, and Restoration Project is leagues ahead of this crap in all respects.
if anyone wonders why i only defended being female: She can't both call mod makers sexist edgelords and stuff like that AND realistically claim she thinks they have a gf

if they wanna throw insults, they kinda have to be consistent, right? but then, they DID defend not being woke (aware of social issues) while making fun of "Woke agenda" (which is a bad thing, when you go over the top being aware of it) with being right wing, yeah and i'm a devout believer in atheism XD see how it doesn't actually work or connect?
You know if I were a woke moron, I'd feel 'offended' for you misgendering me, but as it is, I don't feel obliged to entertain your butthurt delusions. Again. When you can come up with a concise argument that doesn't involve going on a non-related diatribe, let me know.
You're both missing an important point:
It not ONE mod, MIB88 made a collection of smaller older mods, some broken, some not...

And yes, some of the modded dialogues where indeed written by full on MACSETS (mysogynistic and cringy slavic edgelord teens) around 20 years ago... I really don't know what there is to defend about that... sounds like it's personal? xP
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You're both missing an important point:
It not ONE mod, MIB88 made a collection of smaller older mods, some broken, some not...

And yes, some of the modded dialogues where indeed written by full on MACSETS (mysogynistic and cringy slavic edgelord teens) around 20 years ago... I really don't know what there is to defend about that... sounds like it's personal? xP

nah, felt like telling them a reason for the dialogue being the way it was which was iffy, but completely understandable from survival view, then the person started actively bullshitting and dragging in stuff like politics, while also claiming I don't know a game series i've played since it got out

yes MACSETS were a bit creepy, but again, from how Arroyo was founded, lorewise there is a reason for how you are treated by Klint and the others
bringing in Honest Heart which is a whole different set of tribal cultures, who got a message...

there is sexism, but nothing overt that wasn't already in the source game in someway again except the way that the warriors of arroyo behaves, which again, has a survival reason that Okradion got more and more rude oevr

when they then decided that Woke was a insult grave enough to belittle me and start to lie i realised they were trolling and so did it right back.

edit: this is where i first realised they must be joking or baiting a reaction and so decided to play along

there MIGHT be some comments from NPCs that, if read a specific way, could be sexist in the mod
LOL. That has to be the most grudging acknowledgement of a point I've ever read. Except you don't have to read them in a 'specific way'. It's pretty obvious the creators of this mod were a bunch of basement-dwelling neckbeards whose only experience with women was Ms. Right Hand Clenchinatrix.

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so yes, i realised the person wasn't serious, and therefore i started messing around too, i do apologize if anyone took me seriously
You fed the troll. Nice going. :P

I read everything there. Can't say I was concerned or even interested in any of it. It's a game. So, people can take from it what they want. Interpret things however they wish. Play it. Don't play it. Either way, at the end of the day, I will sleep just fine. No one ever should feel the need to defend the MM.
You fed the troll. Nice going. :P

I read everything there. Can't say I was concerned or even interested in any of it. It's a game. So, people can take from it what they want. Interpret things however they wish. Play it. Don't play it. Either way, at the end of the day, I will sleep just fine. No one ever should feel the need to defend the MM.

i was bored, they started fair, then went silly mode, so i did too, it's fun
i keep forgetting a ton of other people don't see it that way