Merry Christmas from Bethesda

I hate it to be seriouse 25 hours a day. So, I like it and yes, the quote is funny.
here's a stab:
apprently the art department is only capable of adding a xmas hat and not actually doing a vault-boy illustration in a xmasy context :)
also .. besides the hat thats the most bland vault boy ever

happy holidays beth ;)
Okay. They want a rant? They get a rant.

The vault boy is the same crap they've used on basically all promo material they have. If it was at least a GOOD drawing, it'd be forgiveable. But it isn't, so I won't. It's the same old thumbs-up/wink crap they probably created with the very intention of being as ambiguously generic as possible.

The background isn't in-theme. The Adobe Flash (tm) animation style snowflakes, cartoon colours and random trees have jack to do with 50s pulp comics or 50s in general.

"Happy Holidays"? I don't think political correctness had even been INVENTED in the 50s. It certainly wasn't widespread enough for a Christmas card to lack the word "Christmas". Okay, maybe they DID use that phrase in the 50s, but it's still horribly generic.

Here's a random idea how to do a far better Christmas card, if you're already drawing vault boys a lot:
Vault boy, dressed as Santa Claus with a large bag over his shoulder, on a rooftop, with a chimney next to him. It'd even be easy to copy the basic lines from the Gravedigger perk pic.

Here's another one:
Vault boy, dressed as Santa Claus, ringing a bell (think of typical American mall Santas). This one doesn't even require you to draw any extras.

Oh, how about another one?
Vault boy, dressed as Santa Claus, in front of a Christmas tree with presents.

Oooh, I got another one for you:
Vault boy, in front of a Christmas tree, tearing apart the gift wrapping of a present (think Psycho pic -- the one with the spittle and the crazy eyes, remember?).

And I didn't even have to think much to come up with these ideas.

Drawing a Santa hat over one of your stock pics of vault boy and putting him in front of a vector background isn't exactly creative, nor does it catch much of the Fallout spirit, you claim to care so much about.

Merry fucking Christmas to you, too.
Ashmo said:

You alone have here a lot of interesting ideas.

More Fallout fans will have others.

Bethesda did nothing special.

But when someone from the outside read this opinions and ideas what will they do? They will start joking like Andy;) Do most of them care? I'm afraid not... Sad....:(
Any company that is too PC to use the word "Christmas" is not making a good impression on me. And yeah the vault boy Santa is terribly generic as well.
shihonage said:
Any company that is too PC to use the word "Christmas" is not making a good impression on me. And yeah the vault boy Santa is terribly generic as well.

Yeah its not like any of the owners could be Jewish or non-religious or anything, right?
xdarkyrex said:
shihonage said:
Any company that is too PC to use the word "Christmas" is not making a good impression on me. And yeah the vault boy Santa is terribly generic as well.

Yeah its not like any of the owners could be Jewish or non-religious or anything, right?

I've not met a single Jewish person who would be unaccepting of a Christian holiday. I've also not met any Christians who mind Jewish holidays. As having a mix of Christian/Jewish parents and extended family myself, the whole PC "let's not offend someone by being specific in holiday names" is frankly 100% an alien concept to me.

In fact I've not met a single atheist/agnostic who minded "Christmas" in real life as well, and no I did not hold them at gunpoint.

People who raise politically-correct hell over things this trivial are usually quite "fake". Artificial. But that's just my observation. Take that as you will.
I created my own in 10 minutes. I couldn't find a nice type font, so I wrote nothing on it.

I'm an atheist. Stop using that "Jews don't celebrate Christmas" bull on me. Christmas is a part of western culture and has little to do with Christianity in general. It dates back to pre-Christian traditions which merged with Christian faith during the Christianisation of the West.

Heck, it's not even that any more, as it's been augmented by 19th/20th century culture and commerce. The Christian bits with baby Jesus in the crib and all that shiznit has become completely optional by now.

It's a question of culture and traditions, not religious faith. If yours are different, feel free to incorporate YOUR culture and traditions into OURS, but don't whine on the intarwebs because we don't care much about your particular minority.

There's a difference between being discriminated against and being ignored. It's the price you pay for being a minority.

Now, if people would go around forcing others to say "in God we trust", I would second your protest, but nobody's forcing anyone to accept their crackpot ideas, it's only a cultural event.

In that spirit, merry Christmas, chappy Chanukah and kweird Kwanza to you, too.
Ashmo said:
I'm an atheist. Stop using that "Jews don't celebrate Christmas" bull on me. Christmas is a part of western culture and has little to do with Christianity in general. It dates back to pre-Christian traditions which merged with Christian faith during the Christianisation of the West.
So it does, as does the rakanaa or whatever it's called. I'm agnostic. I just find it ostensive and imperialist, not to mention unfair to those who believe christmas is just plain bullcrap, whether they believe in something else or not.

Ashmo said:
Isn't Santa Claus a trademark of the Coca Cola Company?
The red santa, yes, it was brown before.
I don't think "Imperialist" is the right word here. Wishing a merry Christmas, as an American company, to Americans is not exactly the same as, say, enslaving Africa or putting a McDonald's in the pyramids of Gizeh (or how it's spelled in English).

If you believe Christmas is bullcrap, that's your loss. Nobody is FORCING you to celebrate it. If you happen to be in a part of the world where Christmas is traditionally celebrated and you don't like it, sucks for you.

Heck, the Christmas jingles at every supermarket get on my nerves, too, but as long as they don't broadcast subversive messages and try to program me into doing their bidding, that's fine with me.

It's not like the government is going around forcing you to put little Christmas trees and pictures of Jesus in your shopping windows (virtual cookie for anyone who can guess the historical reference).

What do you want? Lawsuits to force Nestlé to produce chocolate chandeliers for Hanukkah in the name of cultural diversity?

As much as I hate to say it, but we live in a Christianity-linked culture. I'm all for secularisation and freedom from religion, but whining about imperialist messages because someone wishes you a merry Christmas? That's about as ridiculous as cutting out two thirds of the national anthem because the text happens to be patriotic (another cookie; I do agree that the vague borders implied in the anthem can be understood as politically problematic, though) or adding thousands of supplementary gender pronouns to public announcements in the spirit of "anti-sexism".
It's not like the government is going around forcing you to put little Christmas trees and pictures of Jesus in your shopping windows (virtual cookie for anyone who can guess the historical reference).

Holocaust - Jews having to declare themselves as such; placing markers in their windows.

Where's my cookie? :D
DarkLegacy said:
Holocaust - Jews having to declare themselves as such; placing markers in their windows.

Where's my cookie? :D

BUZZZ. Wrong.

The analogy wouldn't fit. We're talking about the government bestowing THEIR ideology on you, not forcing you to placate YOURS.

You got close enough, though. I was talking about the Third Reich and mandatory Hitler pictures. I could go further and equate the Bible with Mein Kampf (mandatory reading and issued to every citizen), but I think the point is obvious enough as is.
Ashmo said:
Here's a random idea how to do a far better Christmas card, if you're already drawing vault boys a lot:
Vault boy, dressed as Santa Claus with a large bag over his shoulder, on a rooftop, with a chimney next to him. It'd even be easy to copy the basic lines from the Gravedigger perk pic.
I like that one, can visualize it being good.
And it does seem that they are just recycling an asset.
Ashmo said:
DarkLegacy said:
Holocaust - Jews having to declare themselves as such; placing markers in their windows.

Where's my cookie? :D

BUZZZ. Wrong.

The analogy wouldn't fit. We're talking about the government bestowing THEIR ideology on you, not forcing you to placate YOURS.

You got close enough, though. I was talking about the Third Reich and mandatory Hitler pictures. I could go further and equate the Bible with Mein Kampf (mandatory reading and issued to every citizen), but I think the point is obvious enough as is.

So that should be half a cookie. GIVE ME MY COOKIE DAMN IT :x