Merry Christmas from Bethesda

The Witcher Christmas card was about Geralt slaying the magical mutant known as Santa Claus. :)
Uh, a Christmas card for Herve Caen wouldn't be the same one as for Jason D. Anderson.
You can make two Christmas cards :roll:
Seriously, maybe he has already expiated fault? For example, Bethesda biggest evil in the world for me, bigger than one man ruined Van Buren :wink:
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Where'd he say that anyway? I've seen it mentioned on here a few times but haven't heard/seen the full story on that.

Here you go.

Brio said:
This was a new record on off-topic posts.

This used to happen all the time in the old days.

True dat.

shih said:
Christmas is not a religion, it is a holiday tradition,


And sure, we could send Christmas cards to Jason, Tim, Leonard, the Obsidian dudes and Herve. Someone else should have to make so.
Preferably a really funny sarcastic one for Herve, kind of reminding him that we still see him responsible for the cancellation of the real Fallout 3.

I was first thinking about the text "Thanks for ruining Fallout, now its Christmas' turn" but that is way to obvious and not really clever.
shihonage said:
This point was made originally here, I merely reiterated it. He puts it much better than I could.

I know, but the point is void as long as you call it Christmas, rather than say X-Mas (or my preferred converted holiday, SexMass).

But this is retarded-ass political correctness I'm not getting further into. Pansies who can't deal with celebrating Christian holidays should go back to their own country.

Brother None said:

Wow. He's sort of a reverse-NMA, I sort of feel for him since I think there are an awful lot of silly Fallout fans, but he's such a dick I don't like him. Sort of like I feel for places like NMA, but not very deeply because of dicks flopping around.

Sure as hell hope they don't have him review Fallout 3 though, sounds like he'd almost be willing to review it more positive than it might deserve just out of spite. Then again I don't really like 90% of Gamespy's reviews anyway. Still, wow, what a dick.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Sure as hell hope they don't have him review Fallout 3 though, sounds like he'd almost be willing to review it more positive than it might deserve just out of spite.
Wasn't that ALWAYS GameSpy's intent to begin with?

Still, you can't get higher than 10/10 (which is what FOE is gonna get everywhere) so it won't make a difference.
Ausir said:
The Witcher Christmas card was about Geralt slaying the magical mutant known as Santa Claus. :)

Huh? Where one should be signed to be on the list for these cards? On
Morbus said:
Wasn't that ALWAYS GameSpy's intent to begin with?
See, this is being silly again. For the most part I think most reviewers try to give their honest opinion on games, it's just that people have different tastes in games than me, so I generally only trust reviews if I eyeball a reviewer's previous work to see how they went on games I already know.

Sorta like PC Gamer US recently giving Hellgate London 89%. Sure, PC Gamer got a lot of "Exclusive first!"s with Hellgate, not to mention an in-game Hellgate pet based off of the PC Gamer mascot Coconut Monkey, which could make me think it was a bought high score. But then later I read Desslock defending his review on a forum, and I could see how he gave it such a high score. I don't really agree with his stance on a lot of it, but I could see how someone could come to those conclusions.

And after trying Hellgate I definitely think it should've had, say, 4/10 instead of 8.9/10.
Oh Tom Chick you magnificent bastard.

Damn. How did I go from Delsyn being a dick to Tom Chick being fairly cool?
Brother None said:
shihonage said:
This point was made originally here, I merely reiterated it. He puts it much better than I could.

I know, but the point is void as long as you call it Christmas, rather than say X-Mas (or my preferred converted holiday, SexMass).

I guess you forgot about the mass part (, but that only strengthen your argument.
So it should really be Christ-Mass.

But this is from The Oxford English Dictionary, to show the development of the expression (bold words by me):

1. a. The festival of the nativity of Christ, kept on the 25th of December. Usually extended more or less vaguely to the season immediately preceding and following this day, commonly observed as a time of festivity and rejoicing.

a1123 OE. Chron. an. 1101 Her on {th}isum {asg}eare to X{ptilde}es. mæssan heold se cyng Heanri{asg} his hired on Westmynstre. a1134 Ibid. an. 1127 {Edh}is {asg}ear heald se kyng Heanri his hird æt Cristes mæsse on Windlesoure. 1340 Ayenb. 213 Ine zuyche festes ase at cristesmesse. c1340 Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 471 Wel by-commes such craft vpon cristmasse. c1489 CAXTON Sonnes of Aymon iii. 83 At crystmasse and at ester, men ought to go vysit and see his good frende. 1489 Plumpton Corr. (1839) Introd. 114 The King..beganne Crysmas at Westmynster. 1495 Act 2 Hen. VII, c. 2 §5 Noon apprentice..[shall] the no wise out of Cristmas. 1568 GRAFTON Chron. II. 54 He went to Windsore, where he..kept his Christmas. 1605 CAMDEN Rem. Proverbs, Christmasse cometh but once a yeare. 1635 SWAN Spec. M. (1670) 124 They also say, that a hot Christmas makes a fat churchyard. 1712 STEELE Spect. No. 509 {page}3 The Beadles and Officers have the Impudence at Christmas to ask for their Box. 1748 H. WALPOLE Lett., H. Mann 26 Dec., Here am I come down to what you call Keep my Christmas. 1820 W. IRVING Sketch Bk. 189 (Hoppe) Revelry was permitted..through the twelve days of Christmas.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
See, this is being silly again.
Huh? :? They said it at least once...

Anyway, we call it Natal, which is like, "birth" :P
the card is ok in my book. though it wouldve been better if it gave the impression of a nuclear winter.

i still dislike how they shade Vault Boy though. it's overdone imo, but i aint no artist, so i'll leave that to Woozy.

PS: where i stand on the bobblehead is an often lamented fact of Bethesda lore. ;)
that's a pretty nice reference to a wellknown image you found there Jiggly. face is off yeah, but i'm betting this is some homemade stuff, so as such it turned out really nice.
I don't celebrate christmas. I will say "Happy holiday" or "Merry x-mas", but deep inside, i want to kill all the elves. Also, i never give presents on x-mas.

Bethesda just proved that they're a part of a Sionist conspiracy! :aiee:
Nothing wrong with giving presents to people you appreciate, if you're just giving presents because the season requires it I don't think anyone's holding a gun to your head and telling you to buy it!

However don't expect anything from others, beyond maybe a polite trinket or two...