First time out of the vault

useless post
jack_of_shades said:I took a glance at the fallout moding guide and I think that once my nose stops running and my head stops throbing I could acheive some small level of mastery in it, so.. could you use some help or do you have enough hands between yourself and Guyver8 to play this piano, MIB88:
never lost time killing with stimpacks,just sneak behind the guy and punch him to death,left my npcs outside,locked the door,nobody can hear the poor bastard scream HUAHAUHUAHUHAHU(mad laught)
heodien said:Never tested it.
I was reading the changes that killaps patch made throught the game,hw much of it was implemented on megamod?
MIB88 said:Just a note for you all: Had plenty of time to work on this stuff the past few days and things are moving pretty quickly. I should have New Vision 2 completely added before next week is finished and will begin playtesting then.
On Tue Jun 20, 2006 19:41.Wastelandghost said:am very sorry, but there was a serious bug with MrFixit items in NV1.2 distributive. Please, download and install it again. You don't need to start a new game and you can use your saved games from v1.2.
Dude101 said:I just wanted to make sure your where aware
Silencer said:Dude101 said:I just wanted to make sure your where aware
Surely you must have meant "you were", young Briton? Your spellchecker has cheated you.
Sorry for the nitpick.
MIB88 said:heodien said:Never tested it.
I was reading the changes that killaps patch made throught the game,hw much of it was implemented on megamod?
I used most of Killap's stuff. I am still putting in some of the things from his last release. And there is just so much that I might have missed some things here and there. I think I have at least 75 percent of his fixes when it comes to scripts and items. However, I don't have many of his map fixes.
Maren said:I was just wondering if there was a plan to include the rest of the fixes and if you need help adding in some of the fixes, I am more than willing to help. Thanks
Quintaglio said:Great mod
Just letting you know that I found an error.
When locking the farm gate in arroyo up by the Bramin, when I try
to lock the gate the game creshes, its not a big thing and I only do
it because it gives me 25xp each time I lock up something, just
thought Id let you know.
Also just a suggestion, I saw a great mod, of turning the car into an
Enzo Ferrari and would love to see this implamented fully so that the back of the car fits in with the rest