Alright, thanks for the info. I'll look at his script and see if there is anything there that might give a reason for this sometimes happening. I have a feeling though that it might be just something random and outside my control.
Misteryo said:I was wondering if there is a way for me - who doesn't do scripting, etc. - to tell if an event I experience in gameplay is most likely an issue with the mod (which would make it something you would want to know about) or with the engine or original game scripting (which would make it something you can't really do anything about.
MIB88 said:Unfortunately, Laddie doesn't level up. Hmm. There's an idea...
Oracle said:Is it hard to add level up characters for models? I know you have to create new proto types of the critter that has to level up and such, but I have no clue on the scripting part. In the past I tried to create a new joinable NPC. I wanted the Vault Boy from Fallout tactics to be my partner but I failed. (with the comments and stats etc) I then changed klints apearence with the vaultboy's ones. (wasn't quite easy.) so how that for an idea for the mod? It's one of the less things I really liked in Fallout tactics![]()
Pogue4 said:Vic:
Level resets after lvl up (any level up) usually after you leave a map...enter battle, reload the game, and/or check his inventory after 5 mins
Pogue4 said:Miria:
When you marry her you also get the title "Gigolo", which I think is wrong
- I suggest your character get title after you sleep with her, Angela Bishop, and Mrs. Bishop (basically more than 1 person you sleep around) - not a big deal though
Noted. I'll check this out.Pogue4 said:- After 1st Level Up - Miria's Carry Weight decreases by 5 for some reason
Pogue4 said:Klint:
Armor Problems - only with Leather Jacket (you can not reload game if Klint is wearing it)
- All other armor seems to work ok
- I know this was mention here in the thread but I wanted to give the specific reason for the crash (in my experience) so maybe you could narrow it down... (I just don't take leather jacket anymore to avoid this)
- Custom Dispositions in Combat Control Resets in initial game startup load game (but not after initial game start up) Not a big deal since after you start the game and fix his customs... it stays the same even if you re-load a game... as long as you don't exit the game to windows...
Occasionally you can not "push" him to get him out of the way - he just rotates. Most of the time you can "push" Klint but sometimes you have to change his distance (already mentioned in the thread) to solve that problem. Unfortunately I don't know if it is location related or random... I will keep you posted
Pogue4 said:Cassidy/Skynet:
Custom Dispositions in Combat Control Resets in initial game startup load game (but not after initial game start up - same as Clint)
NOTE: Other characters (sulik/miria/etc) don't have the Dispo Reset problem
Pogue4 said:NPCs on promotion of level Disarm weapons remove in their hands)
not a big deal... but I thought I'd report it anyway
Pogue4 said:Lenny:
Still can not recruit him no matter what you do.
Pogue4 said:Skeeter:
Will not give you the 3-step plasma transformer Quest after the Toolkit Quest (as in the original game)
Pogue4 said:Scraptown doesn't work after a save game - even after saving outside of that town (We followed thread instructions to no avail)
Pogue4 said:Location North of Gecko:
We're not sure if it's the same location, but previously someone here post a screen shot where you get a image 'echo' of your character where it leaves a trail of your character's movements and then you cant see the screen and cant play that area....
well it happens in the location north of Gecko... too
Pogue4 said:New Reno:
New Reno Arms Eldridge upgrades Hunting Rifle to Scoped Rifle but gives you ridiculous amount of money instead of charging you...
Pogue4 said:Sierra Army Depot
- Nothing happens when you fix Sentry/Security robot (only says you repaired it but it disappears and doesn't join your party)
- I don't remember this bot in the original game
- Not allowed to Restart Computer to fix Brain Bot if you fix sentry robot first (and vice versa)
Pogue4 said:AK-198 - When Upgraded by Skeeter to AK-198NV it switches ammo to 7.62 as opposed to 5mm
- NOTE: Also Skeeter still calls in a FN-FAL in dialogue
Pogue4 said:Chemistry Journals - What are they for?
Pogue4 said:ALL NPCs Disarm when switching Armor or Leveling Up
Pogue4 said:Taxi - Does not mark off locations on World Map once you visit them
Pogue4 said:Optimization of Gecko Plant - good ending? I know the Killnap Mod states that you can get the good ending for Gecko but I was not sure if that was for the repairing of the plant or you have to optimize the plant... I know in the original if you optimize it you get the bad ending for Gecko... wasn't just asking...
Pogue4 said:- Enclave and Deathclaws - Enclave Soldiers will be wounded and only attack after the deathclaws are killed (unless you shoot at Enclave also)
Pogue4 said:I am not a modder/scripter (although I tried without success)...
I also have alot of ideas on how to improve the game but since this is a long post and I am not a modder/scripter I didn't think I should post it now...
so please let me know if you want to hear my (and my bros) ideas and I will post them ...or pm if it's eaiser....
Pogue4 said:Miria:
When you marry her you also get the title "Gigolo", which I think is wrong
- I suggest your character get title after you sleep with her, Angela Bishop, and Mrs. Bishop (basically more than 1 person you sleep around) - not a big deal though
MIB88 said:Are you sure about this? I thought you got this after sleeping with several women only, including the bathhouse girls and the new woman introduced in New Vision. Did your character already sleep with any of them?
Pogue4 said:NPCs on promotion of level Disarm weapons remove in their hands)
not a big deal... but I thought I'd report it anyway
MIB88 said:Not a bug. Essentailly a new critter is created when an NPC levels up. Not everything is replaced. Don't think anything can be done about that.
Pogue4 said:Skeeter:
Will not give you the 3-step plasma transformer Quest after the Toolkit Quest (as in the original game)
MIB88 said:Not a bug. Go through Per's guide.
Pogue4 said:Taxi - Does not mark off locations on World Map once you visit them
MIB88 said:I don't understand this problem.
MIB88 said:About Miria: I will go through her script and fix this.
MIB88 said:About the Taxi: Now I understand. I suppose you are right. The location should be marked as known once you have been there. I will implement this.
MIB88 said:About Skeeter: You have to have an item in your inventory that he can modify when you give him the toolkit. If you don't, he won't give you the quest for the transformer. Make sure you have such an item. That way, even if you don't have the part he needs yet, you can still go back later and get the free upgrade when you do get it.
MIB88 said:Looking forward to seeing your ideas.
MIB88 said:As I am releasing update 2.1 this Sunday or Monday at the latest
Nology5890 said:Aha! I think I just replicated where the problem is, but I can't identify what may have done it. I suspect it has something to do with Klint also having problems with fighting, as when I went through some special encounters, he wasn't in the scrapping mood. He'd just sit there, and get pummeled by dogs, bugs, raiders, etc. Is there some way I can share the save file? I have it saved right before the disappearing happens.