MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

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irheat123 said:
I found the source of the problem, it is the arcaves map causing the problem. after I remove the arcaves.map and arcaves.cfg from the data/maps directory, the temple load correctly.

will it have other problem if I play without the arcaves map?

Oracle said:
don't think so. I will load the map from the master.det now. Hope the arcmap isn't modded.

Yes, the arcaves map is modded. It has new items and different puzzles inside. However, using the old map won't really make a difference to the game in the long run. No new global variables are set there, so you will be ok. The game will resume in the rest of its modded form when you return to the village.

However, I am concerned. If you did all those and are still having this problem, I am afraid you will have this issue on some other map you enter not too far into the game. I hope I'm wrong and that everything still works for you.

All the steps you did are typically what people have done to get this working when they have problems with it. Just to make certain, though: you don't have a patch000.dat file, do you? Also, before you started playing, did you set the files in the proto/critters and proto/items to read only?
Before I state my difficulty I want to say this mod make me feel as though I am playing a brand new Fallout. Thanks for all the hard work, man.

I have a recurring glitch that is really starting to get on my nerves, and I didn't see that anyone else has had the same problem in previous posts:

Whenever I go to steal from someone I always quicksave, go into sneak mode then steal from them. Every so often I get caught and just quickload my game from right before the attempt. At random points in time and on random NPC's after being caught and after the NPC goes into attack mode I reload the game, only to have the NPC still in attack mode, often times screwing over my entire game because the NPC may be important or the whole town is now after my hide.

I've reinstalled the game with 2.0 on five separate occasions doing everything I was instructed to do in the readme, setting all the protos to read-only and everything else that was suggested in this thread; all to no avail. This has been a persistent bug all through each update but never happened to me before I installed the mod and then not as much as with 2.0 update. Any help I can get would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the words. That was my original intent when I started: to make it feel like a new game. :)

As for this glitch, I really don't have any ideas what might be going on here. I sometimes will save and attempt to steal, too. But I never use the quicksave option. I just save it regualarly. I've never had it occur where I am still in combat with a critter when reloading a game.
I don't know if it's anything I have done could have affected this. Wait, I take that back. I doubt it is a function of some script. The .exe has been altered a couple of times already, though: once to allow for more cities, and once to slow down the worldmap. Maybe there is some unexpected side-effect from that.
Tell me: you said it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen, is it always the same NPCs/critters? And if it is the same critters/NPCs, which ones?
There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the glitches. They just happen to seemingly random NPC's. It happens just as much when I pickpocket a static character as with a random chararcter. For example, I have stolen the gecko pelts from Smiley in the toxic caves on several occasions and only once had him glitch out on me. After I start a new game I go back and steal from him without running into the problem of him attacking me obsessively. Other minor characters that are static are the same; sometimes I have a problem with them, yet other times I don't. For the random encounters I have had it happen with merchants, trappers, mobsters and such.
NecroKreep said:
There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the glitches...

Yeah, then nothing I can do about it, I'm afraid.

Also, just a quick status update: Got a number of bugs worked out with integrating Modoc Revisited. A few things to fix with that, but none of them are major. Those of you who like being evil and haven't played that mod as a standalone will be pleased. I also finally got to the point where I could test Vault 14 in game. Holy crap is that place hard! I lost 2 party members just trying to get in! Gonna take me a while to playtest that part of the mod: I need to get to a much higher level.
temple dark void bug solution reiterated

Hi, all. I also had this stubborn walking-in-the-temple-void/can't-save problem, even after many painstaking reloads step-by-step installations. The correct solution appears one time in this thread, about page 37 or so. Took me forever to find it.

Here it is: If you are using Winrar (like I am), when you check your proto files to see if they are read only, they will say read only. Don't believe them. Uncheck all the read only boxes. Then, check them again. I did this and the mod finally worked.

And the mod is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I add my thanks to the many thanks already on the thread.
Thanks, I finally get the mod to work after I reinstall the mod then set the whole proto directory readonly.
Nology5890 said:
So, MIB, are you willing to reveal the location of Vault 14, or do we have to find out on our own? :P

Well, I always include the creators' readme files. Fortunately for you, the author of the Vault 14 mod tells you how to access it in his readme file. If it were up to me, I'd say figure it out on your own! :P
Interesting Klint Behaviors in Arroyo

So I'm playing through the megamod going back and forth between two characters: a 10 luck female and a combat-heavy male. Using the female character I've gotten two interesting glitches with Klint.

1) If I try to re-enter the Temple with Klint in my party, he appears in the Temple stock still. I get one chance for one brief dialogue with him. He does not acknowledge that we ever made it out of the Temple in the first place. He says something like, "You must finish the trial by yourself from here. Get going!" After this exchange he will not talk to me at all. When I exit the Temple, he remains inside. No more Klint in my party. :( (This is what saves are for.)

2) I was exiting Hakunin's tent just as Klint was entering, and we stopped each other in the doorway. But Klint stopped in a running pose. I was able to move him and continue on just fine. But, from then on, Klint displayed no "standing-at-ease" pose. He would just stop moving but still display one of his in-motion poses. Then, if I entered combat, Klint's first move would be to fall down, complete with thud and oof sounds. After that initial fall, he would be fine. And after exiting combat, no recurring problem at all.

And let me say it again, I sure am enjoying this mod compilation. All your hard work, MIB, is giving me hours of new gameplay on my all-time favorite game. And so far I've only been as far as Modoc! Can't wait to play on farther.
Klint. I forgot about about him. The Megamod actually has 2 Klints: the one outside the temple and the one in the village. And of course, this is only an issue when playing a female character. I will modify the first Klint acordingly.

As for the poses, I don't know what that could be about. I don't even know where to start looking into correcting something like that. However, since you said it hadn't kept occurring, I will just write this off as anoth engine glitch.
I don't get it MIB, you started playtesting --> the next update is soon coming out, and there's no hype.

Come on man, don't you know anything? I'll give you Pete's number, so you can learn how to market this mod.Maybe you could put in some level scaling huh?

hehe, now seriously, how far in playtesting are you, we are eager to get a release date.

Keep on the good work!
Smoke_Jaguar said:
I don't get it MIB, you started playtesting --> the next update is soon coming out, and there's no hype.

Come on man, don't you know anything? I'll give you Pete's number, so you can learn how to market this mod.Maybe you could put in some level scaling huh?

hehe, now seriously, how far in playtesting are you, we are eager to get a release date.

Keep on the good work!

I don't believe in that. Of course, I'd change my tune if there were any money in it for me! :D As for a status update:

Playtesting slowed as I found and corrected some glitches. I still had to start over a couple of times to ensure that the fixes actually held in game. Now, I am still trying to get to a significant level before I make my assault on Vault 14.
There is one showstopper that I know of, and that is with Miria and Davin. I don't know how long it would take to track down and fix the bug with marrying them. If I don't have that fixed by this weekend, I will still release update 2.1, and release a smaller fix (only 1-3 files) at a later time as soon as it is resolved.
Re: temple dark void bug solution reiterated

Misteryo said:
Hi, all. I also had this stubborn walking-in-the-temple-void/can't-save problem, even after many painstaking reloads step-by-step installations. The correct solution appears one time in this thread, about page 37 or so. Took me forever to find it.

Here it is: If you are using Winrar (like I am), when you check your proto files to see if they are read only, they will say read only. Don't believe them. Uncheck all the read only boxes. Then, check them again. I did this and the mod finally worked.

I'm not sure that Winrar is causing this problem. I have installed/uninstalled fallout like 15 times, used 5 different registry cleaner programs, never had Winrar on my computer and I'm pretty sure that those proto files are readonly(when I unistall program asks if I want to uninstall those files because they are readonly).
Re: temple dark void bug solution reiterated

Jake-74 said:
Misteryo said:
Hi, all. I also had this stubborn walking-in-the-temple-void/can't-save problem, even after many painstaking reloads step-by-step installations. The correct solution appears one time in this thread, about page 37 or so. Took me forever to find it.

Here it is: If you are using Winrar (like I am), when you check your proto files to see if they are read only, they will say read only. Don't believe them. Uncheck all the read only boxes. Then, check them again. I did this and the mod finally worked.

I'm not sure that Winrar is causing this problem. I have installed/uninstalled fallout like 15 times, used 5 different registry cleaner programs, never had Winrar on my computer and I'm pretty sure that those proto files are readonly(when I unistall program asks if I want to uninstall those files because they are readonly).

So, bottom line is that people encounter the same problem but have different ways in which to get things working. Perhaps this is a function of the different versions of the game people are using. Could be the result of people having various system setups. I don't know. My recommendation to anyone who wants to play this mod is to just try them all until they get the mod working. I have collected all of the procedures that people have used to get this working for them and included them in the readme file for the 2.1 update.
Oh man! I can't wait for this release MIB88..
Shame you didn't have your own hosted site for this mod with a detailed break-down of the various mods, pics etc.

But most importantly a bug-tracker of some sort so folks can see what is working in the mod and what isn't.

It would make everything more centralized and easier for folks to gain information on problems and provide feedback.

Keep up the good work on this immense mod undertaking because it's greatly appreciated..
>origami< said:
But most importantly a bug-tracker of some sort so folks can see what is working in the mod and what isn't.

It would make everything more centralized and easier for folks to gain information on problems and provide feedback.

I guess it might be good for others to be able to see. However, I remember issues brought up in the thread or write them down in my own logs. And this site works fine for my purposes. I'm afraid, though, that this other site won't happen, because maintaining a site for others and going through it would cost me a lot of time that I could be using to go through the game. Now if someone else wanted to go through and do such a thing I would definitely help them... :)
Another Klint glitch

I'm travelling from Modoc to the Primitive Tribe. Female character. Klint, Sulik and Laddie in my party. Random encounter: some mole rats attacking some manti.

In combat, Klint announces: Chosen One, you need healing. And the game freezes. Have to cntrl-alt-delete to get out of it. This happened once before also, but I neglected to make any note of circumstances.

On a side note, I never thought before to put off finding Johnny for a while so I could take Laddie around with me! It's fun having a dog again. :P
Re: Another Klint glitch

Misteryo said:
In combat, Klint announces: Chosen One, you need healing. And the game freezes. Have to cntrl-alt-delete to get out of it. This happened once before also, but I neglected to make any note of circumstances.

On a side note, I never thought before to put off finding Johnny for a while so I could take Laddie around with me! It's fun having a dog again. :P

Unfortunately, Laddie doesn't level up. Hmm. There's an idea...

As for Klint, I need to know more. Glitches happen, and I can't do anything about those. The reason I say this is because there is already code in Klint's script that will only bring up the healing feature if you are not in combat. So, was this just a one-time thing? And was your character really in need of healing (meaning hitpoints were in the red or yellow)? Also, were you really in combat or was this before combat started?
More info on Klint-healing-combat-crash...

1) We were in combat when he offered to heal me.

2) My hit points were in the red

3) I had just moved within one or two hexes of Klint.

4) Not a one-time thing. A two-time thing. Like I said, though, unfortunately I didn't note anything specific about the other time. And, both times, after the crash I was able just to reload the most recent saved game and play on with no problem.

5) I can't recreate the glitch on purpose.

Thanks for all your attention. To mine and everyone else's notes and questions.

Oh, and as to Laddie. I was curious as to whether he was going to level up, but then he was critically hit for umpteen hundred points by a farmer who was aiming at a gecko. Poor Laddie... Eh, it was nice to have a dog for a while.
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