MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

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MIB, what i was trying to say is that maybe there is a relation with miria or davin to the new generated proto files...
I don't think that either of those two NPCs are causing this. The protos that are created are sometimes for critters that the player hasn't even encountered yet (I was remember once seeing the .pro file for Goris). Besides, I had the same issue again, and Miria wasn't in my party during the playtest. No. There is something else going on. But thanks for the idea.

However, once I deleted those files, reset all files and the folder itself to read only, I didn't get those files anymore. And I am well into the game now. So, there is a trigger somewhere early in the game doing this. I just don't know what it is...yet. Maybe it is a specific location...?
I couldn't resist anymore: I decided to try and play the MegaMod.

Didn't get very far though.

I installed Fallout 2. Then I installed the Megamod 2.0 zipfile (just that, no patches or anything) and subsequently the Megamod 2.1 update. When I tried running the game, I got the new loading screen, and then a fatal error with the message: "wmareainit: Error loading cities".

Further attempts and experiments show this same error if I only install the 2.0 version of the Megamod, the 2.1 update does not seem to be the culprit.

Any idea what's wrong?
Gambling in Klamath Backwards and Mute Trader at Vic's

I'm running Megamod 2.1

1) I'm gambling in Klamath. The displayed dialogue seems to work backwards. (I don't remember if this happened with 2.0.)

- When it says I have won a pot, I actually lose money from my inventory.

- Often the discriptions of what who is doing seem reversed. For example, the text displays: "[Phil changes no cards] [My Character changes two cards]" -when actually I am changing no cards.

- Also, when I peek at Phil's cards, I seem to be seeing my own hand.

2) There's an NPC in Vic's. He's identified as "Master Trader." I cannot interact with him. Am I supposed to be able to? He has no floating text and he does not respond to my speak command. If I initiate a steal, I can see that he actually has some stuff to trade.

What do you think?
The trader in Vic's place doesn't have anything attached yet because he is part of the next mod to be added. Just ignore him for now.

Never experienced any of the gambling reversals before. I'll look into it.
Mysterio, I'm running 2.1 as well, and the gambling works perfectly fine for me. :/

And yeah the Master Trader.. :lol:
MIB88 said:
You didn't include the .exe file that was included with 2.0.

Yes I did. The problem was, it didn't go where it was supposed to go. :P Instead of going into the root directory of Fallout 2, it went into the data folder. Quickly fixed, and the game works now. No early game problems detected so far...

While I'm here, the 2.1 update dumps all of it's contents into a folder named MIB_88_MegaMod_Update_2_1. Wouldn't it be better to skip this folder altogether and simply state clearly in the installation that the contents are to be unzipped into the Data folder in the Fallout 2 directory?
Thanks for the replies. I'll try gambling again and see if I can figure out what's happening. The character I am using has 10 luck. I wonder if that could be in some strange way affecting it...

Also, during battles, Klint sometimes refers to himself as "Sulik" in his floating text. This also happened in 2.0, but I forgot to ever mention it (since it doesn't affect gameplay at all).

Looking forward to Modoc :lol:
Unkillable Cat said:
While I'm here, the 2.1 update dumps all of it's contents into a folder named MIB_88_MegaMod_Update_2_1. Wouldn't it be better to skip this folder altogether and simply state clearly in the installation that the contents are to be unzipped into the Data folder in the Fallout 2 directory?

That extra folder was just for organizing purposes from the admins since I sent it in multiple parts. However, did you read the readme file? I said there "Then copy the files included here into their respective folders. All of the folders in the update, with the exception of the readme files folder, need to be copied into your main Fallout Data folder." It doesn't get any clearer than that. If someone can't figure out that the folder "MIB_88_Megamod..." doesn't belong there and is for just organizing purposes, they don't need to even try to install any mods.

@Misteryo: The floats are governed by the AI packets. Klint uses the same one as Sulik. To be honest, it is more trouble than it's worth to make up a new one for Klint. Maybe sometime in the distant future I'll make one for him.

@Bisonman80: Thanks for the confirmation about the gambling.
Thanks for the info about the AI. Makes good sense to me not to change something that would take a lot of work for hardly any payoff.

I just tried gambling again for a while, and I figured out a couple things.

The errors are not in the payoffs, but the wrong names do appear in the text box occassionally, when describing who is doing what. Also, sometimes the text is inaccurate in describing how many cards are being turned in. And, sometimes the text is inaccurate as to who actually won.

So, I wasn't actually being cheated. I was just reading a message that said "[My Character] has the eldest combination." While down below My Character is cursing Phil for winning the hand. And money was deducted from my holdings.

Bottom line, the card game works. It's the dialogue that's a little buggy. So, not that big a deal in the end.


Hey, i installed the megamod 2.0 and the update, copied the .exe and the only thing i can do is create a char, talk to clint, and as soon as i enter the Temple Of Trials i got an error (and i have to ctrl+alt+delt it). Anyone knows what is cousing this?

EDIT: Changed the PROTO folder inside data to read only and everything works.
I had the same problem as Crusader_bin.
I made sure the patch000.dat was not in the fallout directory an I still had the problem.
I try the update 2.1 today, loading is fine, I start a new game, go into temple. When fighting the ants, I mouse over the ant to show the percentage of hit chance, the game crash to desktop without any error message, I try few different character, all the same.

Looks like to happen on the first ant only (the one on the left), I try on the other ant, it work fine. If I just hit the ant without seeing the percentage, it works and I can kill the ant and move on.

[Edit] If I first mouse over a distant target, which will show a cross sign since I can't hit it. then when close up where I can hit and mouse over it, then the correct percentage show with problem. If I move next to the target and direct mouse over it, the game crash.

What could be the cause of the problem?
I don't know what the problem is. I just tried my game and I have the same problem now. It crashes whenever I try to examine the ants with the binoculars, whether I am in combat mode or not. Weird, seeing as I haven't altered that map or the ants there. I had this same issue with Phil in Klamath. The fix simply involved deleting him from the map and replacing the critter and script. Anyway, I will try that with the arcaves.map and test it. Thanks for letting me know about this.

@Silencer. Thanks. Still would like for people to read the readme files inside the folder. :wink:
Update works great so far, Ive encountered only 1 bug.In Modoc if i enter the tunnels thru the mine entrance-then move onto the map with the lavatory and the gold watch (I have not blown up the john ..)If i try to leave the map the same way (that is go back to the mine entrance map ) I get a blackscreen crash, sometimes it even reloads the under the john map, and the molerat there comes back to life...
I've found what is most likely the beginning of the "Letters From The Past" mod - a mailman in a special encounter. Why do I mention this?

Firstly, he seems to sing REALLY FAST. His floating text seems to be cruising at a good 300mph.

Second, the quest he gives me, while logged in the Pipboy (under "Random Encounter"), simply says "Error" in the quest description.

I've also found spelling errors in the dialogues in the Shaman in the Primitive Tribe, Mynoc's new dialogue in the New Vision mod (in relations to him giving you the Flint back) and Emily in Klamath. Propably some others, but I can't remember then right now.

Finally, in Klamath, by the exit to the crashed Vertibird, there is a corner of a building. The floor tile in the very inside corner of that building (the one that is normally hidden from view) is an "asphalt" tile, while it should most likely be some other tile. While I haven't had a chance to check this out with a "vanilla" Fallout, but if this is also present there, this is something killap might want to check out.
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