Re: Megamod Problems
girlsfinalfantasy said:
1)Myron...location of the EPA...perhaps theres a missing script?
2) The abbey also does not appear to be available...
3) After equipping Marcus with the new armor, I noticed no change to his damage reduction.
4) In vault 13, as others have mentioned, the voice module does not reactivate the vault computer.
5) After recruiting the alien in Vault 14, the game becomes highly volatile and crashes frequently, often corrupting the save file.
6) The game crashes when sleeping with either Davin or Miria
7) NPC's have slightly erratic behaviour (Doesn't really effect things, just thought I would mention it)
The following are either broken, or more likely, things I could not figure out
1) Could not open the locked iron door in klamath... Also could not locate anyone to train me in ways of new skills, i.e. technical manuals, etc.
2) Could not find the candy to seduce Emily in Klamath, or to convince her to work for Big Nose Sally.
3) The letter to Tandi... I found the letter after completing the Vault 15 series, where after tandi refuses to speak wth you.
4) Could find no means to obtain a diplomatic escape in the Vertibird, or a location to refuel.
The bugs you reported:
No. Myron works fine. Read this thread. I will not address this again.
2. Read the readme file. I said certain places were now hidden.
3. There is no change to that...only his appearance.
4. Still don't get this, as my game is not doing this loop. I'll continue to investigate.
5. Don't know what to say to that one. You say games crash frequently. I notice this happens when the bad protos are created in the proto/critter folder. This also corrupts saved games. Go through that folder, deleting all the files that were not included in the Megamod. Then come back and let me know if this is still happening.
Addressed... by me first before I even released this.
7. This does not help.
The things you couldn't figure out:
1. What iron door are you talking about? As for new skills, they are quest related, depend on your skills, depend on objects carried, etc. Obviously you have not explored all dialog options with your party members, though...again.
2. Wrong. The dialog does not say you should bring her candy. It says something sweet.
3. You are right about the letter. I found this just a few days ago, and have made it so that you can go back and talk to her, only about this, if you find the letter later.
4. You are on your own here. Know that there is a diplomatic/sneak approach.