Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Yeah ok, when you try to download, they have 27 MB.
Do you plan of including Killap's expansion or TeamX's New year Mod?
Also, the Vault 14 and Vault 5 weren't covered in the Bible.What's the story behind these new vaults?
Can we get an estimate when the mod's coming out?
I don't mean to be a sticker but I'm really looking forward.Anyway, it must feel good to be in a postion to be able to answer these kind of questions, makes you feel...."starlicious" doesn't it?
Do you plan of including Killap's expansion or TeamX's New year Mod?
Also, the Vault 14 and Vault 5 weren't covered in the Bible.What's the story behind these new vaults?
Can we get an estimate when the mod's coming out?
I don't mean to be a sticker but I'm really looking forward.Anyway, it must feel good to be in a postion to be able to answer these kind of questions, makes you feel...."starlicious" doesn't it?