Doing the rounds today:
Apparently when the paramedics got to Michael Jacksons house, they found Class A drugs in the kitchen, Class C drugs in the bathroom, and Class 4B in the bedroom
Apparently Michael Jackson died falling over a pram, a police spokesman said it's too early to determine cause of death but don't blame it on the buggy
NEWS FLASH: Gary Glitter has offered millions for Michael Jacksons computer
Breaking News: Michael Jackson didn't die of a heart attack, it was an allergic reaction to 12 year old nuts.
What did one paramedic say to the other when giving Jacko CPR? Dont stop, till hes had enough
It was touch and go at the hospital last night. Then they moved Jacko away from the children's ward.
Michael Jackson is not going to be buried or cremated but recycled into shopping bags so he can remain white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with.#
Doctors say that Michael Jackson will be donating his organs to children... Again
Michael Jackson's last request was to be cremated and for his ashes to be put in an etch-a-sketch so kids could still play with him.
His heart problem was hereditary and came from his Protestant father. It is more commonly known as the 'Billy Gene'.
Apparently he's not being buried, just moved to Madame Tussauds
All his dates are now cancelled, including Simon and Ryan aged 5 and 9
Micheal jackson will always be with us..........he is not biodegradable.
What's the difference between MJ and Disney Films? Disney films can still touch kids
Early medical reports state he choked on a small bone.
His holiday this year is cancelled. He won't be going to Tampa with the kids.
R I P, easy as 1 2 3