These are simply fantastic.. within moments I really felt for a tiny moment like I was playing a Fallout game. Then I knocked the 'V' key and was thrown into VATS. Sigh.
Anyway, I'd like to submit a few alterations (in parentheses). Mostly grammar or syntax related, but a few changes for v.2:
Antagoniser Suit: faintly [of] ant
Antagonise Helmet: is [a] testament
Mechanist Helmet: [A strange contraption previously worn by the Mechanist as a helmet.]
Crispy Squirrel Bits: (at the end of what you already wrote) [Delicious.]
Dandy Boy Apples: [They taste very strange and leave you anything but dandy] (or) [leaving a bitter taste in your mouth]
Dirty Water: full of [dirty] water. [Not so] refreshing.
Human Flesh: (I think this should have a specific description rather than the generic "meat" one.)
InstaMash: [Not very pleasant] (or) Tastes [awful].
Med-X: syringe [of] morphine
Mirelurk Cakes: [mutated crab meat cake(s)]
Molerat Meat: [probably tastier than it looks]
Nuka Cola Quantum: (should have a unique description IMO)
Pork'n'Beans: tin can [of] food
Salisbury Steak: [still seems]
Scotch: [A bottle of pre-War Scotch, probably safer than water. Just don't overdo it.]
StealthBoy: (it says '3002', i'm not sure if that's a typo though.. I thought it was supposed to be '3001')
Strange Meat: (a terry Pratchett reference is appropriate for something called Strange Meat) Charred meat, Onna-stick!
Vodka: [cauterizing wounds]
YumYum Deviled Eggs: [deviled] eggs
Flamer Fuel: [A kerosene cylinder fitted to accomidate pre-War flamethrowers. Guaranteed to keep you toasty warm.]
Missile: (I think this deserves a rewrite) "A rocket shell, with a smaller but designed to pierce armor plating [sic]." I'd include that it's a HEAT missile.
Mesmetron: [an] energy
Brass Knuckles: (minus a comma between 'damage' and 'in'.)
Alien Blaster: (as much as I love the classic description, it doesn't really apply to this weapon anymore.. so it needs a rewrite.)
Plasma Rifle: [burns through and melts] even the toughest
That's all I've worked through so far.. i'm a stickler for syntax, grammar and spelling when I read things multiple times.. like item descriptions.
I hope they're welcome and somewhat helpful. Obviously I don't represent the 'majority' view but I like to think I know what made the classics as fantastic as they were.