More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

gc051360 said:
Bodybag said:
gc051360 said:
Did Todd Howard's intro implicitly give him credit for creating the Fallout universe?


Lockpicking minigame looked interesting.

Actually it did. When it was showing the settings of the Elder Scrolls, and talking about the worlds he's created...they showed a clip of Fallout.

That's taking a little willful misunderstanding on your part. They mention he created the Elder Scrolls series and now he's taking on the post apocolypse. Not REVISITING it. Maybe turn the sound up, or something?

And did you just seriously claim that a minigame looked interesting? It's a minigame. By definition those are tedious and lame.

Why am I bothering with you? Silly me.
The amount of douchebaggery in this video is overwhelming.

Also, intentional or not, it's really misleading to show clips from Fallout during a voiceover that says "Todd Howard is known for creating expansive and detailed fantasy worlds". Fuck you, G4.
This demo was much better than the first one they showed. But it was still very lacking. I mean come on, only a couple of things were changed in the video. Went to a new area, close to where those raiders are. Fought two Sentry Bots, and that's about it. I'd like to see some NPC interaction before this game comes out.
Bodybag, did you honestly play the minigames every single time in Oblivion, Bioshock, Mass Effect and still found it fun after a hundred or so times?
PlanHex said:
Garsty said:
why didn't Todd show off any of the social interactions? It seems so far that the game is all about running around and shooting at people pointlessly
This probably isn't the last we've heard from Bethesda this week.
I wouldn't be surprised if we get something like this video showing off character interaction soon:

I just want to, need to, mention that having NPCs have schedules is nearly as old as I am. Ultima 7 did this 1993. Characters would wake up, go to work, bake bread, go to the pub, go for a walk, then go back to bed.
Bethesda is uninterested in creating anything.
We can't make real critic with the demo.
I hope this is only a tech demo, or what the can do, and not a real gameplay demo.
- For me look like just a FPS with some still and aim to the head option.
- Tod never miss, seem like they were more interested on showing the gore and body explosions than the game play and RPG features.
- Minigames and efects , radiation and everything else, can change, remember that is a demo, if you are going to make a demo for 300 people in E3, and ridiculous to be daying every 3 minutes for radiation and shoots.
- The 3rd Person view, was only showed for some seconds.. all the demo was allmost in 1rs person of view ( that really sucks , seems to be a FPS ).
It would be great to see how far can go the camera in 3rd person view ( if go very far and high, you can put the game allmost in FO 1/2 perspective ).
They don't show dialogs, and interaction with people, no trade, no map and travelling, no open spaces, no cars. nothing that can help to figure out of what is a RPG.

In fact i'm a bit disaponted about the demo, Fallout is a RPG, so i want to see more PRG features and less Gore and FPS features (seems that this is what sell best ).
Is was simple and plain directed to the mainstream public and no the RPG fan, and Less to the fallout 1/2 fans.

So i still have some hope, that are gonna be reveled when the game is released.

pd: Sorry for my english, i try to do my best,. ;)
K.C. Cool said:
Moving Target said:
Just another example of why I hate that channel. Hasn't been good for years.

Hasn't been good since they took over Tech TV.
killap said:
I am confused with VATS. Do you never miss with it or something? I swear I saw really low hit percentages (even 0% once I think) and Todd was still hitting the target.

I'm pretty sure that's for demo pourposes, save time and all that. Though it looked like he did miss with the fatman.

WTF is all that bullshit about PC gaming being dead? It's already stuggling to get decent PC games now a days, the platform doesn't need bullshit from TV show jackoffs saying it's gone. Though I know Todd is a jackass, but I liked how he supported the PC platform.

So True!!!

I hate those idiots, TechTV was about Tech and they turned it into mindless mainstream kiddie fest. I hate mainstream! sadly the world has gone that way...

"The PC platform apparently is dead". Those idiots never played a single game without their stupid controller, have no clue what Fallout is and the only word they know is WOW. Goodness may, dumb dumb dumb.
So far, Fallout 3 does not have the 'unique' element based on the recent videos. Rather it looks like a generic fps game.

In STALKER, the setting is in Russia, modern world setting.
In RAGE, the setting is in a yet un-announced location, mad-max character feel.

(English is not my major so hope you understand what I mean :oops: )

EDIT: After watching the new RAGE video, I suspect Todd will shit himself and go back to tell everyone 'WE SHOULD use id's tech 5 engine! IT looks more Immessuion!'

Just like John Romero's Daikatana. :ugly:
My pholosphy is, if you make a game tempting enough, gamers are going to find a way to play it no matter what platform it's on. I don't hear any complaints about WoW not being on the 360 or PS3, and it's still a huge success.
Lock picking mini game did look interesting, though I'm opposed to minigames in general. Those two interviewer guys though (and to a certain extent, the audience)... Wow, I'd heard about these retarded console kiddie people and heard about what they're like, but these guys were a thousand times worse.

They were fucking retards. I can't help but feel that even Todd was like "Yeah, just keep a few meters away from me please".
hmm... this looks more and more like a deus-ex clone with (compared with deus ex) better graphics and faster paced gameplay. which is not bad in itself. that is something i could enjoy. tho i wont pick the bloody mess perk... thats a bit ridiculous. havent done so in the original games either... you get enough bloody mess with the bozar and whatnot.

well, i dont think there is much of anything fallout left there... the fat man gun is kinda ridiculous. i always saw atomic bombing as the last resort (which was part of the original fallout lore, too). you may bomb the cathedral. there is one bomb at the shi, one of the most technical proliferated factions on the west coast. so... even if you are willing to use atomic power, the access to it should be VERY limited, and the consequences of using it should be devastating, not only to your targets, but to you also.

seeing that you can nuke your enemies to smithereens and stand in the vicinity of this eplosion with nothing to fear for yourself... well that sheds light to the choice/consequence system also. there wont happen much if you choose something. hopefully, that does not extend to dialogues and quests.
Are you fucking kidding me!?!? A headshot from a sniper rifle causes ALL THE LIMBS TO FALL OFF!?!?

And those retards all ate it right up.
So I know we haven't seen all of the weapons, but I am still really concerned with the look and style of the ones we have seen so far. Where the hell is my true sawed off or over and under shotgun with the wooden stock? A post apoc game without one is a crime!! Has anyone seen any evidence of these type wepoons being in the game?
I'll just keep this on the sidebar of my website :(

Damn he's short. I'm really not surprised, actually. It really matches his tiny voice.

I have to say I liked that demo better than the one I saw on Game Trailers. Seeing lockpicking, the teddy bear launcher and spending some time to talk to the kids about drug abuse was nice. Still, it was too short and I would have liked to have seen some dialogue or moral choices in action.

Polynikes said:
Are you fucking kidding me!?!? A headshot from a sniper rifle causes ALL THE LIMBS TO FALL OFF!?!?

And those retards all ate it right up.
Bloody Mess. Nuff said.

By the way, that's a classic signature you got there, Polynikes. Made me laugh.
Hoping an editor gets released, because I won't be getting the game unless many things can be changed. There's other things that are more deserving of my time.
Speaking of ridiculous

Not that I'm going to say anything that's hasn't really been said but:

Bloody mess is slightly retarded. I could understand if there was some method to how you take someone's digitized body apart, i.e. if you use a reocketlauncher the body just goes up in a puff and some dark blood on the ground, or if shot by a gun THAT SPECIFIC body part went spiraling far, far away.
But no. Just ridiculous ragdoll physics. NOT using your imagination Bethsoft. Dissappointing.

There didn't seem to be a map, which is sad. I like to be able to plan my routes, or maybe just mark an area with some information.

VATS: it's ok, and he did miss with the FATMAN shot, if the slowmotion camera didn't lie. He targeted the not-so-Enclave-like trooper's torso in the REAR of their formation - but the shot went into the ground ahead of the first soldier.
Personally I'd prefer the eyes and groins possibility of targeting, but fine. As long as we can shot he gun out of their hands, things might be interesting.

The minigames are allright, as long as they don't overdo it. Bioshock for one was balancing on the line of too much, but maybe I'm just more accepting than others.

And where in all the world was the interaction with other people or even going from place to place ?
What about telling us about how your companions/assistants work, complain, or even if they'll make into the final build ?

I just hope we don't get respawning 'super-raiders' in the metro also, and that all this 'polishing' that they are going to do will at least let them get as much of the kinks out. Oblivion wasn't very bugfree from what I remember hearing of it.

Maybe I'm more brain-damaged than I thought, but for a shooter it seems alright. As an RPG ?
Check that thing on top of your shoulders. It sure ain't working properly.

I am happy that F3 is being made, just not that the brand is going to be brutalized like this. This is going to be just like F:BOS. and I for one liked it. It was simple and honest: go around shoot things and then shut it of. Oblivion with guns will have to do I guess.
But we'll all think now and then of what COULD HAVE BEEN. *sigh*