This is just my opinion but I believe we are going about it the wrong way.
Instead of asking for weapons and weapons specs we need to have consensus about the final overall "system" as pertains to weapons, i.e. once you have the framework, it becomes a cinch to gather weapons and specs.
i.e., do we want:
(1) any weapons used in real life prior to (e.g.) 1960 augmented by a bunch of futuristic ones? (There are more than enough types from WW2 alone that could fill every category, save maybe for powerful handguns)
(2) any weapons used in real life irrespective of timeperiod, augmented with a bunch of futuristic ones?
(3) do we want grouped weapon sets? (I.e. handgun sets that become progressively stronger (eg. small caliber revolver, small caliber pistol, intermediate caliber pistol), sniper sets likewise, assault rifles likewise, rifles,etc)...OR....arbitrary weapons added ad hoc based on feel? How many in each set? (Personally I think big guns need a big(!) overhaul. To me Rocket Launchers and miniguns should not be the start of the progression as it takes something away from players wanting to play the big guns from the get go. I'd want for something like Light Machine Guns being the forerunners, like a Bren Gun or a BAR moving to belt fed weapons and THEN to miniguns.)
(4) are we dead set on using the current ammo available in game? (This would make the end product far weaker since a whole host of pre-1960 weapons have little/no connection to the current ammo set and futuristic add-ons by definition would require different ammo).
(5) Do we want to incorporate penetration and/or any other effects? (eg. AP/JHP=more damage, FMJ=more accuracy)?
Once the framework is set, we then need to decide on a set list of ammo and then a set list of weapons to fit the ammo. Then it becomes a matter of balancing the weapon specs to make everything fit.
If we get to any such point I volunteer to gather specs for everything needed (I love stats).