All of those factors made me like Oblivion so much, but a couple amongst those can be highlighted.What was your favorite thing about Oblivion:
Was it the
Unique and bizarre architectural style?
The Exotic and alien terrain/climate?
The unique and creative enemies you get in no other setting?
The Complex political system with lots of intrigue and conflict?
The morally ambiguous villain?
The quest system that doesn't hold your hand and lets you figure your own way around?
The array of unique factions that appear in no other game?
The complicated mechanics that made a whole range of characters possible?
Which of these made you like Oblivion so much?
I'd say my favorite parts of oblivion are:
- The array of unique factions that appear in no other game
- The quest system that doesn't hold your hand and lets you figure your own way around
- The Complex political system with lots of intrigue and conflict
- The Exotic and alien terrain/climate. Preferred it to Skyrim, because Skyrim is just really grey and dull.
- And of course the inventive and interesting enemies.