Dr Fallout
Oh go back to your hovel you Catholic/Protestant/Protestant Sect 2/Protestant Sect 3/Protestant Sect 26346/Orthodox/Buddhist/Shiite/Shia/Other Religion!Rude.
Oh go back to your hovel you Catholic/Protestant/Protestant Sect 2/Protestant Sect 3/Protestant Sect 26346/Orthodox/Buddhist/Shiite/Shia/Other Religion!Rude.
Which doesn't even take into account the fact he could have simply used the bio transplants to cure his cancer right then and there, and then none of this would be a problem. I swear, Bethesda added the whole "Oh, your son's dying of cancer!" bit as a shitty twist to make you "feel" for this son you've never even known. Just like how you're supposed to care about your wife even though you've only known her 5 minutes. I guess if you designed both of the husband and wife characters then that might add a little bit of emotion watching your own creation die, but other than that, zilch.
Another big issue with Father is the fact that Father acts like in the game that "Oh we have to preserve humanity, humans are important!" and then goes out of his way to practically end humanity. Replacing people with synths willy nilly to the point where you have an entire fucking town (Covenant) built around stopping gen 3 synths from infiltrating the Wasteland populous. It seems like when Father says humanity he really only means the Institute underground, but this is never made clear in the slightest. And if that were meant to be the case, then why in the holy fuck would the Institute be wasting tons of research and materials trying to grow giant crops ON THE SURFACE? (the whole quest about giving seeds to that one synth farmer on the Warwick Farmstead) Nothing about Father's motivations make any sense, and even when they do they're completely contradicted by something else in the game. It just boggles my mind how incompetent the writers for this game were.
Oh go back to your hovel you Catholic/Protestant/Protestant Sect 2/Protestant Sect 3/Protestant Sect 26346/Orthodox/Buddhist/Shiite/Shia/Other Religion!
I'm... what? Dude, stop projecting your views of atheists on others. I seriously didn't know what religion you worshiped, though I decided to keep on going because I was on a roll... there are so many inter-sect differences and... ugh it's tiring to keep track of it all.I live in an upper middle class suburban neighborhood thanks. I'm Catholic. Also most of the "different religions" you listed aren't different religions at all, they're all under the same umbrella of Christianity. If you're going to troll by saying "lol stoopid theist there's over 4 quintillion religions how is ur's da true one?", try harder. Zoroastrianism for example.
I think one problem with what you listed earlier about the Institute being close to real universities and how they work is the fact that, it isn't like that at all. You mention West Virginia and how they run things and how when a new Dean comes about they change everything the last Dean did, but the problem with this is that for the most part with the Institute, it's only Shaun. Most of the stuff we see at the Institute are directly from him. Really the only major things we know of pre-Shaun running the Institute are Gen 1 and 2 Synths and biotransplants via Kellogg. So therefore things like Super Mutants being made over and over again despite there not being a reason for it don't make sense.
Now it could make sense if Bethesda actually followed the model you're proposing they did. For example, Shaun's previous predecessor could have been running experiments with Super Mutants to see how well they would fare VS transplants like Kellogg or with the synth program, and then Shaun saw how inhumane it was and shut it down. But no, it's all Shaun, he started the Super Mutant business and only ended it because the lab was destroyed. So that's the main problem, there's no sense of this whole "Ah, the old ways suck, mine are far better, let's change everything!" because as far as we know, Shaun has pretty much been at the head of this operation since he hit puberty.
I'm... what? Dude, stop projecting your views of atheists on others. I seriously didn't know what religion you worshiped, though I decided to keep on going because I was on a roll... there are so many inter-sect differences and... ugh it's tiring to keep track of it all.
Also, Buddhism isn't under Christianity.![]()
1. You can't be Jedi as they don't have an organized charter or religious rules... then again, looking at the amount of work at fleshing out the background...I'm a theistic Jedi Christian mystic.
1. You can't be Jedi as they don't have an organized charter or religious rules... then again, looking at the amount of work at fleshing out the background...
2. Which Christian sect?
It's possible the Syths were meant for something more but the simple fact is we have a serious dearth of information regarding the subject.
Also in my quote, the key word is MOST.
Also most of the "different religions" you listed aren't different religions at all, they're all under the same umbrella of Christianity.
The problem with the Institute is that we're meant to take them seriously. You can't have all these random plot holes and contradictions everywhere and then not give at least SOME reason as to why. The reason why the Think Tank works in my opinion despite all their strange science and things of that nature is the fact that the Think Tank is literally insane. They have lost all sense of morality and therefore just make science to science. They don't think in terms of "Well what would be the best way to do this without making the world explode?" They think in terms of "Oh hey, let's combine a wasp deadly enough to kill a cow with just 1 sting with even more deadly genetics and then supersize it to see what happens, for science!" We aren't meant to view the Think Tank as good guys, even though they're comedy relief. Yet the Institute is supposed to be some morally gray faction while having probably the most evil parts of the game connected to them? It just doesn't work.
* The fact they're mostly harmless.
* The Institute's evil is mostly Shaun.
* You can lead them to a better cause.
* it's a CITY, not a faction so it's mostly innocents.
Before I go back on topic... actually, you're JUST as off topic as me. This is a thread for Most Hated NPC's not about the Institute's aims and what they are. Anyway... you said most, then you said all which is contradictory.You're only proving my point. I know you don't speak English well being from Russia and all, but this isn't hard. Most religions as in most of the "religions" you mentioned were simply different sects of the same religion. Most indicates there are some that are not part of Christianity, such as Buddhism and Islam. If I meant everything you said was part of Christianity I would have used the word "all". Now if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to actually have a conversation with someone who's staying relevant to the thread, unlike you.
These were great villains I loved to track down and murder. If you can do that, you've succeeded as a game designer for a shooter.
How 'bout for an RPG?
Actually I'd like to know what NPCs you genuinely hate (as in hate not love to hate).
General Kimball