However I might take her off the list, since she is probably the only bit of dece gash in the entire wasteland.
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What about Red Lucy?the only bit of dece gash in the entire wasteland.
Yeah her too.What about Red Lucy?
Why? Sure he's a smarmy asshole but... he's a good smarmy asshole.Arcade Gannon as well (as in hatred)
The thing is is that the companions of New Vegas all have personality flaws which is why I like them. It makes them more human and relatable.Why? Sure he's a smarmy asshole but... he's a good smarmy asshole.
I purposely left out Rex and ED-E as it was harder for me to read their personalities due to them being a dog and a robot respectively. They didn't really challenge or confront the player as the humanoid companions did.What about ED-E? He's literally the comedic side kick with... a dark... backstory...
I felt that Ed-E was to make the player care about a robot. It worked on me. I think Ed-E is more about the effects on us humans and how we can care. I found him to be profound, though I lack the vocabulary at the moment to express fully what I mean.I purposely left out Rex and ED-E as it was harder for me to read their personalities due to them being a dog and a robot respectively. They didn't really challenge or confront the player as the humanoid companions did.
I did feel more for that robot then with any character in Fallout 4 and its DLC's.I felt that Ed-E was to make the player care about a robot. It worked on me. I think Ed-E is more about the effects on us humans and how we can care. I found him to be profound, though I lack the vocabulary at the moment to express fully what I mean.
Mama Murphy on the other hand, fuck I can't stand that whole "It's your destiny, I see it!" Fuck off Bethesda, I know there are Psykers in Fallout but they are rare and they cannot see into the future. Besides destiny bullshit doesn't belong in Fallout.
What are you talking about? What you just described was Emil and Todd's magnum opus! Its so dense and complex that you, like, just don't get it man!hat I was saying on NMA:
I hate hate hate having to play Devil's Advocate for Fallout 4 here, but actually Psykers CAN see into the future. In New Vegas for example we actually see what might be one of the very last psykers, a boy called the "Forecaster". He lives under the bridge at Route 188 (so most people probably dont' even know he exists) and will give you cryptic hints about the future if you pay him caps. Sooo basically Mama Murphy is a rip-off of The Forecaster. And the Forecaster at least has a reason as to why he can see in the future (he's a proven Psyker and has a nullifier) while Mama Murphy is the equivalent of a black voodoo witch doctor like in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Anyway, my most hated character would have to be Father. Spoilers below for Fallout 4 for anyone who gives a shit.
Father is just poorly written all around. There are SO many plot holes with this character.
First of all, you're apparently the only family he has left and yet he only lets you out of cryosleep once he's near death without knowing anything about you or what you're like. Considering you can pretty much go to Nuka World immediately and become a raider leader and he still lets you lead the Institute, that leads to some serious complications. Yeah you could blame the 4 option dialogue wheel but I'm going to put it on Shaun himself.
Second of all, the whole Super Mutant thing makes no sense. Shaun started it because he wanted to see if FEV would cure his cancer, which is fine. But WHY then did he keep it going for TEN years without a single bit of improvement? Literally there's a holotape in the FEV lab where Virgil is recorded as saying even he doesn't understand why the hell Shaun is keeping up these experiments for so long. The plot wills it I guess. I mean, there's HUNDREDS of super mutants by the time the game starts, that means Shaun was basically kidnapping and dunking more people than a state fair employee dunks random things into a deep fat fryer. There's no excuse. It would make sense if there were more slightly intelligent Super Mutants roaming around like Strong or even some that are actually smart like Uncle Leo and Fawkes from FO3, but no, there's nothing. This basically makes Shaun the father of all Commonwealth super mutants and a really evil guy.
Third of all, all the running around this little shit makes you do. He knows who you are, he knows where you are, so why doesn't he just bring you to the Institute immediately? He tells you when you arrive that he wanted to test you first and see what you were like before letting you in, but this makes NO sense as, as seen above, you can make your own fucking raiding party with Nuka World, and that's not even counting all the other (like 5) evil things you can do before even entering the Institute. Yet no matter what you do, Shaun lets you in with a smile. I mean this fucker leads you in a multi-day wild goose chase, making you think he's still a child, throwing all these random clues and shit at you to make you think you're not that far from him, and for what? So you can shoot Kellogg in the face? Shaun puts it as letting you get a little revenge, but considering Kellogg could have very well blown your face off and then Shaun would have no successor to take his place, why didn't he just bring you to the Institute and then let you shoot Kellogg in the face while he was hogtied? Think of it like Benny from New Vegas. When Caesar allows you to pick how Benny dies, you can just shoot him while he's pathetic and tied up right in front of you. It should've been the same way with Kellogg instead of the stupid shit we got where even Kellogg tries to trick you into thinking Shaun's still just a kid (though he hints at something being wrong by saying "He's not how you remember him) and then you have a pew pew gun fight.
And so much more that's wrong with this hypocritical stupid shit. I could keep going and going but I think this covers it for now, unless someone wants me to keep going, then I will.
hat I was saying on NMA:
I hate hate hate having to play Devil's Advocate for Fallout 4 here, but actually Psykers CAN see into the future. In New Vegas for example we actually see what might be one of the very last psykers, a boy called the "Forecaster". He lives under the bridge at Route 188 (so most people probably dont' even know he exists) and will give you cryptic hints about the future if you pay him caps. Sooo basically Mama Murphy is a rip-off of The Forecaster. And the Forecaster at least has a reason as to why he can see in the future (he's a proven Psyker and has a nullifier) while Mama Murphy is the equivalent of a black voodoo witch doctor like in Pirates of the Caribbean.
The Forecaster said:Some people say that it's a gift. Other people say that it's the kind of thinking anyone could do if they watched more than they talked.
The Forecaster said:I don't know which is true. I see a lot, I think a lot. There's a lot to hear through the 188, too, that maybe accounts for the thinking.
hat I was saying on NMA:
And so much more that's wrong with this hypocritical stupid shit. I could keep going and going but I think this covers it for now, unless someone wants me to keep going, then I will.
Did Father say ethics? I just assumed it was an enormous bigotry against cybernetics and transhumans.
After all, Father hates Kellog and he keeps Synths as slaves.
Why would he think of cybernetic organisms as valid beings?
Father's Terminal said:I'm told Kellogg has gone offline. Strangely, I find myself thinking of Dr. Walker. He had such high hopes for Kellogg. Such faith in the implants, and what they could mean. I still regret eliminating that project, but I know where it would have led us. Walker was never shy about his goals, and too many others were starting to listen. In the end, I believe I was justified. The Institute is about preserving humanity, not some bizarre amalgamation of biology and technology.
Yeah, basically Father is a biochauvenist (a real word, I shit you not).
If Father believed in the Institute's goals then they'd all be uploaded immortal Synths immune to radiation and not needing sleep or food.
So...great job, Shaun.
Let's add that to "adding Super Mutants to the Commonwealth" for your fuck ups.
The Forecaster makes prophecies as vague as the ones found in the bible... Bible prophets are psychic!![]()
What like the term "toxic masculinity"?
It's hard to believe in goals when you have no fucking clue what said goals actually are.