Mothership Zeta released

Speaking of holotapes... I find it really strange that aliens use the same holotape technology as the humans. (Stupidity of aliens' presence aside)
Alphadrop said:

Scroll down to the captive log 17. You find Chase's coat next to it (well you would if they hadn't mucked it up) and yes it does point towards the aliens firing the nukes.

Aw, fuck. >.>
Oh man... what did you... why can't I feel my arms...
...wait... are those... are those MY ARMS? WHAT DID YOU DO?

And thus was born the legend of DammitBoy.
Alphadrop said:

Scroll down to the captive log 17. You find Chase's coat next to it (well you would if they hadn't mucked it up) and yes it does point towards the aliens firing the nukes.

I knew it, I knew the moment they were going to go all in with this alien stuff, they were either going to blatantly come out an say it, or hint at it. Can't say I'm surprised. :roll:
Black said:
Alphadrop said:

Scroll down to the captive log 17. You find Chase's coat next to it (well you would if they hadn't mucked it up) and yes it does point towards the aliens firing the nukes.
Simply amazing. Congratulations are in order. This kind of lore-rape deserves a new word.

What lore rape? Everybody knows it was the aliens that burnt Rome too. War, war never changes.
And they built the pyramids. :P

EDIT: Maybe the aliens built the vaults too. :lol:
Even war changes with time.

Its Bethesda that did not changed since Oblivion ... and still is gonig for what gives the most money and is easiest to implement. So rather the "coool" awesome looking stuff aiming at teens rather then a RPG experience with adult content (and no I am not talking about coversations with "your mom sucks dvarw****" in it ... I mean real adult themes, metaphysics if you want even anything that makes me as a not english/us searching for a dictionary :p!).
Silellak said:
War. War never changes. Until the aliens came, and nuked us. That sort of changed things.

Wasn't it hinted that the sentient computers like the one in the Glow started the nuclear war before?
TamaNeko said:
Wasn't it hinted that the sentient computers like the one in the Glow started the nuclear war before?

You mean the BOS computer in San Fransisco, and I do not think that was intended as the cause of the nuclear exchange, rather a possibility.

Basically Pre War AIs could never leave their laboratory environments and experience the world for themselves so out of boredom they worked on various scenarios including a world wide nuclear war.

Personally I think the War should have been started by human hands, that in the end we destroyed ourselves because we couldn't back off on the last minute.
Not things like aliens or sentient computers.
Creating a start for the war that doesn't originate from humanity's own folly would and does enormously downgrade the entire setting. Instead of actually being able to tout that war never changes, the setting changes into a pitiful and sorry boob of history. Both an AI slip-up or an alien instigated attack makes the entire setting laughable, an enormous misunderstanding.

It takes the axe to the original idea completely. Any criticism of the human condition becomes completely irrelevant. F3 already did a lot in that regard by making raiders and super-mutants become cannibalistic, idiotic and mainly non-conversable, but this just goes against the entire grain of the setting. It's like a Kafka-book that ends with finding a smoothly running and kind bureaucracy, like a Count of Monte Cristo who actually isn't vengeful at all, like a Bram Stoker's Dracula that just wanted to save the diseased by making them vampires.

But I guess the gradual slip-up that started with F3 made Bethesda not notice that they just jokingly wrote a DLC for the Bible but forgot to write about God and Jesus.
TamaNeko said:
Silellak said:
War. War never changes. Until the aliens came, and nuked us. That sort of changed things.

Wasn't it hinted that the sentient computers like the one in the Glow started the nuclear war before?

I think Skynet in the Sierra Army Depot hinted that it started the war, but since that was such an obviously shoehorned Terminator reference I never really took it seriously.

If it was canon though, its quite sad that Bethesda actually made a stupider explanation for the Great War than that.
Fallout 4: Revenge!

And so it was that the Lone Wanderer discovered the awful, awful truth... it was the aliens! It was the aliens all along!! It was them that dropped The Bomb in the first place. It was them that destroyed his beautiful world... and killed his father! [Why not?]

And so it was he invited Three Dog for a cup of tea in his new orbital home and shared The Truth with him. And so it was the wasteland learned The Truth as well and finally united under a single banner again!

And now with a full dispatch of BOS paladins, Enclave soldiers and Super Mutant Behemoths you have set off towards their world.

Its payback time.

the intro would be something like this:

Man I loved that intro. I found it fun to play the Q2 soundtrack when playing FO3, played so much like a corridor crawling FPS at times, hah.