Meg- sorry, clicked the edit instead of the quote. I think I saved all your post though.
When I think of action films the body count usually exceeds 5 or so people. What happened to the action films where a man takes on a whole army? Some guy who isn't a very good actor but at least looks the part. Now we just have assholes who over-dress and drive crappy cars all the time but don't even bother to say a one-liner or do some dumb trick to kill someone.
I think the days of the super action hero are just about gone. Arnie was wise to get out of movies and do politics, his career was coming to an end. Stallone, Van Damme, it's over.
Still you do get bright spots. I thought Pitch Black was pretty cool. Screamers ( ) was decent. The Ring was fun. But these are all original flicks. Not sequel. Jaws, the original was a great flick. Jaws 2 and the series goes down hill, Jaws in 3d is a joke. That's the problem with sequels.
And there are so many good stories out there that would make good pictures.
There have been lots of good stories told that we don't need to be fed shit becuase it's the summer and kids have to go to the movies and pay $8-10 on some crap.
Training Day was alright. The guy didn't seem that bad though. I liked Bad Lieutenant better? I liked Fargo, Simple Plan. Haven't seen Frailty. They weren't action films though, just...Crime? Nothing spectacular, but good enough and let you think a little.
Murder by Numbers sucked. Didn't have anything number related in it, the killers were wimps and Sandra Bullock is fucking annoying.
Movie could not make up its frickin mind what it wanted to do. I liked Sandra Bullock in Demolition Man, and in Speed, but please God not another fucking Ya Ya Sisterhood. I couldn't watch it and my wife had to turn it off.
Compare a flick like Legally Blonde with one like The Opposite of Sex, and you wonder what the fuck was that director/screen writer/ producer thinking.
Take 'em out and shoot em.
I think everything is starting too slide a bit though. Not just movies or games or television, everything. Dig? D:
Yeah, and that's what worries me. Things are sliding. Not everywhere. There is still some good stuff if you look for it. And I think that the cream usually rises.
I am tired of the superman movies, but I think most would agree Batman 1 was better than the sequels. Spiderman was better than the Hulk, and most of the other comic book heroes are very forgettable- (remember Daredevil? The Phantom? The Shadow?) The only ones of those that I thought were somewhat interesting was Spawn, which kicked ass on the Crow.
That said, if you look you can be suprised. Changing Lanes surprised me in a good way. Ravenous was also a pleasant surprise.