While Species has it's surprises (the death in the train for instance) I thought it was kind of hooky perhaps with a theme about the dangers of promiscuity and sexual appeal. It's a movie that's at its best when it's selling tits and ass though, you want to see more skin. The creature effects, by Giger, are impressive though.
Alien did EXACTLY the same stuff, but was an infinetly better movie (Alien is among my favorite movies of all time, John Hurt and Ian Holm are some of my favorite actors, and Yaphet Koto is also up there).
I liked Specie's cast, but I thought it worked best as a semi-porn movie. It's not as bad as Lost and Delirious, which works only as a porn movie, but it's erotiscism is it's greatest asset.
Relic doesn't make that cheap shot. It relies on atmosphere and a bit more creative a plot and ideas. It's full of shadows turning a museum full of stuffed animals into a haunted house. Regretfully, those who read the book will be disappointed with it. If you haven't seen the film, read the book. By all accounts the book is better.
I thought it worked best as a throw back to old monster movies (like it's contemporary, Congo, which I actually liked more), and the setting. I have'nt seen it in a while, but I remember your description to be fairly accurate.
I've actually been to almost every building in the Meusem of Science and Industry. I was kind of an amature paleontologist for years.
Species has a better cast but they are all wasted.
Are you gonna bark all day little doggy, or are you going to bite?
I think you have a point there, but the mere presense of Whitaker, Kingsly and Maden made it a watchable movie.
But Madsen needs more rolls. I actually liked him in the remake of the Getaway and was probably better in that roll than was the original villian. That said, what he has done recently is mostly crap.
Nail on the head there, though I thought he was great in KB2.
You're right CC, most of House and Sand and Fog you see a lot of Jennifer Connolley. She's a housekeeper trying to hold on to her house which was wrongly taken from her. She gets your sympathy, but you never really get why she's so fucked up or why everything she does goes badly. In a lot of ways she is comparable to Naomi Watts in 21 Grams, but with Watts her story is more authentic adn the character is more beleivable. Watching the films together over a week, I was impressed with how much braver Watts has been with her roles than Connelly.
You have a point here. But I think you fail to realize that there's alot more in the diffirence between the screenplay than how brave the two actresses where.
Watts plays a partially domesticated crack whore, Connelly plays a lower class waitress who has had something of a breakdown.
House of Sand and Fog is, frankly, not as daring as the script for 21 Grahms. Thus I'm not exactly sure if all the credit deserves to go to Watts. Connelly had a disadvantage, as her mere presene got rid of the Italian-American aspect.
I like Connelly, I liked her in Dark City and I appreciate your dark mysterious characters, but in House of Sand and Fog she tries to do too much with too little. The cop is unbelievable and a dope. I agree though, the wife of Kingsley was great as was the culture clash, which I appreciated in the film. That said the Kingsley side of the clash is, overall, much better acted and believable, making the film uneven.
You'r entirely right here. I thought more could have been fleshed out with Ismail (I love the name, Shi'ite names are really cool). I hope the actress who plays the wife finds more work.
Anyone ever watch a non porno movie for soley pornographic purposes? For instance, the movie I mentioned above, Lost and Delirious, is about three young women at a catholic school, in a kind of an odd love triangle (Mishka Barton, Jessica Pare, a Latetia Casta look alike). Frankly, the movie's total shit. It seems to be self-consciously shitty, as half of the diologe is from Shakespear. My favorite conversation-
"You don't know what it's like " (loving a woman then getting dumped)
"Yes, I do"
"No, you don't"
"Yes, I do"
"I think I'll die without her".
I love how useless this conversation is, how totally meaningless this is in it's context. Anyone with an IQ above 60 would realize that, and anyone not constantly jerking off would guess the ending.
Problem is, the two main characters are REALLY hot, and there's this insane love scene.