well since i dont want to read 24 pages of threads that have several pages each, im jsut gonna make a wishlist for my fallout 3 hopes at the end of this.
and i apologizee in advance if any of this offends you, thats why im avoiding starting a new thread, as to not "clutter" the good threads with crap you might have already heard.
i want the perks to be organized in a nice file with open source for easy modding.
honestly, thats far better than any perk could be.
because then i can just go into this folder, and add em all myself, or add my own, or download a bunch of perk additions. same with traits. that would be awesome.
it would also be interesting if they managed to work in "feats" similar to those found in dnd as a new type of choice in lieu of a perk. item creation rocks my socks, and fits so appropriately in a world like fallout (for some things, making a raygun would be retarded)
recovery of thrown weapons. throwing knives dont break. period.
i liked some of the fallout tactics ideas, mainly crouching prone or standing, although im iffy if that wouldnt be an odd detractor from gameplay and the current combat system. like pointless bells and whistles.
ummm, also, item modification with refuse found in the wastes, like i mentioned before. this time in reference to armor though, id like to get some decent hand made camouflage going on.
some perks learned through reading?
thats an idea i can work with.
more ninjas.
every game needs more ninjas.

slightly better inventory screen. also, i like the ease of button implementation in fallout tactics that allowed me to see both my equipped guns at once.
youll all hate me for this, but i think dual weild would be fun to add in, as long as they make it shitty as hell (because it would be), so you can do it for kicks, but youd always die for lack of being able to hit anything.
since im pretty convinced this game will be first person, i am desperately hoping they do implement the accuracy system so there is a percentage of deviation from your target, and then an additional deflection bonus from your opponents armor class (this is assuming the game is oblivion fallout, which we all hope it wont be, although i think itll be fun... but in the fallout tactics spinoff kind of way)
hmmm, lets seeeeeeee....
ah hah. more garpage disguised as useful items... guns with odd caliburs you never find more than 10 bullets for, improvised weapons, random generation of various sprites for the weapons to make them be varied, for example, finding a club could be a baseball bat, or the leg to a table, or a police baton, or even something else similar.
even more detailed descriptions of world objects. i want to be able to inspect random bones on the ground and get something funny and relevant, even if its completely pointless. i love that.
variation. this is something in abundance, but there can never be too much. this is THE essence of replay value, namely, every quest should have atleast 2 ways to complete it, and potentially more.
also, id like to see the main story centered around something a little less.... climactic this time. 2 games where you saved all of the wastelands from certain doom is enough, i want something new and unique this time.
alright im done, its 4 am, lol, im surprised even that much came to mind.
if i get more ideas ill jsut edit this post instead of starting any new ones.