My Fallout 3 wishlist

This thread is getting a bit spammy. If you're going to banter, at least add some new banter with each post.
I'd actually enjoy a short pseudo-adventure in the Wasteland universe thats all "point-and-click" storytelling.


The Vault Dweller
sven said:
Ahhh, thats ok then, "we"....

Yes, "we", who have covered the game for possibly longer than you have ever heard of it. Or do you suppose any clueless person can come along and post whatever they like without having the faintest clue of what they are talking about, and then have that be entertained to the point of some stupid developer adding it in because "some fan wanted it"?

FYI, Captain Clueless, that is how Fallout 2 almost tanked and almost died before it was released, if it weren't for the excellent first one and the groundwork they put down for the second, it would have been a buggy crapfest without ANY redeeming qualities as BIS turned it into an easter-egged shitfest by trying for as much wide-appeal pop culture fanservice as possible, to make up for the fact there wasn't shit for talent at BIS anymore given DtU and the later crappy dungeon crawlers. Honestly, I can't think of a single good game BIS has made without extreme flaws, aside from PS:T. Which is, in part, why we don't care for katanas and other bullshit in the game anymore, because Bethesda is even more clueless than BioWare's titsuckers. So we'd appreciate it if people didn't encourage such idiocy for those who have less of an obvious clue about Fallout than BIS, and given the Fallout Bibles, BIS and MCA were often quite clueless themselves.

It's nice to have a select few deciding things on behalf of everybody. :D

You're right. It sucks when we decide to go along with the ORIGINAL INTENDED DESIGN and the words of the developers, to tell someone that their +4 Black Leather Ninja Armor doesn't quite fit into the setting for obvious reasons. Hell, anyone who has played Fallout with their brain on could figure this out.

So I guess you didn't even bother to do THAT why are you on a Fallout forum trying to tell us what should and shouldn't happen? That rather implies not much respect for our forum, then, or for netiquette at all. Kids seem to like being way too fucking lazy lately to even read what went on with the last one that decided to post clueless crap, and decide to do the same in turn, while using the argument that they can't be bothered to pay attention to the background information or history of the title.

So if someone isn't going to clue themselves into the game...why the hell should we care what their uneducated two cents comes up with, when it has been a consistent re-education project to explain both "P&P RPG", "Americana", and "retro 50's style US pulp science-fiction" concepts to mental children.

On a serious note though, i give up.

If you can't even bother educating yourself to put yourself on the same informed basis as everyone else, then apparently you ARE too mentally inferior, and your decision to quit while you were just mildly argumentatively ignorant about the subject was perhaps the brightest thing you've had to say on this entire site to date. Really, it's a bit better than what we've come to expect of the general idiocy from those whom the console market was dumbed down for.
Fallout 3 will need to keep the 50's retro-style humor and ethos. I loved that! It was so original. all of the vacuum switches and cars with fins.

I don't think Fallout Tactics stayed true 100% to the 50's style ethos of Fallout one and Two. Of course it was Fallout "TACTICS" not really a "sequel" to Fallout, just another game but with the fallout ethos.

Stay true to FALLOUT producer dudes!
Trevor Goodchild said:
I don't think Fallout Tactics stayed true 100% to the 50's style ethos of Fallout one and Two.
Fallout 2 didn't stay 100% true to the style of Fallout, FOT wouldn't have a clue what you were talking about.
well since i dont want to read 24 pages of threads that have several pages each, im jsut gonna make a wishlist for my fallout 3 hopes at the end of this.
and i apologizee in advance if any of this offends you, thats why im avoiding starting a new thread, as to not "clutter" the good threads with crap you might have already heard.

i want the perks to be organized in a nice file with open source for easy modding.
honestly, thats far better than any perk could be.
because then i can just go into this folder, and add em all myself, or add my own, or download a bunch of perk additions. same with traits. that would be awesome.

it would also be interesting if they managed to work in "feats" similar to those found in dnd as a new type of choice in lieu of a perk. item creation rocks my socks, and fits so appropriately in a world like fallout (for some things, making a raygun would be retarded)

recovery of thrown weapons. throwing knives dont break. period.
i liked some of the fallout tactics ideas, mainly crouching prone or standing, although im iffy if that wouldnt be an odd detractor from gameplay and the current combat system. like pointless bells and whistles.

ummm, also, item modification with refuse found in the wastes, like i mentioned before. this time in reference to armor though, id like to get some decent hand made camouflage going on.

some perks learned through reading?
thats an idea i can work with.

more ninjas.
every game needs more ninjas.
(jk :P)

slightly better inventory screen. also, i like the ease of button implementation in fallout tactics that allowed me to see both my equipped guns at once.

youll all hate me for this, but i think dual weild would be fun to add in, as long as they make it shitty as hell (because it would be), so you can do it for kicks, but youd always die for lack of being able to hit anything.

since im pretty convinced this game will be first person, i am desperately hoping they do implement the accuracy system so there is a percentage of deviation from your target, and then an additional deflection bonus from your opponents armor class (this is assuming the game is oblivion fallout, which we all hope it wont be, although i think itll be fun... but in the fallout tactics spinoff kind of way)

hmmm, lets seeeeeeee....
ah hah. more garpage disguised as useful items... guns with odd caliburs you never find more than 10 bullets for, improvised weapons, random generation of various sprites for the weapons to make them be varied, for example, finding a club could be a baseball bat, or the leg to a table, or a police baton, or even something else similar.

even more detailed descriptions of world objects. i want to be able to inspect random bones on the ground and get something funny and relevant, even if its completely pointless. i love that.

variation. this is something in abundance, but there can never be too much. this is THE essence of replay value, namely, every quest should have atleast 2 ways to complete it, and potentially more.

also, id like to see the main story centered around something a little less.... climactic this time. 2 games where you saved all of the wastelands from certain doom is enough, i want something new and unique this time.

alright im done, its 4 am, lol, im surprised even that much came to mind.

if i get more ideas ill jsut edit this post instead of starting any new ones.
For the first time in over a year, I've started playing FO and FO2 again. This has got me to thinking about what I'd like to see in FO3:

1) Armor that effects stealth: No, not "+4 Ninja Armor" or whatever, but realistically there should be a penalty for sneaking about in cetain kinds of armor. I always felt silly tip-toeing around while wearing powered armor.

2) Better NPC A.I.: If Sulik, Cassidy, and I are wearing metal armor and are using automatic weapons to mow people down in Vault City, Becky the bartender shouldn't come out and try beat us up with her fists. Also they should do something about enemies' seeming disregard for who's in their line of fire.

3) More Combat Options: While I definitely feel that TB combat is a must, it would be nice if you had the option to save APs to cover certain hexes, so that if enemies are trying to rush through a door you could have some APs set aside to shoot at them as they came through. Basically, instead of using unused APs for armor class, you could have the option to reserve them for watching selected hexes and shooting anything that comes into them. This would prevent enemies from walking through a door, across a room, and shooting you point blank. With this option, you could shoot at the enemy as he walked toward you, provided you saved the APs to cover those hexes. Crouching and lying prone would be nice too, as would being able to destroy or shoot through the environment. While I'm at it, the ability to give commands to your NPCs while in combat would be nice (but not control them directly). Also having fatigue damage would be good, so certain weapons (i.e. fists and batons) would be more likely to knock someone unconscious than kill them.

4) More Low-Tech Weapons: And while on the subject of combat, I would like to see a wider variety of low-tech weapons. In my garage right now I have, (aside from a sledgehammer, which FO already has), an axe, a hatchet, an aluminum baseball bat, and a machete. In a post-apocalyptic environment, you'd think all all of these would be fairly common.

5) Damagable items: Armor and weapons should be at risk of being damaged in combat and thus offer less protection or be more likely to critically fail.

6) More Consistent Setting: FO2 was just plain silly in this regard. It had a very patchwork feel to it. The Temple of Trials, "Tribals," San Francisco, New Reno . . . these all seem like things borrowed from other games. And the almost invasive pop-culture references were a bit much.

This all being said, I have little doubt that Bethesda is going to give us Oblivion with Guns :(
wow, i haven't posted here in years it seems. And i am starting to relize why i don't...

Fallout 2 + Newer graphics/more content would be a perfect sequal imho to the seires......then, have the game as moddable as the TES games, so that folks can add in all the stuff they want, like monky ninjas, katans, nuclear weapons,arabs or what ever. If you want/don't want something, you wouldn't have to whine or act like an asshole, you could change it yourself.

IMHO one of the things that makes alot of new games suck is the fact that you can't really mod them, in some cases, i simply didn't even bother with a game that couldn't be modded, becasue in the end, after you beat the game, it gets old, i feel this when i play f2, the entier game is nothing but a rotuien now, i ahve played it billions fo times, and have yet to see any mods <insert> that add new quests areas etc. I don't really care about new system addons, or the 'under the hood' stuff, i think its more about replayability, no game lasts for ever, but they can sure last a long as time if you can change those games how ever you want [the morrowind modding cumminity is proof of that]

my 14.8 cents
cronodevir said:
wow, i haven't posted here in years it seems. And i am starting to relize why i don't...

You mean since May of this year, and I believe it's because you have no clue.


I guess, to a child, about a half dozen months could be considered "years".

Fallout 2 + Newer graphics/more content would be a perfect sequal imho to the seires

"Newer graphics" is relative in context to both style and presentation. Improved graphics is a no-brainer. Now if you mean, in your half-witted way of grunting out game design aspects of which you have little understanding, that something we hold anathema is something you think is "keeeewwlll!", then you're going to have to do better than mentally drool over yourself.

Keep the drool dribble to yourself in the future, thanks.

have the game as moddable as the TES games, so that folks can add in all the stuff they want, like monky ninjas, katans, nuclear weapons,arabs or what ever. If you want/don't want something, you wouldn't have to whine or act like an asshole, you could change it yourself.

Or you can recognize it as part of the reasons why the editors are going to be a total pain in the ass, as every little munchkin decides to add in whatever they want, until all the children don't care about the setting.

Whereas with a game like Fallout, if there is vision behind the mod, the mod will progress. There are many such mods that you, in your ignorance again, missed. If the vision isn't what Fallout fans generally like, much like the Fallout NWN or Morrowind mods, then it is generally mocked as the quality and attention to detail SUCK ASS.

IMHO one of the things that makes alot of new games suck is the fact that you can't really mod them, in some cases, i simply didn't even bother with a game that couldn't be modded, becasue in the end, after you beat the game, it gets old,

If Fallout or Fallout 2 is boring to you, even after a few dozen playthroughs and different ways of playing characters, then you probably haven't tried to mine all of the information and setting details about the game, nor really understand the fiction style, graphics design, interface design, viewpoint design, or anything else that you carelessly blather on about under the grunt of "newer graphics".

i feel this when i play f2, the entier game is nothing but a rotuien now, i ahve played it billions fo times, and have yet to see any mods <insert> that add new quests areas etc.

Sorry, are you still too lazy to search? Yes, you are.

I don't really care about new system addons, or the 'under the hood' stuff, i think its more about replayability, no game lasts for ever, but they can sure last a long as time if you can change those games how ever you want [the morrowind modding cumminity is proof of that]

Unfortunately, I don't care to play a shitty core game, and then search and download through a few dozen mods to find one that isn't a munchkinfesting piece of shit that has some idea of gameplay, and that isn't some lame setting rip-off and lame pop-culture humor references at every turn.

The shit game doesn't validate my money, and neither does the "improved graphics". Nor am I intending to pay for the development tools the developers can't be bothered to use themselves. When the developers only care to make tools, then make a weak attempt at a game and then release the tools as a supplement to doing any real design work, then that is neither in my interest, in the general interest of a Fallout fan, nor what the general gaming audience expects from a Fallout title. That is only doing half the work for a full price tag.

I'm not getting paid to make the game suck less, and neither is anyone else, which really chafes when you're expected to patch in Bethesda's shortcomings like with both Morrowind and Oblivion - AFTER having PAID for the game and privelidge to be part of Bethesda's hype machine.

They get to be incompetent and release a half-ass game, which someone with a *bit* of programming and design skill achieves a better result and publishes it for other fans to use. Similar developers address other problems, until the apologists can use those patches as a means to excuse the laziness and incompetence of Bethesda wholesale.

Bethesda then hypes that as a "thriving modding community", and sucks ass even moreso in my eyes, while charging for what should have been the most complimentary of downloads for the really shitty release state of Oblivion's interface. And you suck ass for hyping it as well. Face it, Bethesda's modding community are a bunch of abused sad sacks.

my 14.8 cents

Still not worth two bits. Let us know when you achieve minimum wage, even in a third world country, and we'll consider this to be something else than a poor troll attempt. Oh, wait, don't. You're banned.
^^ So true, the Oblivion bit. I've got the game and am still waiting for someone to make a mod that will actually make it interesting to play all the way to the conclusion.

As for Fallout, I'd love to see the world of Fallout recreated with the same style, feel and substance, i.e. F1 with upped graphics and fleshed-out (but not watered down, 100's of generic NPCs don't make the game fleshier).
Everyones going to hate me for saying this but a first person real time fallout game could be pretty cool, and bethesda did a good job with morrowind so they could probably do a pretty good job with fallout. I know fallout on a console is heresy but I used to think consoles sucked ass but once you give em a chance they aren't half bad.

Anyway for fallout 3 I would like to see more vehicles, sort of like tactics only you could bring them anywhere, but you wouldn't be able to do some stuff while in a vehicle (like you could drive into a vault ina humer if but you could only bash through a few walls before they got to thick.) When I first got the car in fallout2 I thought I might be able to pull off a drive by, but the best I could do was run over some poor ghoul.
Everyones going to hate me for saying this but a first person real time fallout game could be pretty cool

I hate you!! :D Seriously man, are you trying to piss off the talking deathclaw?? I say it is NOT going to be c001 as it will just become a Post Apoc Oblivion. Boring walking around bullshit that just creates a plethora of other ways that Fallout will just turn into another generic action/adventure game.

and bethesda did a good job with morrowind

What? WHAT? If anything, Oblivious was BETTER that Morrowind! Jeez, you are taking it to another level here.

so they could probably do a pretty good job with fallout.


I know fallout on a console is heresy but I used to think consoles sucked ass but once you give em a chance they aren't half bad.

What consoles or fallout on consoles? I myself am a console fan, and own an Xbox 360. This doesn't mean I want to see a FO game on consoles, but the fact remains that Bethe$da will create a console port to make profits.

Anyway for fallout 3 I would like to see more vehicles

Not again! Craptics had a terrible vehicle control system. Don't get me started.

like you could drive into a vault ina humer if but you could only bash through a few walls before they got to thick

Yeah, just in true Fallout fashion :roll:

When I first got the car in fallout2 I thought I might be able to pull off a drive by, but the best I could do was run over some poor ghoul.

Oh yeah, all we need is Rockstar to collaborate with Bethe$da to create Grand Theft Auto: Vault City.

Clueless shit.

Hey, gang, look; another retarded attempt at a troll!

Everyones going to hate me for saying this but a first person real time fallout game could be pretty cool,
'It'd be kewl!!!' and hence they should make it.
Ever heard about *design*?
and bethesda did a good job with morrowind
No, they didn't. They made a boring, poorly balanced adventure game with really poor dialogue and no atmosphere.
so they could probably do a pretty good job with fallout.
This clueless shit is ridiculous. Morrowind's design has almost nothing in common with Fallout's design. So how could the fact that they executed a completely unrelated design 'well' (according to you) reflect on how they'll treat Fallout 3?

I know fallout on a console is heresy but I used to think consoles sucked ass but once you give em a chance they aren't half bad.
They are for Fallout due to many, many reasons. Mainly to do with input.

Anyway for fallout 3 I would like to see more vehicles, sort of like tactics only you could bring them anywhere, but you wouldn't be able to do some stuff while in a vehicle (like you could drive into a vault ina humer if but you could only bash through a few walls before they got to thick.) When I first got the car in fallout2 I thought I might be able to pull off a drive by, but the best I could do was run over some poor ghoul.
This is just gold. More vehicles? Hummers? Do you have any clue at all about Fallout?

Everyones going to hate me for saying this but a first person real time fallout game could be pretty cool,

Just because it would tickle your jollies, child, doesn't mean that the rest of the people expecting a Fallout game will be that appreciative. That kind of idiocy worked for Ultima 9, which had a larger audience...oh, SCHNAP, IT DIDN'T! The whole transition from P&P CRPG to Action gameplay elements does not sit well with ANY audience I've ever been familiar with in the last >20 years I've been around the game industry.


and bethesda did a good job with morrowind

By who's qualifications? Yours? Then you're a moron that wouldn't know quality if it bit you on the ass, as the difference between Fallout and Morrowind is quite obvious. Unless you're an idiot that just likes "TEH SHINEY!!!"

Judging by your remarks, you wouldn't know shit if you stepped in it, either. It's kind of hard to give blowjobs long distance, so I heard from my girlfriend when I was remotely stationed, so I'm wondering why you're kneeling down with "Todd's Balls Here" tattoo'd upon your chim here. The proper place for that is anywhere on the Bethesda forums, they appreciate the asslicking, no matter whom it is from.

Which means that GameBanshee will get plenty of exclusives considering how low they blow.

so they could probably do a pretty good job with fallout.

Voilà! One head up ass!

I know fallout on a console is heresy but I used to think consoles sucked ass but once you give em a chance they aren't half bad.

I like how you don't bother to provide any proof. To someone expecting...oh...something called DEPTH consoles are complete garbage that only suck themselves off at how shiny they can make their games, and how many new moves they can add to a game to make it *just* "innovative" enough to milk off idiots like you.

Anyway for fallout 3 I would like to see more vehicles,

And I'd like to see you dead. That's not a threat, not an active wish, but I'd get a bit of amusement if you graced the Darwin Awards. Stupidity of your caliber should not be in the hands of any being able to legally drive, buy alcohol (thus making you even more stupid and oblivious), marry, able to buy handguns, and then think they could raise children that wouldn't be worse than they could exemplify they own parents' spectacular failure in parenting.

(No, seriously, someone send me the obituary of this dumb fuck if he should ever take himself out through obvious stupidity, and this thread is found years later. I want to frame it.)

sort of like tactics

Tictacs != canon. Moron.

only you could bring them anywhere,

Now only if you could go back to the GameSpy forums and not post your idiocy just anywhere.

but you wouldn't be able to do some stuff while in a vehicle (like you could drive into a vault ina humer if but you could only bash through a few walls before they got to thick.)

And this has relevance to a post-apocalyptic P&P CRPG as depicted by a 50's sci-fi author (again, I note EC Comics)...where?

When I first got the car in fallout2 I thought I might be able to pull off a drive by, but the best I could do was run over some poor ghoul.

Grand Theft Asshat.
Ah, good ol' Rosh. What a refreshing sight!

But please Mr. Asshat, why post something like this? I'm sure it's blatantly clear that you would casue such a mess :(