This ghoul has seen it all

Man I just got angry typing that, this system is so ass backwards simplistic it pisses me off.
Man I just got angry typing that, this system is so ass backwards simplistic it pisses me off.
But 2015, mang, and like, we need tower defense on every thing and open warldz and like no presentation is acceptable except for Shooters mang!!!
I wonder, did they also include Self Regen health too? It was in Skyrim....
It was, but even then it's stupid, they are using more buttons to deliver LESS information and options to the player.
A button + Aalogue/Gamepad movent is a vey direct input style since like the freaking start screen on Super Mario, It's 1 button and the Analgue stick, it is even used in the pause mene and inventory screens, it's 2 commands and allows to fit more options by just putting them on a list with a scrollingbar.
Now it's 4 buttons for 4 hard coded choice, with a 2 word summary, no skills and it uses a completely differet display style than anything on the game.
Hell they apparently added a Gun wheel for quick equiping but they didn't think to use something similar? They we alredy using the analogue stick, who ws the fucktard that even came up with this 4 button system? It's just bad design, something a student would get an F for in college...
Apperently some of you seem to not like fallout 4's dialogue.
I'm here to tell you thats not because the game is bad, it's because you have entitlement issues. You feel entitled to a well written expansive realistic dialogue system in a series that has captivated your attention for more than a decade, and a system that isnt a cop-out that has no reflection on the severity of the choices that you make which we've come to expect from every fallout game in existence.
But you're not entitled to that, because you're just a whiny baby.
This isnt the games problem, it's your problem. And it's also your fault that skills were removed, because gaming has never been more complex.
Speaking of which, if you didnt like the games dialogue or the skills system, but you bought the game anyway, you should just unbuy it! Thats the only logical solution to this problem. You shouldnt be mad at the writers or the CEO's in charge of reaming you at every turn. Because it's your fault that you bought the game in the first place, and they're also all incredibly fragile people who can't take criticism.
And lets not forget. Companies can do whatever they want. That's the overall message here. That you shouldnt be able to complain, voice your opinion or try to get something changed despite the demand because companies are bigger than people and they can market whatever they want, including favorable reviews and hiding unfavorable reviews.
Let's disregard that Fallout's writing went completely out the window in fallout 3 and delude ourselves that fallout 3 isnt just dumbed casual shit that everyone wanted to change and only pandered to the crowd of 10 year olds, and lets look past fallout new vegas atrocious development time limitations for assets like Caesars Legion., the entire ending sequence for fallout 3 and most if not all of Fo3's writing and lets definitely disregard the combat in the last 2 games that consisted of relying on VAT's and we can see that behind it all you just have gamer entitlement issues and you dont deserve a good game just because you payed for it and because we told you you were going to get it.
Overall if you didnt like the fact that instead of actually being a good game that you wanted and expected from a series you got a shitty and over hyped, lazy steaming pile of shit. It's not because it could have been avoided by Bethesda by actually putting the time and effort into making a complete game that satisfies both fans of the series and newcomers instead of baiting and switching every loyal fan and only trying to appeal to The Walking Dead's market it's because you're an entitled baby.
If you have any problem with anything I just said I'll strawman all of your arguments on the fact that fallout 3 was just a change from the older games rather then just having shitty writing like it did.
!this is all satire!