So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Except not really answered my own question. We are also talking about RPGs here and Shigeru really doesn't do RPGs (except maybe Super Mario and Legend of the Seven Stars).Ever hear of a guy called Shigeru Miyamoto? Also, you just answered your own question. You have to use one thing (the plasma rifle) to serve multiple purposes (gameplay and story).
In RPGs, there's need to be a reason for things to be where they are. So gameplay and writing can't be separate elements. There's need to be a reason to how something it is the way it is. As soon the writing can't explain how things are the way they are, the gameplay can no longer work. The writing has to work first, for gameplay to even work. You can't just have random loot in a place and have no explanation to why it's there. It doesn't even have to be lore notes, just environmental story telling.
In New Vegas, there's some locations that don't have loot, but there's a reason why. The writing is telling why it's like that. So, the game play isn't automatically shit just because there's nothing to loot. And even then, there's always either something to kill for exp or loot or just the backstory through the location's name in New Vegas. This is why Fallout 3 fails in several locations. There's absolutely nothing saying why this loot is here. Yeah, i get loot, but then i wonder why it's here in the first place. To me that's terrible world building and world building is part of both. And like Black Angel said, making every location "unique and rewarding" kind of makes not that if every single location is like that.
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