you guys once left europe I am sure it will welcome you again if the new world proves to be lost 

TorontRayne said:I'm in the Bible belt, and that is bullshit. We hate all people equally.
Hoxie said:...Though as much as Obama has/hasn't done, I don't regret him making it in over bag 'o' bones and Palin, I can still say that with all certainty, even if that's all he might have going for him nowadays.
Ilosar said:For those wanting to come to Canada, I daresay our dear conservative government wants to turn us into US lite, down to the ''fuck you States/provinces'' attitude and all the overcompensating macho military cockslap posturing (paying 35 billions for attack jets not even the US Air Force wants, and then making all those speeches about having to cut government spendings? To hell with these clowns). So you're kinda out of luck there.
As for the next US president, I guess Obama didn't do worse than the preceding one, which is a plus I guess. It's not like the president can change much in this age of crooked senators and ultra-powerful corporate lobbies. I lost any kind of faith in the current system when the CEOs of banks and car campanies used bailout money to grant themselves huge bonuses.
the_cpl said:Who signed it? The guy who got the Nobel peace prize? Next time he puts the cherry on top and signs the Restore Slavery Bill.