New Arroyo mod thread

stormcrow said:
So I guess this mod is definitely dead? :(

No man, this mod is alive as ever as I'm currently working on it. I started from scratch and I'm about to finish the mapping. Then come the scripting part... I still have to learn. Don't worry, I'll post a new thread when I'm done with the mapping (as it won't exactly be the same mod :wink: ).
So any news on the new "new arroyo" mod?

Also where did all the done stuff go from the "old" new arroyo mod?

There should really be some kind of special fallout server where all mods in progress could be stored. Can't NMA host something like that? When all members of a project dissapear (fanout and fallout yurop come to mind) NMA could release it to the public when the old members don't give any response? Maybe it's a silly idea or years to late... but still usefull for the current projects?
Well, McRae did finish the maps (that was you who provided me the link to those maps, wasn't it, McRae?). Unfortunately, while I have the completed (or at least mostly completed maps... they looked finished to me), I haven't been able to do anything with them yet. Either too busy with other aspects of the Megamod, or too busy RLing and need to stop, as that DedDedDed would say (that guy was funny, in a tragic sort of way). :lol:
I also got my hand on the files, they are so good that i choose them over some of the ones I made...
Just to be cautious, I removed the "hero art do not use" that some critters were using as placeholder, I think.
There is also the dominion demo in the wikia somewhere, and maybe the maps made by FMF will be open released?
Depending on the weight, we could upload them in the repository or in nma.
We will see.
Hey that's good news! I wasn't expecting that actually so i'm rather suprised :D

Hope to see it in game in the near future!
McRae (in FO2RP thread) said:
@ All the persons interested in the New Arroyo Mod :

I'm still involved in the New Arroyo project (I'm the only one actually).

I put it on hold for a certain amount of time but I'm back. I mod when I have the time.

In the first time, I intend to finish the mapping process (but I want it to be perfect so it's gonna take time), and then I'll have to learn to script.

... So this mod won't be released tomorrow :) . Just know that I didn't give up.

PS :

If you wanna share your vision of New Arroyo, you can post your ideas in the old thread.

I'm not promising to follow each one of them, but I'll do my best to have something coherent in the end.
Thanks for the heads up McRae! :D
I have a question. I've been reading through this thread and I get the impression that it's a full blown mod with new quests to continue the game after the defeat of the Enclave. Is this the case? If so, it may not fit with Killap's RP since that is about finishing the game as the devs intended and he doesn't want to add new content. It would still be nice if the New Arroyo mod could be integrated with/installed over the RP. I'm sure I speak for many when I say that the Fallout 2 Restoration Project IS Fallout 2 as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, here is my original list from the RP thread:
New Arroyo maps should be similar to the original maps with a few changes.
1. The Chosen One should have one GECK taken out of his/her inventory.
2. Show the effects of the GECK in Arroyo maps with lush plant life and crops. No spore plants.
3. Have a new, stronger looking bridge leading to Arroyo. Add lush plant life on Arroyo side. Heck, have heavy vines growing down the cliff.
4. Many more tents to accommodate the former Vault 13 dwellers.
5. People in vault suits wandering around in addition to original villagers.
6. In the hunting grounds map, brock flower and zander root should start respawning, and do so quickly. Perhaps every day.
7. Radioactive goo in the hunting grounds should be cleaned up and replaced with a water spring.
8. A new map area with just a few small cleared areas in the lush plant life where they are laying the foundations of simple adobe buildings.

These changes would represent the earliest beginnings of New Arroyo right after the fall of the Enclave.

I have since thought it should be possible to have multiple versions of New Arroyo maps. Given maps could be updated after a certain period of time has passed in the game. You could start with just additional tents for the V13 newcomers. After a few weeks, have the plant life grow prodigiously, like I described. Then a few weeks later, add extra maps showing the laying of foundations for new buildings, and so on. New Arroyo could end up with a mechanized drawbridge over the chasm, which could be raised at night, and weapon turrets on the town side of the chasm for defense.
and then I'll have to learn to script.

The project has no scripter then? :shock:

I'd like to see a "stepped" mod whereby when you return to arroyo there's a few extra tents on this side of the bridge and maybe even a new map on this side of the bridge with trees etc...

Then after a month or so... the bridge is repaired and you can enter the main town again.

Then in another month, more tents are in the main town, new farm areas and maybe evidence that bricks are been made in preparation for building solid houses.

A lot could be made with this mod... but for compatibility with RP then I don't think a full city with greenery and lots of buildings would fit.
@ Richwizard :

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep that in mind. :)

As for my mod being part of the RP... well, when I started it, I was more thinking about seeing it in the Megamod. Of course it could also be part of the RP, but in this case, I guess Killap would have to adapt it to his vision of what has to be or not. We don't know many things about New Arroyo; here, the devs didn't have the time to do anything, so everything has to be done, created form scratch. Basically, Killap himself or any of us can't really know what New arroyo should be like except from what you learn at the end of the game (from The Vault) :

From The Vault said:
New Arroyo

After the Enclave's destruction, the refugees of Arroyo and Vault 13 resettled, building a new community with the aid of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Finding themselves hundreds of miles from their Vault, the members of Vault 13 chose to join the villagers in establishing a new community, and their technical expertise, combined with the villagers survival skills, allowed the new settlement to grow and prosper. Two generations of the same bloodline were reunited, and their savior, the Chosen One, became Elder, presiding over the village of New Arroyo in the years to come. Certain that the safety of the new village had been secured and the new community was flourishing, his mother, the old Elder, passed away a few months later in her sleep.

As for the rest, well it's my call if I wanna have caravans, the BOS, traders, etc...

@ Chris Parks :

Well, I make the maps then I'll have to script. I prefer doing most of the things on my own to make sure nobody quits in the process. I'm aware of the amount of work we're talking about.

Like I said I don't intend to have the mod finished by tomorrow;

As for the "stepped" mod, of course I'd also like to see that. But that's my first mod and I already have enough weight over my shoulders.

In the first time, I'm gonna make a fully functional town, after that we'll see. Let's have something to begin with and then we can improve it.
In the first time, I'm gonna make a fully functional town, after that we'll see. Let's have something to begin with and the we can improve it.

Good point. Whatever happened to Jargo and Silencer? Are they n longer working on this?

I saw the maps for it a long time ago and I liked what I saw... but they were quite big. Lots of work for one guy!

Feel free to PM me if you want advice on scripting.
No, they're no longer part of the project.

I made the current maps from scratch. I kept a few ideas from what I saw in their screenshots, like the hotel or the bar.

As for your offer, thanks!
McRae said:
As for my mod being part of the RP... well, when I started it, I was more thinking about seeing it in the Megamod...

Hey, I'm always looking for things to add! :wink:

I really like the "stepped" map idea too. Really simple, I think, to just modify the map scripts to place new scenery (i.e. green plants) or updated scenery (i.e. adobe 'wall' instead of a tent 'wall') after so much time has passed after a global has been set (say, Horrigan's death).

The same could be added to any map, as a matter of fact... even in a reverse process. For example: Did you wipe out all the inhabitants of a town? Maybe the buildings begin to completely fall apart with nobody there to maintain them. Thanks for the idea, Chris. :wink:
Alternatively just build the base map - the simpler Arroyo, and copy the map to the next elevations and make the changes i.e: new buildings, gardens, paths, etc.

If necessary copy the second elevation onto the third elevation and add further scenery. It's just a suggestion...The beauty of this method is you can use the original Arroyo maps as the foundation in which to rebuild the village. :wink:
Yes, that is of course possible. However, doing the copy/paste method does have drawbacks, which is why I recommended the map script method. You still use the Arroyo map as the base. All that has to be done is delete certain pieces of scenery, then have them replaced/upgraded in the same hexes after the specified time (like I said in my example, upgrading tent walls to adobe walls) via script. This allows the map levels to be used for other entirely different purposes. Probably not a big consideration for some mods. However, map space within the Megamod is at a premium. Plus, you can also create as many "stages of building/destruction" as you want.
Never thought that whole maps could be build just from script but I like the sound of it. Arrayo is being constructed to a modern city. New buildings appear every month... Though I feel something like that would be real hard. Anyway no matter which method would be used I'm sure it will be cool. I will be looking forward to this
Yes, that is of course possible. However, doing the copy/paste method does have drawbacks, which is why I recommended the map script method. You still use the Arroyo map as the base. All that has to be done is delete certain pieces of scenery, then have them replaced/upgraded in the same hexes after the specified time (like I said in my example, upgrading tent walls to adobe walls) via script. This allows the map levels to be used for other entirely different purposes. Probably not a big consideration for some mods. However, map space within the Megamod is at a premium. Plus, you can also create as many "stages of building/destruction" as you want.

It is a lot of fiddling though script wise just to save a bit of map space... in comparison to simply copying the map to a new elevation and changing a few things on the map.

I wonder if timeslip could hack the maps to allow more elevations each map ? :D

I've been wondering about quests for the mod though and how it can be fleshed out beyond a simple map change. I think a lot could be done with the mod. One thing that worries me is how much people would be inclined to do some small arroyo quests after completing the game?
A New Arroyo mod has the potential to give the player a whole new game after the Enclave is destroyed. This would definitely not fit within the FO2RP, but using New Arroyo as a starting point, the player could start a whole new set of adventures across the wasteland! It might be installed over the RP, adding a whole new set of map changes and quests over the entire world map. As someone else already suggested, it could be triggered by an event like Frank Horrigan's death. I think a better trigger would be, after the Enclave is destroyed and you reappear at SF, choosing the "Yes" option when you're asked if you want to continue the game.

"Potential" is the key word here. Given the previous difficulties that this mod has had with people moving on to other things, I don't know if McRae has the time or the help he needs to take it that far. It's fun to contemplate, though. Maybe this could be the next big thing now that the RP is approaching the finish line. Hey! You expand the world map and take the player back to the locations from FO1. Call it Fallout 2.5.

EDIT: Better idea. Call it the Fallout 2 Aftermath Project! :mrgreen: Who wants to moderate it?
Chris Parks said:
One thing that worries me is how much people would be inclined to do some small arroyo quests after completing the game?

Yeah, I was thinking about that too.

I know that most people consider the game to be over once the Enclave is gone, but as far as I'm concerned, I've always loved roaming around in the wasteland and collecting guns and money and hearing people congratulate me about the destruction of the oil rig. But that's just me... :)

Anyway, I hope there will be other mods taking place after the so called "end of the game".

Of course, at this stage, the player is far more experienced and has a lot of HPs, so the quests have to be harder.

Richwizard said:
I don't know if McRae has the time or the help he needs to take it that far.

Well, I try not to look that far. Like the ideal New Arroyo Mod, I have a "stepped" approach. Really, I think it's only a question of time before it's completed.

Richwizard said:
Hey! You expand the world map and take the player back to the locations from FO1. Call it Fallout 2.5.

I'd love that.
Anyway, I hope there will be other mods taking place after the so called "end of the game".

It would be nice, but for me so much would have to be done altering most of the game characters and adding and upgrading dialogue. (How do all these people in random towns even know it was you who destroyed the enclave?)

When you're on level 35 etc... its not going to be that interesting when the tribe elder says "can you fix our well for 50xp" :D

Maybe resetting the player stats and experience could be one method.,,

Hey! You expand the world map and take the player back to the locations from FO1. Call it Fallout 2.5.

It would be great. But total conversions haven't got a good track record! :D
Jotisz said:
Never thought that whole maps could be build just from script but I like the sound of it. Arrayo is being constructed to a modern city. New buildings appear every month... Though I feel something like that would be real hard. Anyway no matter which method would be used I'm sure it will be cool. I will be looking forward to this

Chris Parks said:
Yes, that is of course possible. However, doing the copy/paste method does have drawbacks, which is why I recommended the map script method. You still use the Arroyo map as the base. All that has to be done is delete certain pieces of scenery, then have them replaced/upgraded in the same hexes after the specified time (like I said in my example, upgrading tent walls to adobe walls) via script. This allows the map levels to be used for other entirely different purposes. Probably not a big consideration for some mods. However, map space within the Megamod is at a premium. Plus, you can also create as many "stages of building/destruction" as you want.

It is a lot of fiddling though script wise just to save a bit of map space... in comparison to simply copying the map to a new elevation and changing a few things on the map.

The scripting might not be so hard. You know that scenery can be destroyed on a map (i.e. with explosives or even just by the setting of a global variable), but that is with scripts set specifically on the item. Perhaps one map level could be used. All the scenery could be placed. Attach scripts to the scenery to either be visible or invisible, depending upon a timer/global variable. Now, while I know that maps can be updated if you are on a map this way (the map script), I don't know exactly what would happen upon entering a map with those specifically attached scripts. When I get back to my computer, I'll run some experiments with the mapper.

Wait. I was just remembering that you did something like this already. You did this with the well/stairs in Modoc, didn't you?

Chris Parks said:
I wonder if timeslip could hack the maps to allow more elevations each map ? :D

That might help some. But, I'm more concerned about that 255 map limit.
Chris Parks said:
How do all these people in random towns even know it was you who destroyed the enclave?

Well, the Tankers Vagrants saw the chosen one leaving San Francisco with the Tanker, then I guess it's just word of mouth.