New cover story for Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The new OXM features a cover story for Fallout 3. Bethesda Blog notes:<blockquote><center></center>
The April issue of OXM is now making its way to subscribers in the US as we speak. The cover story features a number of new areas and also features a host of new screens from different parts of the game, including new areas, new creatures/NPCs, weapons, etc. We don’t want to give away too much info on what’s in there, except to say it has the best ending line of any Fallout 3 preview thus far, thanks to a quote from Emil.

Look for the issue to be on newsstands the week of March 10 and keep your eyes open for new content coming from those folks in the form of a podcast or something else around that date.</blockquote>Thanks Gstaff for the early heads-up.
Holy shit that BoS paladin looks awful

Also, per our current news posting standards we're not really interested in full scans, but if someone can dig up more info, that'd be great
it looks like a stormtrooper fucked a zaku 2 and then someone made a statue of the child which resulted welded together from scrap sheet metal.
Aren't you a little short for a stormtr... BOS guy?

It looks so small. BOS getting desperate and recruiting child soldiers? Seriously, it looks really off.
that BOS Paladin reminds me of one thing :

165732__robocop_l.jpg a bad way i must add :(
The paladin looks weird, but not as weird as the whole cover - hell, all kind of Czech gaming mags has proven a better work with cover-making. Also, the OXM mag must be a really pulp tabloid. I quite like the gun.
MrBumble said:
I see another imbalance : the head is too big for that small body...

Daddy Vader had a huge head too with the mask on.

I'd rather wait to see it without the helmet and with some environment/horizon for reference.

And yeah, nukular eksplosan is a MUST! :nuclear: :aiee: :irked:
Geh, 'tis little more than a pile of the same rubbish we've been seeing since Bethsoft picked up the license for PAGES, erm I mean FINO.

If it's got more of the abused aberrations that supposedly pass as Fallout canon then it's just meant to be more fuel for the hype machine that's done nothing but leave the decade plus fans in the dust, and those that at least *know* what fallout is about with a sour taste in their mouth.

I dunno about you guys, but when I get a sour taste I tend to spit it out in disgust, so does it really matter if the BoS paladin looks like he's made out of cast iron toasters and has a sailor's swagger to compliment his willingness to defend humans that aren't even affiliated with the BoS.

Why don't they just put this damnation to bed already and release the damn thing, we all know it's not going to be any better for it except their damn hype machine gets more time to pretend it's something that won't leave us with a hollow feeling by the end of it, 'cause Jesus Christ the computer programmer knows, that there's no fixing bad design.
BN said:
Thanks Gstaff for the early heads-up.


They're talking to us, now? A pleasant change.

Also, per our current news posting standards we're not really interested in full scans

We're not? Why?


"From the makers of Oblivion" takes a whole new meaning juxtaposed with the Spiked Robotoast Avenger+5.
Wooz said:
Also, per our current news posting standards we're not really interested in full scans

We're not? Why?

Mostly because it really is rude infringing on someone's copyright, but mostly because full scans don't serve any purpose that summaries + maybe scans of screenshots if they're interesting serve.
Well, what is left to say, most of you are pretty much ahead of me regarding the Stormtrooper Power Armour.
Of course this could be a mistake on the side of the artist who made the cover for the magazine, not getting all the proportions right.

As for any scans of the magazine, well perhaps NMA can't do that but people can write down the summaries right?
Really curious if we get any new details, personally I think we get what we know served up again.
Yikes, the power armor seemed to have lost some weight! When I read the description of power armor as a "Human Tank," I can safely say I don't picture this image. I think of this huge, near indestructible, retro-future, impenetrable, air tight, radiation proof suit. Ya know, something that makes a thud every time it takes a step.

Seems that all they got right was the helm.. Can't all their work just have a server hickup and be lost forever?
Dutch Ghost said:
Of course this could be a mistake on the side of the artist who made the cover for the magazine, not getting all the proportions right.

Usually, stuff like front cover promo art is made at the developers' studio, out of renders, then sent to the magazine to be pasted on the front page and 'minimally' edited by the magazine's illustrators.