New dev diary on Fallout 3 site

It's alright by itself but to me it seems like concept art for multiple games rather than for one cohesive game. I would, of course, rather have seen a re-envisioning of the Fallout games in 3d. They already made a lot of cool things, and it seems like Bethesda went out of their way to scrap all of the original art design in order to recreate it in their own image. I guess if enough people like it, it will be the new "look" of Fallout.
How does it look steampunk? All I see is electronics, no boilers or anything like that, are you talking about the robot with pneumatic pump arm controls? because thats not necessarily steam powered.
Some of these pictures are ok, but they remind me more of a Swedish post apocalyptic RPG than Fallout, especially the tongue-, crab-monster and robots.

I quite like the vault suit and fashion sets though.

Truly annoying. =/
I really like the deathclaws, though. I hope they'll look like this in the game, this is very close to how i 'pictured' them looking in 3D, and is infinitely closer to the originals than the tictacs monkeys.
It's bethesda, what'd you expect? Inconsistent crap as always. Some is pretty good indeed, but the fact that most of it is just inconsistent concept art betrays them...
I have mixed feelings about this conceptual art...

Roughly I like 50% of it, and dislike the other 50%. Being the Super Mutants one of the weirdest thing I have ever seen in the Fallout Universe.

Well, lets wait an see how this was adapted inside the game...
Their conception of the supermutant is flawed. The supermutants from Fallout 1 & 2 had heads that from the front look like rounded trapezoids - fat chins, narrow foreheads. Their largest facial feature is their mouth. Their eyes and nose are human-like but small in proportion to the rest of their face. They have a heavy brow over their eyes. Their skin is has a green tint to it with possible scratches/major dermatological blemishes.

The fact that their skin is so thick (imagine thicker than elephant hide) is part of what makes them such formidable foes (they are somewhat bulletproof) and is why it should be impossible to see much of their muscle definition. On top of that they should be hunched over and walk somewhat bow-legged. See the NMA talking heads page. While the Bethesda concept art seems to get some things right about them, it definitely misses the tone of the supermutants.

Their conception of the deathclaw looks very close to how it should look with one notable exception: it should have a sharp-toothy grin (see the original Deathclaw clay model).

I think Bethesdas art department overlooked one fundamental quality of Fallout's monsters and mutants. They lie on a grey line where when you first see them you are just as likely to laugh at them as to be scared - that is until one of them starts trying to kill you.
iridium_ionizer said:
Their conception of the deathclaw looks very close to how it should look with one notable exception: it should have a sharp-toothy grin (see the original Deathclaw clay model).

Deathclaws from what I saw in FO's isometric perspective also had similar dominating brows as the Super Mutant's. Also their hands were much larger and thicker, like a bear's paw with fingers, not some skinny little queer demon claw. This guy has his skin pulled back over his skull, spines sticking out the whole of his back, instead of merely at the base of the neck. Not only that, but instead of the humanish stretched torso that was actually quite skinny this one possesses some generic massive build, like Diablo.

His legs are also off, once again, too small, his feet look like a velociraptor's, not like overgrown chicken feet as in the original.

This guy is going for the pretentious little art queer "cool" looking nonsense. I hate how they attempt to make the Deadclaw look appealing in the most generic way possible without factoring Fallout's original bulky and somewhat cartoonish look.

The original Deathclaw was meaty and didn't seem very practical, this one looks like something out of some teenager's doodles, actually, it looks like a Zerg or Diablo as already mentioned. I guess that's my point, it looks like the generic sorts of monsters that have already done.

I want the slightly retarded looking Deathclaws, they seemed animalistic and brutal, this one looks like it'll be jumping around on rocks and doing back flips while wailing its head off.
Kind of with BN on this one, although I don't find the creatures so bad. Personally, I think we should have new and different monsters for the East Coast. Crabmen? Well it is Maryland, so mutant crabmen might be right. Makes me think of Attack of the Crab Monsters which is another of the "radiation turns animals into monster" flicks like Them.

Check this-

(incidently, its seems you can watch much of the film off youtube).

The architecture- nice to see the art deco back. Some of it seems to very much DC.

Mutants- Ugly.

I kind of like the Sputnik bot and most of the weapons. Some of the equipment looks fine.

Attire strikes me a bit too much Mad Max.

Hit and miss.....

Actually probably more miss than hit.

(Cool... A nuclear blast and a decapitation in the first part! )
Borathian said:
How does it look steampunk? All I see is electronics, no boilers or anything like that, are you talking about the robot with pneumatic pump arm controls? because thats not necessarily steam powered.

Steam punk as a style can be duplicated without the use of boilers or pneumatic pumps. It's not about what drives it, which is steampunk as a setting, but about how it looks, which is steampunk as a style.
welsh said:
Makes me think of Attack of the Crab Monsters which is another of the "radiation turns animals into monster" flicks like Them.

Yegads, man, Roger Corman.
Sorry for the derail but...

The Beast from 20,000 fanthoms is also available!

My main issue with Fallout 3 is more about it being first person and real time rather than the look. Once they botched that, then they pretty much botched the game. As mentioned, I don't mind them doing a fallout first person, but don't call it Fallout 3.

But thouse mutants....

Look more like these guys-




Than this guy-


Sorry but to me they look like they belong in Resident Evil and not Fallout.
I bet the ugly mutant with two tongues is an 'ultra-smart' super mutant / friendly NPC.

Maybe hes mayor of the new super mutant town! Something like Harold (from Gecko) blended with Gizmo (the fat guy from junktown) ... lol.
I always liked the shopping trolley idea for some reason, and I hope that victims are squirming around in there like free-range poultry in the final game.

Other than that, the super mutants look fairly bland.

The mole rat looks great, as do the Brahmin, but the Deathclaw looks like they took the creature from Fallout, reproduced it quite faithfully, then injected a dose of realism (proportion-wise), which doesn't quite work.

I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that the creature on the far right of the bestiary page feels like an attempt at a centaur.
I honestly can't believe all the naysaying and nitpicking going on. This concept art is fantastic. I even like the super mutant; I always felt the previous super mutant art made them look too silly to be taken as seriously as the threat they're supposed to be. In fact, the only concept art I took exception to was the bipedal robot, which I've now come to accept as a more segmented Klaatu (edit: Gort. doh) that's missing a few plates of armor, and the really disgusting Brahmin, which while being possibly more realistic would anyone really be desperate enough to use that thing for sustenance? However, I have a hunch he was just testing how far he could take the design though, and they'll end up using the safer, more canon brahmin in the deathclaw drawing.

I don't understand why people have problems with the cockroach. Is it really more ridiculous than a mantis? Plus, I always wondered where the cockroaches were, since after all this is the post-apocalypse and they're supposed to be the little guys who'll survive it.

I really recommend that anyone who thinks this art isn't "unified" or "consistent" (it's about as consistent as mutated post-apocalyptic 50s-era science of tomorrow style can be), or thinks that they like it but it "isn't fallout", read the comments by the artist on the actual website. He explains his process very well and maybe it'll help you appreciate the art more. Or maybe not. People have been complaining that the deathclaws are too skinny, or not skinny enough, so I'd say the art has hit the cynical sweet spot. I'm willing to bet a silhouette of one of these guys will match up exactly to any previous deathclaw models, so make of that what you will.

And if you think the art is "queer", well, darn.
Well, no one is denying that it's good artwork, it's just that some folks are desperate to see some shred of the essence of Fallout recaptured at this late stage. I will admit that, within the context of what Bethesda are trying to do with the series, it's great stuff, and I personally am willing to give their vision of the setting a fair go, but in terms of what we as fans recognise when we read the word 'Fallout', it doesn't quite hit the mark.

And, since we've already seen the super mutants in the screenshots that have been released, it doesn't look like any great changes have been made to the character / creature concepts, so it would be reasonable to assume that the same goes for the rest of the things we see here. The proof, of course, will be in the pudding.